Diet of Aphrodite
Diet of Aphrodite: reviews and results of losing weight
DietAphrodite is an effective method of weight correction, consisting of three menu options: Greek, vegetable and seafood.
Aphrodite diet for weight loss: features, health benefits ^
For those who are interested in how Anastasia Stotskaya lost weight, the singer herself opened the veil of mystery: traveling through the cities of Greece, she learned from local residents that there is a special Greek diet for cucumbersand goat cheese.
Using this technique, Anastasia was pleasantly surprised by the result: she managed to throw 12 kilograms. The benefit of the Aphrodite diet is that it has a beneficial effect not only on weight, but also on the beauty of a woman: it strengthens nails and hair, promotes skin rejuvenation. Also vitamins and minerals contained in foods improve the work of the supporting and cardiovascular systems.
In contrast to the previous version, the Mediterranean diet of Aphrodite is considered more diverse, since its menu contains a large number of seafood, which have a positive effect on the entire body.
The essence of Aphrodite's diet from Stotskaya is limited consumption of carbohydrates, which contribute to the formation of fat stores, and with such nutrition the body begins to split them independently.
Pros and cons of the Aphrodite diet
The obvious pluses of all three diets are:
- The lack of a strong sense of hunger;
- High efficiency;
- A small number of contraindications.
From the minuses can only be distinguished that monotonous food can not stand each, and in some cases it is completely prohibited:
- During pregnancy and lactation;
- In diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- In adolescence;
- During the postoperative period.
How much can you lose on the diet of Aphrodite
Using any of the three rations, it will be possible to lose up to 12 kg for 1 week, since its daily calorific value does not exceed 1300 Kcal.
Which products should not be used in all menus:
- Cereals, potatoes;
- Fruit, sweets;
- Nuts;
- All carbohydrate ingredients for dishes.
Aphrodite diet: menu, rules, popular recipes ^
Aphrodite diet: the menu, the best recipes for weight loss
Basic rules for the diet of Aphrodite:
- When dizziness and weakness appear, you should stop the diet or find the most suitable option;
- During active weight loss, it is necessary to drink a lot of liquid - at least 1.5 liters of water a day, and do not forget about green and herbal tea - they are important.
Aphrodite diet: 7 days menu
If you want to reduce weight by 7-8 kilograms as soon as possible, you should resort to the help of the marine menu of Aphrodite. It looks something like this:
- We drink on an empty stomach warm water with lemon juice;
- We have lunch with vegetable salad with beans, drink green tea or juice;
- We dine with seafood salad and vegetable garnish;
- Snacking a piece of cheese, if desired, we drink a glass of red wine;
- We dine with boiled fish with olives, as well as vegetable salad.
Aphrodite diet with goat cheese and cucumbers
The most stringent option for weight loss limits the intake of food to two foods - cucumbers and cheese for two weeks:
- Daily eat 1 kg of fresh cucumber and 300-400 g of cheese;
- Make a salad from these ingredients.
Aphrodite's Diet from Anastasia Rack
The third mode of nutrition means eating only vegetables with a low carbohydrate content for 3-4 days:
- In the morning we are eating a salad with cucumber, radish and lettuce, we drink a cup of green tea;
- We have a snack with tomatoes;
- Lunch a salad of celery, eat 50 g of boiled chicken breast;
- We snack with cabbage salad;
- For dinner, choose any dish from fresh or stewed vegetables.
The best recipes of the Mediterranean diet of Aphrodite
Salad recipe with cheese and cucumbers
- Cut 300 g of fresh cucumbers, mix them with cottage cheese( 3 tsp);
- Mix with greens, season with olive oil;
- Top with cheese cubes.
Recipe for seafood salad
- Cut salad leaves, 2 eggs, a couple of cucumbers, mix all the ingredients;
- For filling we connect 4 tbsp.l.mayonnaise with cognac and ketchup( 2 tbsp each), add salt;
- Season the salad, stir.
Salad Recipe for Vegetable Diet
- Cook 100 g of beans, sliced Bulgarian pepper, cucumber, tomato and greens;
- Mix vegetables with beans, season with olive oil, pour lemon juice;
- We put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
Balanced Aphrodite diet for safe weight loss: testimonials, results, correct way ^
Doctors consider a more attractive and harmless version of the sea diet, but the cucumber and cheese food is unbalanced. They recommend using this method of weight loss, but in order to again not dial it, do not eat fat and carbohydrate food.
How to get out of the diet of Aphrodite Anastasia Stotskaya:
- Gradually introduce low-fat meat, it is better to give preference to chicken or turkey;
- When leaving the cheese-cucumber diet, gradually enter and greens;
- Continue to eat food from the menu, but increase the consumption of sour-milk products, meat and oat bran.
The results of the Aphrodite diet for healthy weight loss are just wonderful:
- Beautiful hair, skin and nails;
- Well-being;
- Weight reduction.
Reviews of losing weight on the Aphrodite diet of our regular readers are also very positive:
Angelina, 25 years old:
"I used the menu of Aphrodite with cucumbers and cheese. The first 3 days to eat so it was hard and unusual, but then it became noticeably easier. I was weighed daily, and the amount of weight lost in 2 weeks was 11 kilograms, which I was trying to achieve. "
Jeanne, 29:
" I love seafood, and decided to use the appropriate diet. The result did not have to wait long: for a week I dropped 6 kilograms, and now I calmly hold in my favorite dress. "
Lyudmila, 35 years old:
" I dropped 3.5 kg on the vegetable menu of the Aphrodite diet for 5 days, and I did not have to starve at all: I drank a lot of water and green tea, and when I wanted to eat - snacked cucumbers »