Chocolate diet for real sweet
Weight loss with chocolate or chocolates - up to 1 kgdaily
Chocolate diet is a real salvation for sweeties and "coffee makers" who do not imagine life without a chocolate bar, delicious candy and a cup of coffee in addition.
The main advantage of this amazing weight loss program is that it gives a quick result in a short period of time and in just one week of adherence it is possible to lose 3 to 7 kilograms of excess weight. And if you do not have health problems, have high willpower and are ready to withstand a temporary starvation - this technique is for you.
Chocolate diet for weight loss: principles of nutrition, advantages and disadvantages ^
The current opinion that chocolate is a high-calorie product is not entirely true. The energy value of one chocolate tile is about 500 kcal and this is quite a bit, considering that during the day the organism, which is not loaded with physical activity, consumes about 1,800 kcal due to the work of internal organs.
Thus, the chocolate diet is based on the same principle as most other methods of losing weight - on limiting calories consumed. As for the balance of the diet on the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then such a starvation will not provide you, and therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that the body will be temporarily withdrawn from the usual diet.
100 g of ordinary milk chocolate contains 545 kcal, pure chocolate without additives slightly less calories - 540 Kcal, various additives( nuts, raisins, berries) increase the energy value of the product. A separate topic of conversation is white chocolate. Because it does not contain cocoa butter, it will not work for the classic chocolate diet. It is also not recommended to use diabetic chocolate( on sugar substitutes).
The whole daytime norm of chocolate( 100 g) is usually divided into 3 meals. Its reception should be accompanied by a cup of unsweetened coffee - it speeds up the metabolism and promotes more intensive weight loss. At the same time, the effectiveness of such a diet program is usually visible already on the 3rd -4th day, when the first kilograms start to go away. The high efficiency of this technique is achieved through the removal of excess fluid from the body and the rejection of salt.
What is so good about this weight loss program? Scientists engaged in studying the useful properties of chocolate, revealed a number of the main advantages of this product:
- one chocolate per week can exert a rejuvenating effect on the body and prolong the life expectancy - this property is due to the catechols contained in cocoa butter - the so-called natural antioxidants;
- chocolate protects our cells from free radicals, prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system and malignant neoplasms;
- all chocolate products have a stimulating effect on the brain, enhance the mental and creative abilities of a person, mobilize his energy resources;
- chocolate promotes the production of a large amount of the hormone endomorfin, which provides a good mood for a person and protects him from the development of depression and depressed state, so often associated with various diets and hunger strikes;
- the use of chocolate also promotes maintenance in blood of a necessary level of a glucose, so, the hypoglycemic syncope at such ration to you does not threaten;
- slimming program is very simple and easy to follow - you can always take your chocolate with you and eat anywhere, at work, on a visit or on the road.
Due to the sufficient specificity of the chocolate diet, there are also a number of serious shortcomings:
- this method of losing weight unequivocally does not suit diabetics, hypertensive patients, as well as people suffering from diseases of the pancreas, gastric bladder and liver;
- imbalance in dietary nutrition can also be a cause of prolonged metabolic disorders and deterioration of health in general, the lack of vitamins and beneficial microelements is best made up by taking multivitamin preparations;
- is not allowed to use this slimming program for people suffering from allergic reactions to chocolate products;
- technique is quite heavy, it is difficult to carry, so in order to withstand it, you will need to stock up a lot of strength with will and patience.
In any case, if after the beginning of the chocolate diet you began to feel frequent dizziness, nausea and poor health in general - to continue compliance with such a program of weight loss is not recommended in any case, it should always be interrupted. Well, if you did not find any contraindications for yourself in the list above and plan to start the beginning of such nutrition in the near future, then remember a few basic rules:
- use chocolate with minimal inclusion in the composition of emulsifiers, flavors, dyes and other chemical additives.protect your body from greater harm caused by diet;
- give preference to natural ground coffee, and not to its soluble counterparts;
- coffee can greatly increase the pressure and catalyze the formation of gastric acid, so to avoid hypertension and future problems with the gastrointestinal tract, do not abuse this product and minimize its daily rate;
- chocolate products ambiguously affect the liver, so get out of the diet very slowly and carefully;
- refrain from taking salt for 2 weeks after the end of the diet, otherwise it will begin to completely settle in a dehydrated body after weight loss, which will provoke the appearance of edema and a new weight gain;
- do not repeat this method of losing weight earlier than in a month and a half full nutrition.
To ensure that the results of this program do not disappoint you and bring joy, carefully follow all of its rules and be sure to listen to the signals of your body.
Chocolate diet: menus for 3 and 7 days ^
There are not so many options for chocolate diets and they are all built on the use of chocolate and coffee.
The menu of chocolate diet for 3 days looks very simple:
- in the morning - 30 grams of chocolate and a cup of unsweetened coffee;
- in the afternoon is the same;
- in the evening is the same.
The use of any other products during this dietary program is prohibited. A diet you can adhere to at your discretion - you can eat a whole chocolate at a time, divide into 2 - 3 - 4 doses or break off a small piece of hourly.
It is allowed to drink extra liquid( water, black or green tea), at least 1.5 liters per day and not earlier than 2-3 hours after taking chocolate and coffee.
Many websites on losing weight and forums often sound appeals and suggestions for extending the three-day program and its compliance for 5 - 6 and even 7 days. But, I want to note that nutritionists do not strongly recommend doing so, since this experiment can end up very bad for your stomach, or turn into a nervous breakdown or the usual decline of energy.
Coffee-chocolate diet
There is a more sparing coffee-chocolate variant, developed by Italian nutritionists. It includes a number of other additional products, from which the effectiveness of the diet program does not suffer at all. The duration of this method of weight loss is one week.
The menu for the coffee-chocolate diet for 7 days includes the following products:
- light vegetable salads,
- diet sauces,
- wine vinegar,
- pasta,
- fruit, unsweetened berries,
- popcorn.
- You can also take pepper and dry garlic.
All this set of products is divided into 3 receptions, and between them take 30 g( daily volume) of dark chocolate, which is washed down with a cup of ground black coffee. At least 2 liters of still water must also be consumed per day.
It should be remembered that weight loss with observance of this weight loss program is very intensive, which means that it is necessary to combine dietary diet with physical loads that will avoid a decrease in skin turgor and sagging. It is necessary to tighten the skin from the first day of weight loss, this can be facilitated by various types of massage and the use of lifting cosmetics.
Diet on chocolate sweets
There is also a variant of weight reduction with the help of chocolate sweets. Its essence differs little from the classical three-day program: during the day it is allowed to eat two chocolate bars of 40 g and wash them with unsweetened coffee with the addition of skim milk.
You can drink water no earlier than three hours after taking chocolate. This method of weight loss is designed for 5-7 days, during which you can lose 4 to 7 kg of excess weight.
For those to whom such a diet may seem unnecessarily strict and long, you can limit yourself to weekly "chocolate" unloading days, which do not entail a serious risk to the health of the losing weight.
How to get out of the chocolate diet: feedback and results ^
In order that the lost kilograms lost soon after the fasting course is not returned, it is very important to exercise the correct way out after the chocolate diet. Going to proper nutrition will not be so burdensome, as the small portions of chocolate that you took during the diet will already accustom your stomach to a small amount of food.
The main thing is to try to make your subsequent diet as harmless as possible. The ideal way out of the chocolate diet will be a week spent on vegetable salads, eggs and cottage cheese. The menu can be made to your taste without making portions too large.
How stars grow thin with the help of chocolate
Everyone knows how she sat on the chocolate diet Alsou, who lost 8 kg on her, but left extremely unflattering comments about the diet program itself. With great negativity, she noted persistent dizziness, terrible depression and semi-obmorous conditions that persecuted her throughout the time of compliance with such a diet.
And Anna Semenovich made her corrections to all the known dietary programs and included in her menu only one slice of milk chocolate, which she ate in the middle of the day and not more often than once in ten days. Breakfast Ani usually consists of dairy products, at lunch she always eats soup or vegetable salad, and supper with fish cooked on a couple or on the grill. The reception of chocolate, according to Semenovich, very well restores the lost forces and effectively raises the working capacity.
Uma Thurman before shooting in the whole well-known movie "Kill Bill" also "sat" on a chocolate diet. Chocolate she ate only when she was overtaken by a feeling of hunger, and at the same time consumed mineral water. On such a meager diet, Uma could throw off as much as 10 kilograms.
Reviews of the chocolate diet contain both positive and negative comments. The latter often say how difficult this slimming program is, both physically and emotionally, and also note the moment of the constant unpleasant sweet taste in the mouth left after the reception of chocolate.
But the results of the chocolate diet, of course, amaze everyone, and skeptics and devotees - 7 kg in 7 days, it's almost one kilogram per day. Figures can deviate both to the smaller and larger side, depending on the initial weight of the losing body and the constitution of its body.
We recommend to watch a video about the benefits of chocolate in the process of losing weight: