Japanese diet
Japanese diet for weight loss guarantees a lasting result
Japanese diet for weight loss appeared relativelyrecently, but already managed to win worldwide fame thanks to the responses of a huge number of people who managed with it not only to lose weight, but also to retain the result for a long time, which, as you know, areis much more difficult than weight loss itself.
Japanese diet for weight loss: the essence and contra-indications ^
The advantages of the Japanese diet for weight loss include the achievement of the following positive results:
- A unique opportunity to achieve excellent results in losing weight in a relatively short time;
- A wide range of approved products for the Japanese diet allows you to feel quite comfortable and not feel an acute sense of hunger, unlike hard mono-types such as buckwheat, rice, oatmeal and the like.
- Thanks to the thoroughly calculated diet, during the Japanese diet, the metabolism in the body can be fundamentally reconstructed, which allows, according to the opinions of numerous people who lose weight, not only to lose 5-8 kg, but also to keep the result for 2 to 3 years,strict observance of all regulations.
- The diet menu includes a lot of vegetables, juices, greens and dairy products, which has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, allows you to cleanse the intestines and restore a useful microflora.
- Recommended for use, green tea has good antioxidant properties and provides a surge of energy, performance and mood.
- In addition, with the Japanese diet there are no restrictions in cooking, that is, the food can be cooked, baked and even fried, which is a big plus for hunters of boiled food.
But, with all its virtues, the Japanese diet for weight loss is not suitable for everyone, as it is considered a fairly tough diet. The Japanese method of weight loss is based on a significant limitation of calories( due to digestible carbohydrates) and a complete ban on salt, alcohol, flour products and sweets.
The daily Japanese menu necessarily includes coffee, so this way of losing weight is forbidden to people with cardiovascular diseases, pregnant and lactating mothers. Doctors do not recommend the Japanese method of losing weight to apply more often than once a year, because of the extremely low caloric intake.
There are several variants of the Japanese diet, calculated for 7, 13 or 14 days. The main difference is that with a longer period, of course, more excess weight is lost. In the rest they are completely identical and have a similar menu, contra-indications, advantages and disadvantages. And, after sitting on a Japanese diet for 7 days and adapting to a new diet, you can easily withstand it and 14 days.
But, to the Japanese diet for 13 or 14 days, there are even more severe restrictions in terms of frequency of application - it should be repeated no more than once in 2-3 years.
It is better for a person to be slimmer, with a little excess weight, 7 days of Japanese ration, and if there are a lot of extra pounds and obesity, it is more expedient to complete a full Japanese course in 14 days.
Japanese diet: menus for 7 and 14 days ^
For a better effect before beginning the observance of the Japanese diet, experts advise to pre-prepare the body for it, eating for 2 to 5 days healthy food with a restriction of salt, sweets, smoked foods, alcohol or spend a day off.
Since the Japanese diet for 7 days is completely balanced and scrupulously calculated by specialists to take into account all the needs of the body, it must be adhered to very strictly. That is, with a Japanese diet for 7 days you need to eat clearly according to the proposed scheme - you can not replace products with similar ones and change the days, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.
Strict adherence to the Japanese diet allows the body for a few days to get used to dietary nutrition and not to feel hungry. In addition, to effectively lose weight and remove harmful toxins and toxins, it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible during the day - ordinary water, mineral water without gas and green tea, with water to drink at least 2 liters per day.
Water is the best natural solvent, perfectly dissolves and removes from the body all that is superfluous, so without it an effective process of losing weight and purification is impossible.
The first glass of water should be drunk on an empty stomach, immediately after awakening, others drink evenly throughout the day, not earlier than half an hour before meals and 2.5 hours after it. On how to properly drink water, read more in the article on our website.
Japanese diet menu for 7 days
Sample menu for the Japanese diet
First day
- Breakfast: a cup of black coffee.
- Lunch: two hard-boiled eggs, a salad of fresh cabbage with vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice( not shop, which contains salt and preservatives, preferably freshly squeezed).
- Dinner: Boiled or lightly fried fish, about 250 grams.
The second day of
- Breakfast: a cup of coffee with a dried slice of coarse bread.
- Lunch: cabbage salad with a piece of fish( boiled or fried).
- Dinner: a piece of boiled beef( 150 - 200 gr) and a glass of 1% kefir, preferably one or two days. Day 3
- Breakfast: black coffee.
- Lunch: zucchini, fried with vegetable oil.
- Dinner: 2 steep eggs, 200 g of boiled beef, cabbage salad with vegetable oil. Breakfast: a cup of coffee with rye crumbs.
- Lunch: salad from boiled carrots( 3 large pieces) with vegetable oil, 1 raw egg and 10 grams of hard cheese.
- Dinner: 2 medium sized apples.
Fifth Day
- Breakfast: salad of fresh carrots sprinkled with lemon juice.
- Lunch: a piece of fish boiled or fried with a glass of tomato juice.
- Dinner: 2 small apples. Day 6
- Breakfast: black coffee.
- Lunch:?kg of boiled chicken, salad from raw vegetables with olive oil( carrots, cabbage).
- Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, salad from raw carrots or cabbage with butter.
The seventh day
- Breakfast: green tea.
- Lunch: boiled beef( 200 g), fruit( apple, pear or orange).
- Dinner: any menu is selected from dinner of the previous days, except for the third.
If in the early days the diet of the Japanese diet seems too lean and hungry, experts advise, until you get used to the new food, use small tricks:
- Chew the food carefully and slowly, do not swallow it whole - so the process of saturation will come sooner, becausesatiety, as is known, does not come immediately, but not earlier than 15-20 minutes after eating. In addition, a thorough chewing of food contributes to its better digestion and assimilation.
- As a result of numerous studies, scientists came to the conclusion that people who are used to eating slowly, body mass index is lower than those who are accustomed to swallow food quickly. Nutritionists also joke that careful chewing food is the cheapest way to lose weight, because if a person chews food more than 12 times, the caloric content of his diet automatically decreases by 12%.
- Before meals( for half an hour) drink a glass of water, the feeling of hunger will immediately become dull. Nutritionists say that often the feeling of thirsts is masked by the feeling of hunger, and it seems to the person that he is hungry, although, in fact, it is enough for him to drink a glass of water.
- Put your portion of food in a small plate to visually it does not seem half empty. Remove excess pots and pans from the table. Focus on absorbing food, do not read or watch TV while eating, as this contributes to overeating.
- In a few days the stomach will shrink in volume and the feeling of satiety will come from a reduced amount of food, because in a normal unstretched state our stomach has a small volume and a sufficient amount of eaten food should be placed in a handful.
- Japanese women generally advise never to fill the stomach completely, so as not to stretch it, but only 8 parts out of 10. Perhaps that's why the Japanese are deservedly considered the most slender nation in the world.
We also recommend that you read the Kita Protasov Diet article.Dietitian advice on the correct way out of the Japanese diet for weight loss ^
Despite the tremendous popularity and effectiveness of the Japanese diet for weight loss, an incorrect and hasty exit from it can negate all efforts, and the weight loss can instantly return again.
In order to permanently fix the weight gained in the process of Japanese weight loss, one can not immediately attack the usual food, because 7 to 14 days is not enough time for the complete adaptation of the organism to a new diet.
- During the first week of withdrawal after the Japanese technique, doctors do not recommend eating fatty foods, smoked foods and sweets.
- You should add your usual food gradually, no more than one per day.
- Remember that the longer the adaptation period lasts after leaving the Japanese diet( ideally 1 to 2 weeks), the greater the chances of permanently fixing the result and preserving harmony and elegance.
We recommend to watch a video about recipes and the menu of the Japanese diet: