Sports diet
- Read the article:
- The essence and secrets of the sports diet
- Sport diet for weight loss: a menu for 7 days
- Diet for muscle mass
- Results, feedback and advice from experts on the diet of sports nutrition
The sports diet is "unafraid", safe and perfectly balanced bychemical composition
The athlete's nutrition system requires a professional approach, so sports diet is developed in specialized scientific laboratories.
Sports and training require a lot of physical effort from a person, and preparation for serious competitions is also a big emotional load. Considering this, the ration of the athlete should be full, balanced and fully replenish his energy costs.
The essence and secrets of the sport diet ^
The principles of healthy sports nutrition mean limiting the consumption of fats and increasing the number of foods that contain fiber.
However, because athletes need a lot of extra energy, their diet is built in such a way that the body gets enough calories for intensive training and all the necessary nutrients, but does not gain excess weight:
- The number of calories required is very individual and depends on the intensity of the loads, age, sex and the athlete's body.
- The ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is also individual. The standard solution implies the following ratio: fats - 20%, proteins - 30%, carbohydrates - 50%.With intensive loads, this balance of nutrients is ideal.
- To lose weight and gain muscle mass, athletes need a protein diet, with a limited intake of carbohydrates.
- It is mandatory to comply with the food regime, refuse to eat before going to bed and eat up to 3 liters of plain water a day.
- We use biologically active additives, vitamin complexes and in some cases special sports nutrition.
- Sources of protein must be different from both plant and animal sources.
Disadvantages of the sports diet :
- Quite costly financially, because protein food does not mean sausages, canned fish or semi-finished products. Juices, vegetables, fruits should only be fresh, and all products are exclusively natural and quality. Although, this point can also be attributed to the pluses.
- The diet for athletes is suitable only for those people for whom sports have become the meaning of life. For sports non-fans such a diet will only add kilograms.
Advantages of the sports dietary method:
- The sports diet program is one of the most "non-hungry", it is not accompanied by hunger and struggle with appetite.
- Allows you to consume large amounts of food. The main thing is to develop the habit of eating small portions.
- The food is very rich in nutrients and balanced. A lot of vitamins and minerals are consumed. It will never lead the body to exhaustion due to a lack of nutrients, such as a mono-diet or a low-calorie, limiting the consumption of a large number of foods.
- Very effective and safe for health.
Sport diet for losing weight: 7 days menu ^
Sport program for weight loss is designed for a week, with one day must be unloading, at the discretion of the athlete. For unloading, mineral water and yogurt are excellent, as an alternative can be used vegetables, stewed without oil.
The example menu allows you to alternate products so that it is not the same for each day and does not bother. Note that the sports diet for men implies the indispensable use of protein foods before training.
- Banana or 2 unsweetened apples, or a glass of yogurt.
- You can eat for breakfast 5 chicken proteins, or a portion of oatmeal cooked on the water.
Second breakfast
- half a liter of milk or kefir.
- or salad of fresh carrots and cabbage, boiled meat( lean -100 gr.), 2 egg whites, 30gr.rye bread. Tea with honey.
- or 100 gr.boiled brown rice, 2 squirrels, baked chicken breast( 100 grams), sea kale, unsweetened coffee.
- or buckwheat porridge( 150 g.), Fish steam( 200 g.) And tea.
- vegetable salad, fresh vegetable salad, 100 gr.boiled beef, bread black( 30 g.), natural fruit juice( freshly squeezed) half a glass.
- or vegetable stew( 200 gr.) With meat( 100 gr.), 2 pcs.dried apricots, 30 gr.dark bread and tea or coffee.
- or borscht lean, steam fish( 150 g.), Cabbage salad with olive oil and lemon.
- As an afternoon snack and snacks fit oranges, apples, grapefruit and pear.
- Hercules on the water, vegetable salad.
- or fish or lean meat cooked with steamed broccoli.
- or vegetable stew and baked chicken( 100 gr.).
Young girls who train intensively or are engaged in bodybuilding, expend energy not less than men. In this case, the sports diet for girls is no different from the male variant.
Women who are engaged in fitness for maintaining health and normal weight, do not belong to the category of athletes and in order to lose weight, must comply with a diet less caloric. It should also be noted that the sports diet for women is developed taking into account the age and intensity of training.
Diet for muscle mass ^
The sports diet for muscle growth requires the following rules:
- Nutrition should be frequent - it will facilitate the collection of muscle mass. Meals can be 5 or 6.
- Prerequisite - Do not overload the digestive tract. And that the food is well assimilated, 70% of products should have increased calorie content. Fiber accelerates metabolic processes, it should not be more than 30%, a larger number will not allow the food to fully digest.
- It is necessary to limit the consumption of fats: lard, butter, fatty meat, sausages and similar products. For muscle growth, these products are not needed, such calories are stored in fat stores.
- Complex carbohydrates are needed for energy and muscle growth. Fast carbohydrates are instantly absorbed, sugar in the blood jumps, and glucose quickly turns into fat.
- After training, muscles are able to utilize glucose faster, so you can eat sweet.
- Sport diet for fat burning will be much more effective if 70% of the products will be consumed before 4 pm.
- Before going to bed, it is better to eat protein food. Before training - proteins and complex carbohydrates. An hour after it - a hearty meal. These are complex carbohydrates, proteins and sweets( fast carbohydrates).The body at this time is well absorbed by the nutrients that go to the restoration of muscles.
- For the muscle mass, the optimal proportions are as follows: proteins - 30%, carbohydrates - 60%, fats -10%.
- Muscle mass is added if the energy supplied to the body from the food exceeds its consumption. Caloric content of the diet can be increased by 10% or more. Sometimes, to increase the weight, it is increased by 100%.
- Caloric content increases gradually, focusing on weight gain, until 800 grams are added. If the figures are higher, the calorie content of the diet is reduced.
We also recommend that you read the article Chemical Diet.The results, feedback and advice of experts on the diet of sports nutrition ^
The results of the sports diet are impressive - for the first two weeks it takes up to 6 kilograms of fat. However, it should be noted that everything depends on what results you need to achieve. If you stop playing sports and do not limit fat and fast carbohydrates, the weight will return back. Sports nutrition is a lifestyle that must be adhered to all the time.
Reviews of the sports diet, of course, provided that all the rules and regulations are respected, only positive. It is very easily tolerated, the food is right and balanced, so it can not harm the body. In addition, the sports diet program involves the rejection of bad habits and encourages an active and healthy lifestyle.
The opinion of specialists about the sports nutrition system is the most positive. Sports enthusiasts, adhering to this technique, achieve the desired results.