Beet Diet
Beet diet balanced and safe
Beet diet refers to programs that are balanced in their own waycomposition and aimed at healthy weight loss.
This diet is especially popular due to the fact that it allows you to lose excess weight not quickly, but evenly, which is an important factor for those who seek to minimize possible harmful risks from compliance with any method of losing weight and make the most of them for their body.
The essence and benefits of a beet diet ^
The advantage of a beet diet over others is the availability of a large amount of betaine, a substance that causes the oxidation of fat cells and destroys them, which leads to rapid fat burning. Betaine is beneficial to the body even as a separate food supplement. It very effectively normalizes metabolism and promotes better absorption of protein foods.
Another valuable component of beet is a powerful natural antioxidant called curcumin. If betaine helps to get rid of excess kilograms, then curcumin prevents their accumulation. Polyphenol curcumin has the property of suppressing the growth of blood vessels in newly formed fat cells, which gradually leads to their death and prevents the growth of the fat layer in the body.
In addition to these two components, the beet composition also abounds with a lot of other very useful substances:
- Firstly, this fiber is oxalic, citric, apple, all those that contribute to very effective weight loss, regulate appetite and normalize the digestive tract. The presence of other organic acids that are positive for the body( folic, gamma-amine) is also important in maintaining women's health and stimulating the work of the brain.
- Secondly, it is pectin, which activates the metabolic processes of the body and contributes to the removal of toxins and toxins from it.
- Thirdly, this is a large set of useful vitamins and minerals: Groups A, B, C, PP, iodine, cobalt, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. All of them, on the whole and individually, have a positive effect on the immunesystem of a person, which becomes important during a period of increased weight loss.
- In addition, vitamins C and B9 contribute to the prevention of anemic conditions and the replenishment of a deficiency of red blood cells in the blood, thereby enhancing the overall lymph flow in the body and removing from it various toxins, salts, fat oxidation products - all that actively contributes to gaining excess weight.
Beets are invariably included in many medical dishes. It is recommended to enter in the menu for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver. Very well removes beets excess fluid from the body. And removing excess water, we thereby remove the extra pounds.
This root is well combined with a wide variety of products - vegetables, fruits, nuts, salads, first, second courses, snacks, mousses, drinks - anything. That is why the beet diet is the choice of a true gourmet and culinary connoisseur.
Beet Diet: 7 days menu ^
Before proceeding with a beet diet, it is worthwhile to know a few nuances of choosing the products to comply with it:
- It is worth giving preference to root crops with a more saturated color - this is directly related to the beneficial properties of the vegetable for the body.
- You can not eat beetroot with white circles on slices - all its positive qualities are already minimized.
- When preparing a vegetable for food, it is recommended to cut only the top part of the foliage, the same half that has a burgundy color, is also very rich in vitamins and can be used in cooking delicious dishes.
Beet diet for 7 days is considered very effective and gives the opportunity to lose up to 7 kg of excess weight for the entire period of its compliance.
The menu of this diet program will look like this:
- breakfast - grated beetroot;
- dinner - salad from boiled beets and carrots;
- dinner - grated beetroot + meat or fish.
- breakfast - grated beetroot;
- dinner - a salad of boiled beets and carrots;
- dinner - grated beetroot + meat or fish.
- breakfast - grated raw beet + yogurt with a fat content of 2.5%;
- lunch - boiled carrots + boiled beef;
- dinner - beetroot with sour cream of low fat content.
- breakfast - grated beetroot;
- lunch - boiled beet + fish;
- dinner - buckwheat or rice porridge.
- breakfast - salad of grated raw beets and carrots;
- lunch - boiled beets + chicken white meat;
- dinner - a glass of kefir 1%.
- breakfast - grated beetroot + boiled rice or buckwheat;
- dinner - white cabbage;
- dinner - grated beetroot with carrots + meat or fish.
- breakfast - apple + prunes;
- lunch - buckwheat;
- dinner - grated beets with carrots + meat or fish.
Despite the considerable rigor of this method of losing weight, it includes the necessary balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. When you leave the diet, try to keep a low calorie of your diet and avoid fatty foods whenever possible.
Cleansing and losing weight on beet kvass by Bolotov ^
The fact that beets can be cooked in a variety of ways know, of course, everything. It is boiled, fried, steamed, squeezed out juices. But not everyone knows that this root can also be used as a basis for the creation of kvass. But beet kvass as a life-giving and youthful drink was popular in Ancient Rus in the X-XI centuries. AD
Beet kvass, prepared according to the recipe of academician Bolotov - a well-known scientist, author of numerous works on improving the body, is especially famous.
Beetroot kvass by Bolotov can be called with confidence "the elixir of youth".It is actively used to purify the intestine from toxins and toxins that cause serious disruptions in the functioning of the internal organs of the person and exacerbation of a wide variety of chronic diseases. Releasing the body of toxins allows it to effectively restore its strength and stimulate its ability to self-renew.
For the preparation of beet kvass in Bolotovu will need:
- red beet;
- purified water;
- 1 tsp.15% sour cream;
- pinch of mint.
Method of preparation:
- beets are cleaned, finely chopped. Fill it with 2/3 three-liter cans. Sour cream is added to the purified water( it is necessary for starting the process of fermentation fermentation).This water is filled with beet, until the cans are left free 2-3 cm. The dishes are covered with gauze and left in a warm place.
- Mold must be removed from the surface of this mixture every two days. On the 5th or 6th day in it usually precipitates, which is desirable to remove, so that the kvass is more pleasant to taste. To do this, kvass carefully poured into another bowl, and get rid of the sediment.
- Root crops are poured again with the merged solution and brought with fresh water to the original volume. Finally, the beet kvass will be ready for 10-12 days.
It is tightly closed and stored in a refrigerator. Drink 0.5 glasses twice a day before meals.
Beet kvass in Bolotova is an excellent tool for weight correction. It is well combined with diets, which, in turn, are accompanied by lymphatic drainage massage and sports exercises.
Beet kvass is very effective in the treatment of hypertension, purification of the liver and blood vessels. In the spring vitamin deficiency it helps well in the fight against fatigue, depression, actively charging a person with positive energy.
Reviews and results of the beet diet ^
Beet mono-diet refers to the category of fairly effective diet programs that allow you to lose an average of 1 kg of excess weight per day. At the same time, reviews about her are mostly positive. Beetroot dishes, which will become practically the only ones in your diet for a week, with properly organized cooking are very tasty and well satisfying hunger. Varied taste is good for various flavors like prunes, nuts or apples. The use of beets often contributes to improving the overall health of the hungry. In favor of the beet diet is also the availability of its main products and the ease of their preparation.
There are some drawbacks to the beet diet. Beet juice has an irritating effect on the stomach, and therefore this slimming program will not work for people with gastrointestinal diseases. It is not recommended for suffering kidney disease, as well as for diabetes mellitus.
We recommend to watch a video about the health benefits of beet: