Milk Dairy
Milk diet dissolves fats, provides the body with energy and reduces appetite
Milkthe diet is becoming an increasingly popular method of losing weight around the world, based on such customary products as tea and milk.
Tea with milk is traditionally drunk in many countries, because this drink is very pleasant and invigorating. In addition, it perfectly satiates the body with energy and nutrients.
Features of losing weight on tea with milk ^
The benefits of milk and tea are known to everyone. Tea, thanks to the presence in it of a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, has a powerful antioxidant protection - increases immunity, protects against cancer, prevents aging, has a diuretic and choleretic effect.
Its ability to activate metabolism has long been used by nutritionists in the fight against excess kilograms. In addition, it is a recognized natural fat burner. A mixture of milk and tea has a particularly high nutritional value, because milk contains about 100 useful substances required by the body.
Despite the fact that it is not always well absorbed, this deficiency perfectly eliminates tea, which reduces the process of milk fermentation in the stomach. In addition, its vegetable proteins and fats in a successful combination are mixed with dairy. As a result of their duet, the ideal mixture is obtained - a nutritious and healing milkshake drink.
Milk perfectly softens the effect on the gastrointestinal tract of tea alkaloids and significantly improves the taste of the drink. In turn, milk casein and calcium are much better absorbed in combination with tea, and dairy enzymes increase its diuretic effect. Especially it concerns green tea, in which there are many more microelements and vitamins. The tea drink perfectly cleanses the kidneys and removes excess fluid and toxins from the body.
The positive effect of the milk-based diet is as follows:
- The tea catechin cleaves fats and provides the body with energy and reduces appetite.
- The huge content of useful elements protects the body from exhaustion.
- Reducing the caloric content of the diet promotes fat burning.
- Milk helps to get rid of strong swelling, improves the appearance of the skin and hair.
- Cleansing action of the milk drink improves metabolic processes and health.
Contraindications in the milk-based slimming program a bit - this method can not be used by people with individual lactose intolerance, as well as those who suffer from complicated diseases of the gallbladder and kidneys.
Milk Diet: Menu for 3 and 10 days and the recipe for cooking ^
Strict days of discharge with the use of a milk drink give a tremendous fat burning effect. Due to the nutritional value of milk and the invigorating properties of tea, they will pass easily and without stress for the body. However, according to doctors, to adhere to a strict milk-based diet for more than three days is not recommended. The diet option for 10 days provides for inclusion in the diet and other products.
Preparation of milk drink
- It takes 1.5 liters of milk with 2.5% fat content and tea.
- If you use less fatty milk, it will be more difficult to overcome appetite.
- As for tea, it is better to give preference to green, it will need 1.5 tablespoons.
- In case you do not like the taste of green tea or there is a tendency to lowered pressure, you can use either black or a mixture of two varieties.
- Milk is brought to a boil in enameled dishes and 1,5 spoons of tea are added to it.
- Then the saucepan is placed on the boiling water bath for 10 minutes - the milk is ready.
Milk diet for 10 days
Long-term milk-based dietary weight loss method is designed for 10 days. The first 2-3 days of food exclude all food and drinks, except for ordinary water. Use it you need about 2 liters a day.
The whole daily ration will be 1.5 liters of milk drink and water. You need to drink it every 2 hours or when there are signs of hunger, 1 glass each. In the intervals between his methods, only water is allowed. The following week, the diet includes low-calorie foods and milk. The approximate daily menu looks like this:
- Breakfast is a glass of milk drink.
- Extra breakfast - 150 gr. Hercules on the water.
- 30 minutes before lunch - milk 1 glass.
- Lunch - steamed, stewed vegetables or soup from them. A piece of any dietary meat or fish cooked without the addition of fats.
- Snack - a glass of milk drink.
- Dinner - vegetables cooked or cooked in a steam way.
So that the week is not too monotonous, vegetables can be alternated, only potatoes are not used. During the milk-based diet, in addition to losing weight, purifying processes are actively going on in the body - the skin condition improves significantly, which becomes purer and radiant, acne disappears and the complexion improves. Therefore, this dietary technique is often called - milk-based diets for acne.
Unloading days on milk
In cases when local weight loss is not required, but you just need to get rid of a couple extra pounds, the milk drink can be used as a discharge, once a week. This will help to lose weight a little and keep the weight in the norm.
There is also a variant of the diet, in which the supper is replaced by a milkshake. Its purifying and fat burning capabilities and a decrease in daily caloric intake will contribute to effective weight loss.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about the diet for milk ^ ^
According to reviews of those who lose weight, adhering to the milk method, you can easily lose up to 10 extra pounds. If there are no contraindications, you can adhere to it without a risk to your health, because after unloading days there is a full-fledged low-calorie diet that does not contradict medical requirements.
Reviews of milk-based diets are mostly positive - the weight loss indicators are excellent, the drink reliably controls the appetite, which is why the diet is easily tolerated. Observing the dynamics of weight loss, we can confidently guarantee its reduction on the first day of application up to 2 kilograms. In the following days, the intensity of weight loss gradually decreases, but 500 gr.per day go off stably.
After unloading days, your appetite needs to be monitored for 3 days, gradually introducing the usual products. After a ten-day course, the output should be longer, about 5 days. During this period it is necessary to adhere to low-calorie food - this will help reliably fix the result.
According to medical experts, you can repeat a ten-day milk-based diet 2 times a year, and you can arrange for days off with a tea-milk drink once a week throughout the year. Their effectiveness will be especially great if you live an active lifestyle and do not overload your body with excessive fats and sweets.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: