Date diet
Date diet: reviews and results of those who lose weight
Despite the high caloric value, the date diet is quite successfully used by many people to reduce weight, but it is best suited to sweet tooth.
Weight loss on a diet with dates: essence, pluses and minuses ^
Even in ancient Egypt, dates were appreciated by many women, as they were considered the main products for beauty, strength and health. Since then, nothing has changed, and now the ancient Egyptian diet with dates is no less popular.
Useful than dried dates for a diet:
- They saturate the body with energy, so that even a mono-diet is relatively easy to transfer;
- Dietary fiber contained in dates, normalizes the digestive system, normalizes blood sugar and lowers cholesterol;
- Dates improve immunity, help fight tuberculosis and cancer.
The essence of diet for slimming with dates is that they are able to meet half the daily needs of the human body in fiber, which is known to dull the appetite, gives a sense of satiety and cleanses the intestines. To achieve this, it is sufficient to eat 200 g of such fruits for 1 day.
Those who are interested in whether volumes on a diet with dates leave their important detail: despite the high caloric content of the product, small restrictions are still present, and on certain days only specific products are allowed to eat.
Thus, in the absence of the usual amount of calories, the body itself extracts them from the available fats, so the waist and hips volumes are still decreasing.
How much can be reset on a date diet without harm to health
Since the technique is rather rigid, and the calorie diet on dates does not exceed 1100 Kcal, consumed per day, then for 1 day of use it is possible to drop 1 kg of excess weight.
You can achieve the maximum effectiveness of a diet for a slimming diet, only if every day to eat a certain set of products, and then refuse or at least limit the harmful food: sweets, smoked products, pickles, flour and fried.
Weight loss with dates can not be called easy, because in the diet menu, in addition to them, there are only fruits, kefir, milk, green tea and water.
Diet slimming regimen at home: menus, rules, recipes ^
Date diet: menus, weight loss recipes
Slimming rules on date diet:
- 100 grams of dates contain 340 kcal, so you can eat no more than 300 grams a daythis fruit, dividing all into 5 equal portions;
- A large amount of water will accelerate the process of cleansing and losing weight, so a day should drink at least 2 liters;
- If the menu indicates specific products, then you can only eat them.
Diet on dates: a menu for 10 days
In this diet, you can eat only dried, but not ordinary dates:
- From the first to the fourth days we eat only dates, drink water and green tea;
- On the fifth day, add 6 apples;
- From the sixth to the tenth days, we introduce oranges.
Date diet: minus 7 - 8 kg
To lose weight in 10 days by 7-8 kg you need to eat according to the following scheme:
- Every day we eat 300 g of apples and oranges, as well as 150 g of dates;
- We drink 0.5 liters of kefir and water in unlimited quantities.
Diet on dates with milk
This food system can be used no more than 7 days:
- For each meal we drink 200 g of skim milk, we eat 7 dates;
- Drink as much water as possible.
Diet on dates and kefir
As an alternative to milk, this method can be used, which has a laxative effect on the intestines:
- Every day we eat 200-300 g of dates;
- Drink 1.5 liters of 1% kefir;
- You can make a cocktail from these products.
Diet on dried dates
The principle of this method is that during the day you can eat any low-fat products, but for dinner always eat 50 g of dry dates, and so for a month:
- In the morning we are eating cottage cheese with the addition of low-fat sour cream and berries,drinking tea;
- Have a snack with any fruit;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup and a piece of meat;
- We snack a glass of juice.
Dateic Diet for Atherosclerosis
As it is known, dates prevent the development of atherosclerosis, and they are recommended to be used in addition to the appointed doctor's table:
- Every day we eat 20 grams of dates every meal;
- We practice this diet for several months.
Recipes for the date diet
Recipe for fruit salad:
- We clean and cut apple and orange pulp;
- Add dates, mix and season with low-fat yogurt.
Recipe for a relaxing cocktail:
- Remove from the dates bones, mix with 1 liter of kefir;
- Beat with a blender.
Recipe for vegetable soup:
- Cut onions, sweet peppers and herbs, rub the carrots;
- Boil everything in chicken broth;
- Add greenery 10 minutes before readiness.
Effective diet on the dates: doctors' reviews, the results of losing weight ^
The positive results of the diet on the dates for weight loss affect the whole body:
- Vessels are strengthened, cholesterol is lowering;
- Improves metabolism and intestinal function;
- The glucose level is normalized;
- Weight decreases.
Doctors do not advise resorting to a date diet more than three times a year and use it for more than 10 days, since abuse can negatively affect the functioning of vital organs of the body due to an unbalanced menu.
It is very important to make the right way out after the date diet, in order not to gain further kilograms:
- First you can introduce fruits and vegetables into the diet;
- In the second week, low-fat meat is allowed;
- It is further recommended to adhere to a healthy diet throughout life.
Reviews about the diet for losing weight with the dates of our regular readers are also very positive:
Olesya, 28 years old:
"Thanks to the mono diet, I threw off about 8 kilograms. I can not say that everything was easy, but this result is still worth the patience. "
Catherine, 33:
" I managed to lose weight on dates and kefir for 6 kg, while the hunger was not too strong and not always. The most important thing is that I achieved my goal and put myself in order, although other methods did not help. "
Galina, 49 years old:
" I would never have thought that on dates you can throw 8 kilograms per month. The secret is simple: instead of the usual plentiful supper, I ate this fruit, and washed down everything with kefir ยป