Nut Diet
Nut diet helps to lose weight, strengthen immunity and improve skin condition
Nuts have always and everywhere been considered one of the mostfavorite and delicious treats. Despite the high calorie content, dietary nutrition can not be avoided without them. The most vivid example of the use of this product during weight loss is the nut diet.
Essence and benefits of a diet on nuts ^
Nuts, despite the excellent taste, are also an indispensable food that must be present in the diet of each person. They bring much more benefit to the human body than harm, thanks to the large amount of vegetable protein they contain.
As you know, it is absorbed by the body better than the animal. Unsaturated fats, also contained in nuts, accelerate the metabolism and participate in the formation of cells in the body.
Due to the presence of fat in nuts, there was an opinion that it is impossible to lose weight by eating them. But this hypothesis turned out to be erroneous, because dieticians have proved that the competent use of this product even helps to lose extra pounds. Protein, fatty acids and other useful substances make it a product that satisfies the hunger for a long time and supplies the body with energy.
Nuts are a unique product, as they help not only lose weight, but also strengthen immunity, get rid of depression, improve skin condition and rejuvenate it. All this is due to the presence of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, selenium, plant sterols, antioxidants, iron, zinc and calcium, as well as fatty acids.
In addition, eating nuts helps reduce cholesterol, improve heart function and even prevent cancer. Arginine fibers, with which they are rich, contribute to the expansion of the walls of blood vessels. This means that the risk of atherosclerosis is significantly reduced.
Like any other food product, nuts have some contraindications. To consume this product is not recommended for people with:
- Digestion problems, because they are quite difficult to digest;
- Allergies to nuts. Allergies should be careful, since even a small nut in a cake or ice cream can cause a strong reaction.
- Psoriasis or eczema, as some components contained in nuts can provoke or aggravate the disease.
- Diseases of the intestine, increased blood coagulability, problems with the pancreas.
- A predisposition to being overweight. Excessive use of nuts can lead to an increase in the liver.
- Some types of nuts are contraindicated in the following diseases: almonds - at a high heart rate, and hazelnuts - for diabetes and liver diseases.
Certainly, all kinds of nuts are healthy, but scientists say that the most effective during weight loss are hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, and they need to be consumed in small quantities.
Nut diet: 10 days menu and popular varieties ^
Nut diet program is divided into several types. The most popular and effective is the 10-day walnut dietary technique, as a result of which you can lose up to 3 kg of excess weight, cleanse the body and improve its overall condition.
Before starting the nut system for weight loss, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the main rules of the technique:
- First of all, it is necessary to exclude from the diet sweet and floury, replacing these products with dried fruits in combination with nuts, as well as greens and vegetables.
- You also need to eat cereals, drink juices and compotes without sugar.
- The main principle of the 10-day nut loss program is the replacement of animal protein with vegetable, as well as limiting the portion of food to 250 g.
The following are options for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner, which can be combined for 10 days.
Menu for 10 days
Breakfast options:
- Salad made from tomatoes, almonds and arugula, seasoned with olive oil, coffee, cooked without cream and sugar.
- A small slice of pizza with tomatoes, green pepper, goat cheese and chopped cashew nuts.
- Cottage cheese casserole with almonds, sprinkled with orange sauce, green tea without sugar.
Lunch options:
- Soup made from potatoes, fennel, lettuce, ground nuts and a drop of olive oil, freshly squeezed tomato, pumpkin juice.
- Tomato soup with basil, salad with fried potatoes, lettuce, drinking yogurt.
- Salad of mushrooms and chopped nuts seasoned with sour cream, a little dried fruit and fruit juice.
Option for snacks:
- A small portion of nuts with raisins. Nuts and a green apple.
- Dates and any kind of nuts.
Dinner options:
- Oatmeal, boiled on water, green herbal tea from chamomile, lemon balm.
- Light salad with carrots and sour cream, a drink from dried fruits.
- Salad of cheese and spinach with olive oil, chilled karkade tea.
In addition to the 10-day nut method, there are a number of weight loss programs that include the addition of various types of nuts in the diet:
- The walnut diet is considered useful for weight reduction and stabilization, despite the high caloric value of the product. It is proved that the content of high-quality protein promotes fat loss and muscle growth, and unsaturated fats lead the body to saturation and suppress appetite. The daily product rate is 1-2 tablespoons.per day.
- The peanut butter diet has not only a dietary, but also a fortifying effect. For the effectiveness of this system, 3 to 4 spoons of peanuts should be consumed per day, and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. The daily energy value of products should not exceed 1500 kcal.
- Cashew diet means consuming 100 g of nuts and kefir for 3 days. The share of cashews is 30 g, the remaining 70 grams are other nuts.
- Apple-nut diet refers to short-term methods and lasts no more than 3 days. During the program for weight loss, you need to eat three kinds of nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds, alternating between them, as well as apples and apple juice.
- Fruit and nut diet is similar to the walnut-apple method, but you can use not only apples, but also other acidic and sweet-sour fruit. The share of fruits in the daily diet is 2/3, nuts - 1/3.
- Honey-nut diet also refers to the fastest variants. During the program, honey should be used in combination with nuts. In addition, you can prepare a nut-honey mixture that will give a boost of energy and strengthen health.
- Nut diets for weight gain is effective when using nuts in large quantities than is provided. However, this method should be treated with caution, as excessive use of this product can trigger a variety of diseases.
- Nutritional diet for men is ideal, as including this product in the diet can significantly increase muscle mass and significantly reduce fat.
Reviews and results of the nut diet ^
To save the results of the nut diet and not to harm your health, resort to such a method for losing weight is not more often than once in 3 months. Positive feedback about the slimming program based on nuts indicates its effectiveness and easy portability. The average results of weight loss on the nut diet, according to the slimmer, are usually about 4 - 5 kilograms of excess weight per week.
We also recommend you to watch a video of the video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help to lose weight quickly and effectively: