Fat Burning Diet
The fat burning diet helps to lose up to 5 kg per week and reduce the volume of
The fat burning diet is easya seven-day weight loss program, which aims to significantly reduce excess weight.
With strict adherence to the fat burning program for seven dietary days, you can perfectly tighten the body and give it slimness, get an aspen waist and elastic muscles.
Essence and Features of Weight Loss on a Fat Burning Diet ^
The essence of a fat burning diet consists of a set of low-calorie foods, divided into three groups: fruit with vegetables, carbohydrate and protein foods. The process of effective weight loss depends on the following circumstances:
- Foods included in the diet do not contribute to weight gain;
- Digestion of protein food consumes more energy in the body than necessary, and then consumption of own reserves begins in the form of fat deposits;
- Sour-milk, dairy products contribute to the improvement of the digestive system, supply the body with calcium, fortifying bone tissue, and hormone calcitriol, which forces cells to break down harmful fats;
- Fiber, found in fruits and vegetables, promotes active cleansing of the intestines.
When applying a fat burning diet, the following rules must be strictly observed:
- Morning and evening meals should include proteins, fruits or vegetables, and a portion of carbohydrates should be added for lunch and snack;
- Use up to two liters of liquid in the form of green and herbal tea or still water;
- For breakfast it is worth starting after a glass of liquid for an hour;
- Hot dishes should be stewed, steamed or cooked.
The list of dietary protein foods includes:
- Fish or seafood from 170 to 200 g;
- Beef, chicken, ham from 130 to 200 g;
- A pair of eggs and hard cheese from 60 to 80 grams;
- Lactic, milk drinks up to 120 ml, but in addition to them, half the portion of other protein foods;
- Nuts up to 30 gr.
Carbohydrate foods for the fat burning diet:
- Cabbage, cob of boiled corn, buckwheat, rice, pasta, lentils, peas or mashed potatoes - from 100 to 200 g;
- Slice of rye bread.
Fruit and vegetable fat-burning products:
- Dried fruits from 60 - 100 gr.;
- Berries, fruits from 200 - 250 g;
- Vegetable salads from 300 - 400 gr.;
- This group excludes beans, potatoes, corn, grapes and bananas.
The fat burning program has the following positive aspects:
- Over a week of adherence to the fat burning diet, the weight is excellent lower than 5 kg;
- Increases metabolism and improves metabolism;
- Intestine is perfectly cleansed of salts, poisons, toxins and other toxic substances.
However, the fat burning technique is contraindicated in kidney disease. The main feature of the fat burning diet for weight loss is that its menu is not strict, it can be made according to your desire.
Fat Burning Diet for Weight Loss: Menus and Features ^
Fat Burning Diet for Women
A fat burning diet for women for the day is approximately as follows:
- Morning: chicken boiled, kefir, carrot-apple salad, half a grapefruit;
- Lunch: cottage cheese with fruit, pasta with grated cheese;
- Snack: salad from eggs boiled, corn cob and apples;
- Evening: boiled chicken fillet, berry - fruit salad.
Fat Burning Diet for Men
Recently, men began to pay more attention to their weight and health. In order to lose weight, while improving their appearance, they begin to follow a diet or revise their diet. This fat burning technique allows men to lose superfluous body weight in a short period of time.
Approximate menu of fat burning dietary methods for men:
- Breakfast: beef boiled, pumpkin casserole;
- Lunch: pasta with fish, rye bread, vegetable salad;
- Snack: cabbage, kefir with peach pieces,
- Dinner: vegetable ragout with beef, pineapple juice.
Fat Burning Diet for Athletes
Dietary fat-burning food for athletes contains more protein products and fewer carbohydrates. For a more effective result, you should include coconut oil, spinach and oatmeal in the diet menu.
Sample menu for sports people:
- Breakfast: berry juice, a couple of eggs, cabbage salad with spinach;
- Lunch: kefir, apple;
- Lunch: oatmeal, fish, apple juice;
- Snack: fish salad, a slice of bread, a pineapple drink;
- Dinner: apple - pineapple juice, grapefruit, boiled shrimps.
Fat Burning Diet for Girls
The fat burning technique is ideal not only for a more mature female, male or female athlete, but also for young girls. The main thing is that the dietary intake of young people is more vitaminized and useful.
Approximate ration for girls:
- Breakfast: pineapple juice, sea kale, yoghurt;
- Lunch: boiled shrimps with rice, pineapple and melon salad;
- Snack: cheese, apple - corn salad;
- Dinner: boiled fish, grapefruit.
The fat burning diet for the stomach
The fat burning diet for the abdomen requires a clear meal and the following daily diet:
- Breakfast is necessary a couple of hours after sleep;
- Grapefruits and citrus are the main fat burners that must be included in daily dietary nutrition.
Fat burning recipes
Diet menus can be varied with fat burning dishes:
Apple salad with celery
- Celery root and apple pass through a fine grater 1: 3,
- add a glass of lactic acid drink.
Apple - pineapple salad
- Pineapple and apples rinse, peel and cut into cubes, and celery into thin slices.
- Next, the finished mixture is filled with dietary yogurt.
Mint - lemon cocktail
- In 100 ml of boiled water add seven peppermint branches, kiwi, lemon slice and honey.
Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about the fat burning diet ^
The results of the fat burning diet are stunning - in just a week the weight loss is reduced by more than five kilograms and the body volume decreases noticeably. This method of rapid weight loss is carried very easily, without consequences and unpleasant symptoms. The correct way out after the fat burning diet is as follows:
- Daily nutrition should be moderate and fractional - 4 to 6 times;
- Physical exercises must be present;
- It is necessary to limit as much as possible fatty dishes and sweets. With a strong desire, it is allowed to eat this food, but no later than 12 noon.
Reviews of the fat-burning diet among many women and men who lose weight are positive about the diet and the result. Nutritionists characterize this technique from two sides:
- Positive - a balanced diet enriched with proteins, minerals, fiber and vitamins;
- Negative - complete absence of fatty layer will lead to diseases of internal organs.
Based on the opinion of nutritionists, the diet and the results of this diet, you can apply it twice a year.
We also recommend to watch a video of the video with useful advice of specialists - nutritionists about the three best unloading days that help to lose weight quickly and effectively: