Diet 3 3 3
Diet 3 3 3: reviewsand the results of weight loss
The "333" diet is a technique for rapid weight loss, consisting of simple rules and useful products that help lose weight.
Diet 3 3 3: essence, benefits, features of weight loss ^
The essence of dieting on a diet 3 3 3 is in the following features:
- You need to eat every three hours for three days with certain products, and all 9 days are divided into three cycles;
- This approach allows you to quickly reduce weight due to low calorie and constant use of the same dishes for three days.
Thus, using this diet will need the following:
- Low-fat kefir( 1%);
- White rice;
- Boiled chicken without skin;
- Green apples;
- Bee honey.
Any other products are completely banned, otherwise the essence of the technique is lost.
The high efficiency of the diet 3 3 3 is explained by the fact that in three days the body has time to get used to the same food, so it starts to absorb calories in the former regime, however on the fourth day, when there is a change of products, it again begins an intensive splitting of fatty deposits.
Is the diet 3 3 3 useful for weight loss
To understand the main qualities of the technique, it is necessary to get acquainted with all the advantages and disadvantages of the diet 3 3 3:
- Such food is transferred not easily, because it differs monotony and relative satiety, but all products have cleaning properties, which can improve the work of the intestine and accelerate metabolism;
- Weight loss is due to the purification and reduction of stomach volume, but if you return to the previous diet with biscuits and sweets, excess kilograms may reappear;
- The procedure is not suitable for those who have chronic diseases, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers, since limited nutrition involves a shortage of healthy substances.
How much can I lose on a diet? 3 3 3
The fastest diet is on kefir and apples, which falls on the third cycle: for 3 days it can throw off up to 4 kilograms, and also clean the intestines.
The caloric content of the diet 3 3 3 is rather meager: regardless of the specific menu, a maximum of 1000 Kcal can be consumed daily, and in some cases this mark drops to 800 Kcal.
Diet 3 3 3 for weight loss: menus, recipes, rules ^
Diet 3 3 3: recipes for fast weight loss
Diet rules 3 3 3:
- It must be divided into three cycles, and to eat these days only the products specified in the menu;
- It is recommended to consume a lot of water to speed up the purification process;
- The products should only be fresh, especially for kefir: from the moment of its manufacture it should take no more than three days, and its fat content can not exceed 1%;
- The products specified in the menu should be divided into 5-6 portions, and eat them every 3 hours.
Diet 3 3 3 on kefir
In general, it lasts 9 days, which are divided into three cycles:
- From 1 to 3 days we eat rice and yogurt;
- From 4 to 6 days we eat boiled chicken and apples, we drink kefir;
- From 7 to 9 days we eat apples and sour milk drink.
Diet 3 3 3 on rice
The menu for the first cycle is as follows:
- We eat 400 grams of boiled rice per day;
- Drink 1-1.5 l of skimmed yogurt.
Diet 3 3 3( rice, chicken, apples)
During the second cycle this menu is used:
- We drink 1 liter of kefir;
- 1 kg of boiled chicken;
- Eating 300 g of rice;
- We eat 3-4 apples.
Diet 3 3 3( kefir and apples)
During the third cycle, the following foods are to be consumed:
- 1 kg of fresh apples;
- 1 liter of low-fat kefir.
Recipes diet 3 3 3
Rice porridge recipes:
- At night, pour 250 grams of rice with water, add 3 tbsp.l.honey, and in the morning we wash off starch;
- Pour 0.5 liters of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, throw rice and cook for a quarter of an hour.
Cooked chicken recipe:
- Peel the onions and carrots, boil the water, throw the vegetables into a saucepan;
- Clean the chicken from the peel, cook in a saucepan until cooked.
Recipe for a cleansing cocktail:
- Take 3 apples, remove the peel from them, grate them;
- We add everything to 1 liter of kefir, we drink during the day.
How to lose weight on a diet 3 3 3: feedback, the results of losing weight ^
In general, such cleansing only positively affects the body, but only if it lasts no more than 9 days. The same opinion is shared by the doctors: they believe that if there are no contraindications to the diet 3 3 3, then it can be used freely. To prevent weight gain, it is enough to spend weekly unloading days and adhere to proper nutrition.
How to get out after a tough diet 333:
- During the first week, we introduce in the menu vegetables and fruits in small quantities;
- Caloric content of the diet is increased smoothly, by 100-150 Kcal per day.
What are the results of kefir diet 3 3 3:
- Effective weight loss;
- Metabolism acceleration;
- Getting rid of toxins and toxins.
Reviews of diet for weight loss 3 3 3:
Anastasia, 23 years old:
"I lost 8 kilograms on this diet and I think that this is quite a good effect given that it is not too hungry - there are methods and heavier. The result is very satisfied, I'm going to use it again in a couple of months to lose even a few kilograms 7 "
Tatyana, 34:
" At 333 I dropped 7 kilos in just 9 days, it's awesome! Of course, it was not without difficulties in the sense that I wanted to eat very often, but for the sake of this result I still have to suffer and moderate my appetite. "
Jeanne, 39:
" Thanks to the "333" diet, I successfully dropped 10 kilograms,and I'm not going to stop here. I think that in three months I will repeat all the cycles again, since the excess weight is still there, the way and not in the same quantity as before. "