Salt Free Diet
salt-free diet promotes weight loss, and restores the water - salt balance
salt-free diet is inherently a very simpleand practically does not require the introduction of any food restrictions in the diet. From the use it will be necessary to remove only salt - in whole or in part, depending on which type of diet will be chosen - strict or sparing.
Harm and benefits of salt-free or low-salt food: medical opinion ^
Salt( sodium chloride) is an important element necessary for human life. Sodium is found in most human tissues - in extracellular fluid, in cartilage, bones, in cells.
It is also included in the composition of blood, bile, cerebrospinal fluid, gastric juice, is involved in the maintenance of the acid - base balance of the body and is the basic link water - salt exchange.
In turn, chloro participates in the breakdown of fats in the formation of gastric juice, is a stimulant of the central nervous system and the reproductive system of a human, stimulates the removal of urea from the body and bone formation. The bulk of chlorine is contained in the extracellular fluid and blood.
In the increased consumption of salt the residents of hot countries need it most. In a cold climate, the intensity of water-salt metabolism decreases, so the demand for this element decreases. Requires more salt body during physical exertion and for quenching, for example, experts recommend to accept not distilled, and mineral water.
The lack of salty products disrupts the electrolyte balance in the body and helps to remove important microelements from it. But the excess of salt in food is also harmful and even dangerous. This contributes to increasing the body's need for fluid, and then to its retention in cells. As a consequence, there is a metabolic disorder, the load on the cardiovascular system and the kidneys increases.
It is necessary to add salt to food, as its composition is not sufficient in the composition of natural products. But do it with the mind. After all, salt promotes the release of juices from products, strengthens the cell membranes and blocks the transfer of important substances into the decoction.
Therefore, the basic rules of food salting following:
- both liquid and semi-liquid food salt almost before the readiness - for 10-20 minutes before end of cooking;
- meat is salted moderately: stewed for 10 min.until ready, fried - for 3 minutes, on the spit - at the end;
- fish, on the contrary, are salted profusely and before cooking;
- vegetables fried salted in the end, and salads - before the meal itself;
- different pasta, vareniki, dumplings and cereals are always salted at the beginning of cooking.
The salt-free menu is usually recommended by physicians for a number of diseases - cardiovascular, inflammatory, as well as kidney failure. With obesity and excess weight, a salt-free diet is never prescribed, especially if they are caused by the simple unrestrained appetite of a person.
Unsalted food very poorly satiates and has an unpleasant taste, which causes an even greater desire of the slimming to eat something forbidden and contributes to a breakdown from the dietary program, and even the development of bulimia.
A strict salt-free diet is usually used for advanced chronic forms of diseases. In other cases, minimal salting is allowed. For example, if there is a desire only to get rid of edema, then a sparing low-salinity diet is best.
There are also a number of contraindications to salt-free diets:
- is unequivocally not used as a means of losing weight by pregnant and lactating women;
- can not be used by people engaged in heavy physical labor;
- is contraindicated in such a food system for cores, allergies, people with liver and kidney disease;
- with increased cholesterol to it, too, should be treated with caution.
But with the correct application of this method of losing weight, doctors note that it allows not only to throw off excess pounds, but also to rejuvenate the body, cleanse its toxins, restore water-salt metabolism. Too often it is not recommended to switch to an unsalted diet - it is enough to use it only a few times a year and only for a regulated length of time.
Salt Diet: 7 and 14 Days Menu ^
A salt-free diet as a weight loss technique has a number of specific rules( as a curative it will have other limitations):
- all dishes should be prepared without salting, you can add a little salt to the prepared food;
- per day should be at least 4 - 5 meals, always in small portions;
- to finish the meal follows with a sense of a little hunger.
The following products are accepted:
- wheat and rye bread;
- fish and vegetable soups;
- lean meat and fish;
- vegetables: cucumbers, cabbage, radish, zucchini, beans, tomatoes;
- carrots, potatoes, beets;
- fruit and berries;
- dried fruits;
- eggs;
- oil;
- lactic acid products, low-fat cottage cheese;
- teas, kissel.
Completely excluded from the menu: pasta, cereals, sugar, buns, watermelons, bananas, grapes, spices, smoked products, sausages, sour and spicy dishes. An alternative to salt can be onions, peppers, garlic, lemon juice, various spices. However, substitutes are not allowed for use in patients with diabetes mellitus and kidney diseases.
If you strictly adhere to these rules, then for 7 days of compliance with such a diet you can get rid of edema and lose up to 5 kg of excess weight.
Sample menu for the day can be as follows:
- breakfast - tea with milk, cottage cheese, salt-free bread or carrot salad with sour cream and cracker;
- lunch - baked apple or boiled egg;
- lunch - potato-mushroom soup or boiled chicken breast, tomato salad, apple charlotte;
- afternoon snack - saltless bread with a small layer of jam, broth of wild rose or one fruit with yogurt;
- dinner - boiled potatoes, deciduous salad with dressing from low fat yogurt, curd cream with fruits. You can make fish for a couple with a vegetable garnish;
- at night: a glass of yogurt or kefir.
A more rigorous version of salt-free mono-diet for 15 days may be offered:
- 3 days - chicken meat( better breast) without fat and skin, boiled or baked in the oven - 500 g per day;
- 3 days - lean fish steamed, boiled or baked in the oven - 500 g per day;
- 3 days - porridge boiled on the water, better buckwheat, oatmeal or pearl barley - 200 g per day;
- 3 days - boiled vegetables( except potatoes) - up to 2 kg per day;
- 3 days - fresh fruit( except bananas and grapes) - up to 2 kg per day.
It is also necessary to drink plenty of water - up to 2 liters daily.
Popular varieties of salt-free diets ^
Nonsolar weight loss techniques have many varieties.
Japanese salt-free diet
Very strict and rigid is the Japanese salt-free diet program, designed for 7 days. According to reviews, it can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight. The menu is as follows:
Day One:
- breakfast - a cup of coffee without sugar;
- dinner - a salad of fresh carrots, 2 boiled eggs;
- dinner - the same salad and boiled or fried fish.
Day two:
- breakfast - a cup of coffee without sugar, a slice of rye bread;
- lunch - 200 g of boiled fish, cabbage salad, 1 raw egg;
- dinner - apples.
Day three:
- breakfast - a cup of coffee without sugar;
- dinner - fresh carrot salad, 1 raw egg;
- dinner - apples. Day Four:
- breakfast - a cup of coffee without sugar, a slice of rye bread;
- lunch - zucchini, fried in vegetable oil;
- dinner - 2 boiled eggs, 200 g lean beef, cabbage salad.
Day Five:
- breakfast - a salad of grated raw carrots, seasoned with lemon juice;
- lunch - boiled fish, tomato juice;
- dinner - apples.
Day Six:
- breakfast - a cup of coffee without sugar, a slice of rye bread;
- lunch - 0.5 boiled chicken, carrot and cabbage salad;
- dinner - 2 boiled eggs, a salad of carrots.
Day 7:
- breakfast - a cup of green tea;
- dinner - boiled beef, fruit;
- dinner - any option from the previous.
There is also a two-week version of this weight loss program.
Chinese salt-free diet
You can try the Chinese version of salt-free technique, which lasts 14 days and involves fractional meals. Salt is completely excluded.
- morning: a cup of black coffee;
- in the afternoon and evening: boiled or steamed veal or fish, eggs, fresh vegetables.
- Drink allowed mineral water without gas, fermented( 1 glass) or tomato juice.
The saltless rice diet
This option is longer - within a month the morning will begin with a portion of soaked pre-rice. It is prepared as follows:
- is washed with 2 tbsp.rice and pour them a glass of water.
- After 24 hours, they are washed again and poured, and so they do 4 days in a row.
- On the fifth day the product can be eaten.
- On the second day, also begin to prepare a serving of rice on the second day of the diet, etc.
The rest of the menu consists of vegetables, fruits, berries, dried fruits, berries, low-fat varieties of meat and fish, dairy products. For 30 days on such a diet you can feel the loss of 10 extra pounds.
We also recommend that you read the Diet on green tea and coffee. The protein-free protein dietThe protein-free salt-free technique is considered to be the most complex:
- fried, smoked, pickled, spicy dishes are completely excluded;
- vegetable oil can only be included in prepared meals;
- it is important to observe the correct water regime - drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters per day;
- eat boiled low-fat meat and fish, pearl barley, buckwheat;
- so that the food does not seem too fresh, you can add a little milk, honey or lemon juice to it;
- at the final stage in the diet, vegetables and fruits are introduced( up to 2 kg daily).
A number of special therapeutic dietary diets without the use of salt have been developed. Demanded is often a salt-free diet for pregnant women, which allows you to fight with edema that threatens future moms with gestosis and placental abruption. A salt-free diet for hypertension is often prescribed by doctors with disease 2 and 3 stages.
We also recommend to watch a video of the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: