Striped diet on yogurt
On a striped diet, you can lose weight, notrefusing the usual diet
The striped diet is a rather unusual way to lose weight.
It is not too exhausting and offers both a hard food option designed for people with a high degree of obesity, and a softer weight loss technique used for a small weight loss.
The essence and rules of "striped" nutrition, or "kefir in a day" ^
The basis of the striped diet lay the alternation of days on the usual diet with unloading days on kefir.
The benefits of kefir for weight loss are heard by everyone. It is due, first of all, to the low calorie content of the product, as well as its ability to well satisfy hunger and saturate the body.
Kefir is a source of lactic acid bacteria, normalizing the work of the intestines and cleansing the gastrointestinal tract from harmful and unprocessed food residues, thereby activating the digestive process and accelerating metabolism.
In fact, kefir is involved in the normalization of metabolism in the body, which often determines the cause of the appearance of extra pounds. In general, this sour-milk product has a very beneficial effect not only on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but also on the general state of human health.
Striped diet is a very effective method of losing weight. Its main advantage is that it does not become unnecessarily burdensome for the organism. During the first day of the striped diet, you can eat only low-fat kefir, and on the second you are allowed to eat almost everything that you are used to.
The weight on the striped feeding system does not decrease very quickly and this minimizes the probability of getting the body stress, and the result achieved has a certain stability and is not characterized by the rapid build-up of lost kilograms again.
The alternation of days based on the normal diet, with unloading allows you to reduce your calorie intake by about 45% per week, which stimulates active burning of subcutaneous fat in the body.
Another advantage of the striped diet is that it does not require the rejection of food habits that have developed in man. This allows the slimming to lead an active lifestyle and not feel exhausted, exhausted and physically, and morally.
Advantages of the striped diet can be expressed as follows:
- availability;
- efficiency;
- satiety;
- possibility of long-term use;
- is useful for the body as a whole.
There is only one serious drawback with this weight loss program: it is not suitable for those who tolerate dairy products badly.
In addition, there is a striped diet a number of contraindications. It is not recommended:
- to people with increased gastric acidity;
- suffering from chronic diseases;
- to people with diseases such as gout, rickets or rheumatism;
- for pregnant and lactating women.
Striped diet: menu for 10 - 14 days ^
The duration of the striped diet usually does not exceed 10 to 14 days, since such a "pendular" diet with prolonged use is not beneficial to the body and can seriously disrupt the entire metabolic system. There are two variants of the striped dietary technique: hard and soft.
Hard variant of the striped diet
A hard variant of the striped diet is usually offered to people who have significant deviations from normal weight. In order for weight loss to be more effective, this technique implies the introduction of restrictions on calorie intake during normal days. It is proposed to introduce a norm of daily calorie content of 1500 Kcal. Then the menu of the rigid striped diet will be as follows:
First day( unloading):
- During the whole day, only kefir 1% fat is consumed.1-1,5 liters of the drink is divided into several meals.
- Admission of other products on this day is prohibited, in addition you can only drink plain water or green tea.
The second day( usual):
- breakfast - 200 grams of porridge, a glass of low-fat kefir or 100 g of cottage cheese;
- lunch - 1 apple and a few nuts of almonds;
- lunch - 200 ml of chicken or vegetable soup, 150 grams of lean meat, vegetable salad or stewed cabbage;
- snack - 200 g of cottage cheese and some sweet fruit;
- dinner - 200 grams of low-fat fish, non-starchy vegetables.
The speed of loss of extra pounds will be more dependent on the diet on ordinary days. Therefore, it is best to build it on the principles of proper nutrition:
- Flour, fatty, salty, smoked foods should be limited in use.
- Porridge and sweet fruit eat usually in the morning.
- In the evening, preference is given to cottage cheese, cheese, vegetable dishes.
- Alcohol and carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited, sugar and sweets, too.
Mild version of the striped diet
You can take advantage of a softer version of the striped diet. From the previous, it will differ less restrictions imposed on the diet of the usual day. In fact, you can eat everything that is familiar to you.
The menu of a fasting day at the same time remains unchanged - 1-1.5 liters of low-fat kefir, taken throughout the day. Weight loss on such a diet will be slower, but striped weight loss technique does not require you to large sacrifices and rejection of your favorite foods.
Striped diet on yogurt: reviews, results, useful tips ^
On striped kefir diet for two weeks you can lose from 2 to 10 kg. It all depends on the diet in the inter-shipment days. In addition, the "record" results of the striped diet can be achieved only when its compliance is accompanied by serious physical activity. At the same time, the body needs to be loaded only on days that are free from kefir.
It is noticed that the weight on the striped diet goes away quickly only in the first days, and as the body becomes accustomed to such a power system, the loss of excess kilograms is braked or the weight stabilizes at all. Therefore, it is not recommended to stick to a striped diet for weight loss longer than two weeks, it is better to give the body a rest and a month later - one and a half to repeat first.
Reviews of the striped diet indicate that to fix the result achieved it is very important to correctly exit from it. Naturally, no "feasts for the belly" at the end of weight loss can not be arranged, so as not to nullify all efforts.
It is also necessary to revise your habitual diet in the direction of reasonable consumption of carbohydrate and fatty foods. In the opinion of nutritionists, it is useful to arrange a kefir unloading day once a week, it will help to keep the body always toned.
We also recommend watching a video about the properties of kefir and why it is not recommended to give children of the first year of life: