Beer Diet
Beer diet, contrary to prevailing stereotypes, a great way to lose weight and improve health
Among a wide variety of diet programs for weight lossa well-deserved place is taken by a beer diet. Beer - the most popular at all times, a foamy drink containing a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements. But, unfortunately, it contains a lot of calories, which gave rise to a lot of myths and mistaken stereotypes.
Is it possible to lose weight on beer ^
The opinion that the beer is getting better is very common, there is even a concept - beer belly, which supposedly invariably appears in fans of foamy drink.
But, nevertheless, the effective effective dietary method of losing weight, based on the use of beer, beloved by many slimming, completely refutes this error by its results.
In fact, there is not more calories in beer than in milk. And the intoxicating drink itself has a pronounced diuretic effect and removes excess fluid from the body.
To excess kilograms does not lead the beer itself, but the tradition to consume it with salty and high-calorie foods. Salted or smoked fish, sausages, cheese, chips, crackers, and even with dyes and preservatives, health benefits and figures, to put it mildly, will bring little.
In addition, a large amount of salt suppresses the diuretic effect and delays the drunk fluid in the body. As a result, excess weight and the same tummy appear, in which the beer is completely and inappropriately accused. Drink, if you drink it properly, has properties that will reduce weight. The main thing is to exclude products that prevent him from showing his useful qualities.
Advantages of beer :
- Drink it is accepted to use cold. In this case, most of the beer calories will be spent on warming.
- Beer has a good diuretic effect - the liquid does not stay in the body, which is very important when losing weight.
- If you do not seize it with the usual calorie snacks and completely eliminate salt, it will not lead to the appearance of extra pounds.
- Drinking an intoxicating drink speeds up the metabolism, especially given that the beer diet allows only low-calorie foods.
- Beer perfectly satiates, improves digestion, soothes the nervous system and lowers cholesterol.
- Malt enriches beer with useful ingredients. It contains virtually all the B vitamins and ascorbic acid. Of 1 liter of beer, the body receives half the daily amount of phosphorus and magnesium, a sufficient amount of potassium, many soluble dietary fiber.
- Brewer's yeast is rich in iron, selenium, chrome, copper and other elements.
From all that has been said, it can be concluded that a healthy person with a quality drink and a diet program based on it will only benefit.
However, there are some limitations to the reception of beer, which should be taken into account when choosing a dietary method:
- Do not forget that it contains alcohol ethanol, which can form a beer dependence. So, you can not use it all.
- Abuse of alcohol has a negative impact on health, so always and in everything you need to observe the measure.
- Beer can not be consumed by minors, pregnant, lactating mothers.
- People who are behind the wheel can forget about it. Contraindications are cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases.
Beer Diet: Menu for 7 days ^
If there are no contraindications to taking an amber drink, you can experience the action of a beer diet on yourself. It is designed for a week, at most, two. During slimming, oil, sugar and salt are excluded completely. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of plain water a day.
Menu for 7 days
1 day
- The whole daily ration will be 2 half liter bottles of intoxicating drink and 100 grams of buckwheat porridge. Buckwheat is cooked on the water. If the scab is scalded with boiling water and then boiled for 1 minute and wrapped to steam, it will perfectly preserve all the nutrients.
2 day
- In addition to a liter of beer, there will be a piece of boiled or baked chicken( 100 gr.)
3 day
- The menu of this day will be a liter of foam drink and a one-piece piece of lean meat.
4 day
- Still drinking a liter of foamy drink. A snack to it will be fish, but not dried, but cooked on a steamed and salt-free diet, like all the products of this diet. Fruit and vegetable day.
.You can consume them in unlimited quantities. Liter of drink.
Day 6
- This day only one and a half liters of beer is drunk.
Day 7
- The closing day is unloading. During the day, drinking water, you can drink mineral, without gas.
Here's a diet from a beer belly. If during the diet it is difficult to cope with the feeling of hunger, it is permissible to drink black coffee and beat the appetite with a bit of bitter chocolate( 30 grams).
Reviews, results and useful tips for beer diet ^
According to the weight loss, with strict adherence to the diet for a week it is quite real to lose about 5 kilograms of excess weight. However, do not get carried away by beer technique for more than 2 weeks and do not forget that beer is still an alcoholic beverage and the consequences of its continued use may not be positive. Without damage to health, a beer diet program can be repeated after 2 months of adequate nutrition.
At observance of beer diet it is necessary to consider useful advice or councils grown thin and experts:
- Results of beer diet will please, if the drink will be natural and excellent quality. It should be borne in mind that only fresh "live" product possesses useful properties, without preservatives and other additives.
- In addition, it must be very cold and stored on the top shelf of the refrigerator.
- When compiling a daily diet, it must be taken into account that the caloric content of beer is also different and depends on the variety. So, beer containing degrees has 45 kcal per 100 gr, and the calorie content of a soft drink is much lower and is only 17 kcal per 100 gr. Therefore, non-alcoholic you can drink and a half liter or additionally include in the diet vegetable salads.
- To the lost pounds did not return back, at the end of weight loss you can not relax and immediately attack the food. The body is still working in a saving mode. It is especially important to observe food restrictions for the first 3 days.
- To add products not used during the dietary program, you need to gradually and not more than one name per day. You can repeat the weekly menu of beer diet, but instead of beer include fresh or steamed vegetables and increase the amount of fish and meat.
- Then it will be enough to choose a balanced diet for yourself and observe the restrictions in the use of fat, sweets and salt. Food should be rich in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
- You should not use sandwiches as snacks. They perfectly replace unsweetened fruits and bran.
- Once a week you need a fasting day. It's kefir, fruit or just mineral water.
- Well, doing sports will never interfere with harmony.
Reviews about beer diet, mostly positive. It is fairly easy to tolerate, and you want to eat no more than on any other diet. The loss of 5 kilograms per week is far from the limit, many argue that they managed to lose up to 10 kilograms.
From all this you can draw a logical conclusion that the beer diet really works and you should definitely try it.
We also recommend to watch a video of the video with useful advice of nutritionists on the three best days of release that help to lose weight quickly and effectively: