  • Cherry Diet

    Read in the article:
    • Diet on the cherry for weight loss: the essence, benefits and features of
    • Cherry Diet: eating rules, menus, popular recipes
    • Cherry Diet for Weight Loss: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight

    Cherry Diet: reviews and results of losing weighton Cherry

    Cherry Diet is the most popular option for weight loss in the summer, when it is possible to purchase fresh berries in any store, or to collect them yourself.

    Diet on the cherry for weight loss: essence, benefits and features ^

    The main feature of the cherry diet for weight loss is the presence in the berries of a huge amount of potassium: it strengthens the muscles, soothes the nervous system and improves the skin condition.

    In addition to this element, cherries contain a lot of vitamins, organic acids and microelements that purify the kidneys, liver, intestines, remove toxins and slags, and break up fatty deposits.

    Thanks to just such properties it is possible to lose weight on a cherry in a short time and without harm to health. The advantages of a cherry diet are as follows:

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    • Delicious menu;
    • Efficiency;
    • Favorable effect on the body.

    There is one drawback: you can not eat cherries with stomach disease, tk.the acids contained in it can irritate it.

    How many kilograms is spent on the cherry diet

    In 100 g of berries contains only 52 kcal - this is a very low figure, so for 7 days of dietary nutrition can get rid of 5-7 kilograms of excess weight.

    Throughout the diet, you can eat any food, but from fried, flour, smoked and fatty foods must be discarded.

    Cherry diet: eating rules, menus, popular recipes ^

    Cherry Diet: the best recipes for weight loss with cherries

    Cherry Diet for 7 days

    In order to diversify this nutritious diet, you can sometimes eat cherries instead of cherries. For a week of such a regime it is possible to lose about 7 kg without experiencing hunger at the same time.

    The menu of the cherry diet for 7 days

    The first day:

    • We have breakfast with grapefruit and boiled egg, we drink cherry juice;
    • For lunch, mix pieces of fresh apples, cherries and grated carrots, pour low-fat cream, eat salad. We drink tea or coffee;
    • We dine with a glass of yogurt and toast, eat a handful of cherries.

    Second day:

    • For breakfast, fry eggs, eat 100 g of cherries and drink kefir;
    • We have dinner with one boiled potato, a slice of chicken breast. We drink juice from the cherry;
    • We have dinner with a fruit and vegetable salad, we drink a glass of cherry compote.

    The third day:

    • In the morning we eat vegetable salad and drink with cherry juice;
    • We have dinner with rice soup and boiled potatoes;
    • At dinner we eat 100 g of boiled fish, we drink kefir( 1 glass).

    Fourth day:

    • For breakfast we eat a couple of eggs, cherries( 300 g), we drink tea;
    • We have lunch with vegetable stew, low-fat boiled meat. We drink a glass of juice;
    • For dinner we prepare a salad of pieces of cherries and grated carrots, eat with a couple of boiled potatoes and wash down with cherry compote.

    Fifth day:

    • In the morning we eat 2 boiled eggs, we drink compote of cherries;
    • Lunch 100 g of boiled fish, three potatoes and a glass of kefir;
    • For dinner we eat a piece of low-fat meat, drink juice.

    The sixth day:

    • We repeat the menu of the third.

    The seventh day:

    • We have breakfast with cherry berries( 300 g), we drink unsweetened tea or coffee;
    • For lunch, we make a salad of vegetables, soup, cook potatoes and drink everything with cherry juice;
    • We have dinner with boiled potatoes and salad with cherries, we drink a glass of kefir. Cherry Diet: minus 5 kilograms

      For weight loss of 5 kg per week, a diet that includes cereals, vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, sour-milk drinks and juices is offered. All 7 days are carried very easily, without feeling hungry.

      Sample menu for the week:

      • We have breakfast with oatmeal porridge with pieces of cherry, we drink tea;
      • After a couple of hours we eat homemade yogurt with berries;
      • Lunch soup, vegetable salad, drink cherry juice
      • For a snack - a glass of juice from cherry;
      • We have dinner with fruit and berry salad, 100 g cottage cheese, we drink kefir.

      Diet on cherry juice

      This diet is slightly different from others in that cherry juice should be drunk for half an hour before each meal: it quenches your appetite and does not allow you to absorb calories - as a result, even in small portions you can eat up. To adhere to this regime, you can not more than a month in order to reduce weight by 5-7 kg.

      Approximate menu:

      • Breakfast with yoghurt and any fruit;
      • We snack with vegetable salad;
      • For lunch we eat soup and vegetable stew;
      • We snack cottage cheese( 100 g);
      • We dine with boiled vegetables and a couple of potatoes.

      Diet on cherry and cottage cheese

      For carrying out unloading days a couple of times a month this option fits best, and reduces weight values ​​by 1-2 kg.

      Discharge day menu:

      • We have breakfast with cottage cheese with pieces of cherry, seasoned with low-fat kefir( 1%);
      • After 2 hours, repeat;
      • We have dinner with a cherry cocktail: put berries in a glass of yogurt and beat it with a blender;
      • For a snack we eat 300 g of cherry;
      • Dinner is the same as breakfast.

      Diet on the frozen cherry

      This diet is one of the most stringent, because it contains only frozen cherries, yogurt, oatmeal and yogurt. The diet lasts 5 days - for such a period of time the weight decreases by 5-7 kg.

      Sample menu:

      • Lunching with frozen cherries( 100 g);
      • We have lunch with yoghurt and a few berries( 10 pcs.);
      • For dinner - only frozen cherries( 50 g).

      Diet on dried cherries

      Dried cherries are used not only in cooking, but also in diets: from it you can prepare fat-burning tea or eat in a pure form throughout the fasting day, which helps to lose 1.5-2 kg.

      • In the morning we pour 1 tbsp.l.cherries with boiling water, insist and drink tea, eat the remaining berries;
      • Divide 400 g of dry cherries for 4-5 servings, eaten during the day.

      Diet on the cherry jelly

      In 100 grams of kissel contains only 68 calories, so it can arrange days of unloading a couple of times a month in order to lose weight by 1-2 kg. For the whole day you need to drink no more than 1.5 liters of a drink.

      Recipe for cherry jelly:

      • My berries( 60 g), remove from them bones;
      • Squeeze juice from the cherry through the cheesecloth, put the container with it in the refrigerator;
      • Mashed berry we throw in boiling water, cook for 10 minutes;
      • We raise 10 g of potato flour in 40 g of chilled juice, throw into a boiling strained broth, add 1 tbsp.l.sugar and once again bring to a boil;
      • Remove from the plate, fill the remaining juice;
      • Stirring.
      We also recommend that you read the article Vitamin Diet.

      Cherry diet for weight loss: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^

      Nutritionists believe that a diet on cherries is completely safe and effective if you resort to it no more than 2-3 times a year, and fasting days do no more than 3 timesper month. In general, such a diet has a very positive effect on health, so there are no side effects when observing all the rules.

      Another important point is the correct way out of the cherry diet: if the diet was strict, then the amount of calories used daily should be increased gradually, and in no case should not eat fatty and high-calorie food, otherwise the weight will return to the previous channel. The results of the diet for weight loss on cherries are remarkable:

      • Significant improvement in well-being;
      • Strengthening of immunity;
      • Weight reduction;
      • Stabilization of metabolism and metabolism.

      Reviews about the cherry diet for losing weight to our regular readers are also very positive:

      Violet, 33 years:

      "I was helped very much by the diet on cherry jelly, when I had to quickly lose a couple of kg - did not fit in the dress. For one fasting day, I achieved the desired result, without experiencing the feeling of hunger, tk.drink is very satisfying »

      Irina, 25 years old:

      " For me, the diet on dried cherries seemed to be difficult - barely survived until the end of the day, so as not to destroy the entire contents of the refrigerator. I am happy only that my suffering was crowned with success - I lost almost 2 kilos "

      Vasilisa, 39 years old:

      " I would never have thought that the usual frozen cherries give such a result! Sitting on this diet, I managed to lose as much as 7 kilograms, which I could not do before! Despite the fact that it was difficult not to break, I was satisfied with this diet. »

      We also recommend to watch a video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help to lose weight fast and effectively: