Diet on green tea and coffee
Diets on green coffee and tea contribute to weight loss andslow down the aging
Diets on green tea and coffee have become very popular today and have literally flooded the world wide web with a lot of proposals for the purchase of these products and their miraculous properties. How real they are, let's try to understand this article.
What are the advantages and benefits of green varieties of tea and coffee ^
Green tea is obtained from the same tea bush as a normal variety. Only the methods of processing the raw materials differ - this variety is obtained in the process of fermentation( oxidation).
This drink has great benefits for those who want to lose weight:
- its diuretic properties contribute to the active removal of excess fluid from the body;
- polyphenols, present in it in excess, enhance the heat exchange process, which is activated by the processing of fatty deposits;The
- property to lower blood sugar levels helps suppress the feeling of hunger and allows you to eat up less food.
Diet green tea is very useful also not only for weight loss, but also health. After all, this drink is very rich in antioxidants, slowing down the aging of the body, normalizes blood pressure, prevents the development of inflammatory processes. In addition, tea - the biostimulator is not worse than coffee, but much more delicate. When it is used, the walls of blood vessels strengthen, acquiring greater elasticity and conductivity.
This drink is very well used for weight reduction in combination with other equally useful products. Popular, for example, diet rice and green tea - rice, of course, is meant brown, dietary, on such a diet, by the way, successfully lose weight to a geisha.
No less interesting option - a green tea diet with milk. The combination of these ingredients enhances the mutual action of each other and increases the effectiveness in case of slimming. Milk moth cleanses the kidneys, removes excess fluid, accelerates metabolism and all this leads to an active discharge of excess kilograms.
But the diet with green coffee has gained its popularity in our country not so long ago. Its main difference from a black analogue is a higher content of special substances that affect the general state of the body - tannins. They are also capable of improving blood circulation and activating the activity of the brain, which positively affects the attention and memory of a person. Caffeine in this product is much less than in black coffee, which makes it safer for health.
Slimming on coffee contributes to the high content of chlorogenic acid in it, which has the property to interfere with the absorption of incoming cholesterol and fat in the body and remove from it already accumulated stock of fatty deposits, transferring them into an energy charge. In addition, chlorogenic acid accelerates the metabolic process as a whole. It is also believed that for weight loss, green coffee is more effective than tea.
This drink is also often taken in combination with various additional ingredients. The most popular diet was coffee with ginger - this spice significantly enhances the properties of the coffee itself and makes its useful composition much more diverse and valuable.
Diets on green tea and coffee for weight loss: menus and recipes ^
Japanese diet with green tea
Among the slimming is very common malouglevodnaya Japanese diet. Its duration is 14 days, during which you can lose about 6 - 7 extra pounds. Tea in it should only be used Japanese varieties, not more than 1.5 liters per day.
The menu of this weight loss program is as follows:
Days 1 and 14:
- breakfast: Japanese tea, 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
- lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 300 grams of stewed cabbage, apple juice;
- dinner: 200 grams of white fish vegetable salad or just vegetables, steamed.
Days 2 and 13:
- breakfast: Japanese tea, fresh biscuits or toast, 2 slices of hard cheese;
- lunch: steamed fish, cabbage;
- dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 300 grams lean meat, vegetable salad.
Days 3 and 12:
- breakfast: Japanese tea drink, fresh biscuits;
- lunch: stew of cauliflower and zucchini, apple;
- dinner: 2 boiled eggs, boiled beef, vegetable salad with low glycemic index.
Days 4 and 11:
- breakfast: Japanese tea, 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
- lunch: boiled egg, boiled carrots, seasoned with butter and sour cream;
- dinner: fruit.
Days 5 and 10:
- breakfast: toast with jam or jam, tea;
- lunch: boiled white fish, tomato juice;
- dinner: vegetable salad with grated cheese.
Days 6 and 9
- breakfast: Japanese tea drink, crackers:
- lunch: boiled chicken, white cabbage;
- dinner: 2 eggs, salad from boiled carrots.
Days 7 and 8:
- breakfast: Japanese tea, 2 slices of hard cheese;
- lunch: steamed vegetables, boiled beef;
- dinner: fruit.
In all meals, you can add a Japanese tea drink, but no more than a regulated daily volume. Repeat this diet can be no more than once a quarter.
Diet rice and green tea
This method of weight loss is based on the inclusion in the menu, except for basic foods, milk. Diet is calculated for 5 days, it is slightly monotonous, but it gives excellent results.
- in the morning - 2 cups of milking( 1: 1);
- in the afternoon - a portion of boiled rice without salt, a glass of warm milk;
- in the evening - also rice without salt, a glass of milk.
- It is very important to observe the correct drinking regime - at least 2 liters of water per day.
Diets with green coffee
The main point in the methods of weight loss, based on coffee - is the frequency of its use. Typically, coffee should be drunk daily for 1 to 2 months, and then to maintain weight repeat the diet seven days a month.
The approximate menu of a diet with the use of coffee can be the following:
- breakfast: scrambled eggs with tomato slices and bell pepper, a cup of coffee with lemon;
- lunch: a slice of whole grain bread and low-fat cheese;
- lunch: broth, vegetable or chicken, a portion of stewed chicken or lean beef, vegetable salad, a cup of coffee;
- dinner: baked fish, salad, a cup of coffee with honey;
- at night: a glass of low-fat kefir.
Use of green tea and coffee in fasting days
- Unloading days on curd and green tea. To comply with them, you need 0.5 kg of low-fat cottage cheese, a tea drink and, possibly, a mineral without gas. The entire volume of food is divided into several receptions. Not less useful not only for weight loss, but also for heart health, unloading days on tea and apples.
- Green tea with honey and lemon is a great way to strengthen immunity. These two products perfectly complement each other and are used to prevent many diseases. If you brew to yourself every day and drink this drink in the evenings, you can well cleanse your body of toxins and normalize the metabolism. All this will positively affect the discharge of accumulated excess kilograms.
- Green tea with milk. If you take such a drink during the day, it will promote a faster discharge of extra pounds, even without a special diet. In a tea drink, you can simply add milk, and you can brew on it. To do this, take a liter of milk, warm up to about 80 degrees and fall asleep there 2 tsp.welding.
- Green coffee with ginger promotes active fission of fats. And if you consider that coffee reduces blood glucose, and ginger also stimulates the metabolism in the body, then this combination becomes an excellent means of combating excess kilograms.
- Green tea with ginger. For its preparation in teapot add thinly chopped parts of the root of ginger. The best remedy is just a fresh drink, brewed immediately before consumption.
Reviews and results of losing weight on green coffee and tea ^
According to nutritionists, these diets are not as fast as others, but they do less harm to the body than the severe dietary restrictions adopted in traditional methods of losing weight. On average, a good result is the loss of 5 extra pounds per month of compliance with a tea or coffee diet.
Reviews about the diet on green tea is very positive, all nutritionists recognize the usefulness of this drink for the body and its effectiveness. Of course, there are contraindications to its use. It is very cautious to drink it should people suffering from gastritis, ulcer, colitis or duodenitis. It can not be used by hypertensive patients, as well as people with joint diseases, such as rheumatism, arthritis, gout.
A lot of enthusiastic reviews have a diet for coffee. The first results of weight loss on it become noticeable two weeks after switching it into your diet. The important point is that you only need to buy a drink with reliable hands, since numerous reviews of the green coffee diet show that there are a lot of speculations on it, namely, on its quality.
This diet program is not recommended for those who have difficulty with sleeping, has cardiac disorders, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, high nervous excitability. It must also be remembered that coffee belongs to diuretic products and its excessive use can lead to significant dehydration of the body.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: