Kiwi Diet
Kiwi Diet: reviews and results of weight loss
Kiwi diet is a delicious and useful way to get rid of extra pounds for those who like this fruit and who are ready to eat it daily.
Kiwi diet: essence, benefit or harm, features ^
The essence of the diet with kiwi is that this fruit contains enzymes that promote the rapid breakdown of fat cells, resulting in the excess kilograms can get rid of very quickly.
Quite important is also the caloric content of the kiwi diet: 100 g of fruit contains only 47 kcal, but it is nutritious and quickly quenches the hunger.
Huge benefit fast diet for weight loss with kiwi brings to the whole body:
- The vitamins contained in it improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair;
- One of the properties of the fetus is a positive effect on the nervous system and the mood of a person;
- Fiber releases the intestines from toxins and toxins, which improves the functioning of the digestive system.
Pros and cons of a kiwi diet
There are many advantages of a kiwi diet:
- Easy tolerability;
- No need to eat fresh food;
- Fast and lasting result;
- Kiwi diet for the intestines is often prescribed by doctors as treatment measures.
The drawback is the inability to apply the technique for diabetes, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
How much can you lose on a diet with kiwi
After three days you can see the effect of a diet for kiwi: in one day the weight decreases by about 700-800 grams, which means that in a week there is an opportunity to throw off 5-6 kg of excess weight.
What foods are allowed for a diet:
- Fruits and vegetables;
- Boiled eggs, lean meat, sour-milk products, fish;
- Cereal cereals;
- Citrus fruits.
What is prohibited to eat:
- Fatty, sweet, salty, fried foods;
- Alcohol and sweets.
Kiwi diet: menus, recipes, dieting rules ^
Kiwi diet: menus, weight loss recipes
Kiwi diet rules:
- For best body cleansing, you need to drink 1.5 liters of water daily;
- If possible, find time for exercise, lead an active lifestyle;
- Instead of juices, it is allowed to drink smoothies with kiwi smoothies.
Kiwi diet for 3 days
The most strict diet allows you to get rid of 3-4 kilograms, but it is suitable only for people with great willpower:
- During the day, eat 5 fruits of kiwi;
- We drink 2 liters of water.
Kiwi Diet: 7 kg per week
For a significant weight loss, it is sufficient to limit your diet to 1200 Kcal, and add kiwi to it:
- We have breakfast of oatmeal with pieces of kiwi;
- Snacking fruit smoothies;
- We dine 200 g of cottage cheese with the addition of kiwi;
- We dine with yoghurt with pieces of green fruit, add 30 g of nuts.
Diet on kiwi and kefir
To unload the body from harmful substances, it is necessary to adhere to this menu during the day:
- Eat 3-4 kiwi fruit;
- Drink 1 liter of kefir( 1%);
- Or we make a cocktail of two products, whipping them with a blender.
Diet for kiwi and cottage cheese
The peculiarity of this diet is to use for dinner only cottage cheese with the addition of kiwi.
Sample menu:
- Lunch any porridge;
- We have a snack with boiled eggs;
- For lunch we eat vegetable soup and salad;
- We snack fruit;
- We serve cottage cheese for dinner.
Diet for kiwi and milking
For burning fat cells and discharging the intestines for 1 day, it is necessary to eat from morning till night kiwi( 5 pcs.) And drink 1.5 milk drink, prepared according to the following recipe:
- 1.5 tea poured into boiling milk( 1.5 liters);
- Boil in a water bath for 10 minutes.
Diet on kiwi and apples
This rather complex diet is stretched for 3 days, during which you need to eat apples, kiwi, yogurt, yogurt and oatmeal:
- In the morning we eat yoghurt and oatmeal;
- Snacking with apples;
- For lunch we make a salad of apple, kiwi and 1 tbsp.l.honey, season with yoghurt;
- We snack with kefir;
- For dinner, eat a couple of kiwi and apples.
Diet for kiwi and grapefruit
The duration of this food option is from 1 to 3 days, during which it is suggested to eat as follows:
- Eat 5 ripe grapefruits and the same amount of kiwi;
- Drink at least 2 liters of purified water.
Diet for kiwi and cabbage
You can use this menu for 5 days:
- Have breakfast with fruit salad and a cup of tea;
- Snacking apples;
- For lunch we eat salad from cabbage, cucumbers and carrots;
- We snack nuts;
- At dinner we eat kiwi, drink kefir.
Diet on cocktails smoothies from kiwi
During the day it is necessary to drink 1.5 liters of a cocktail prepared according to this recipe:
- We clean 2 kiwi, 2 mandarins, 1 orange and persimmon from the peel;
- Grind into pieces, twist the blender.
Valeriya's diet for kiwi
The singer regularly arranges for herself days of unloading, during which she consumes only 2 types of products:
- Apples( 1 kg);Juice of kiwi( 1.5 liters).
Dr. Prodeus Diet with Kiwi
Nutritionist Dr. Prodeus has identified several fat-burning foods that must necessarily be in everyone's diet: lemon, kiwi, persimmons, honey and carrots. In this case, they can be used, following the example menu:
- We have breakfast with fruit salad with kiwi, we drink green tea;
- After 2 hours snack persimmon;
- Lunch any light soup, a piece of meat;
- We snack the kiwi;
- For dinner we eat cottage cheese with kiwi and 1 tsp.honey, we drink a glass of yogurt.
How fast to lose weight on a diet with kiwi: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^
Doctors do not advise taking too long to use a diet with kiwi, but this fruit must necessarily be on the menu for every person who wants to lose weight quickly or not to return already shed pounds.
When you exit after a hard diet for kiwi, you must gradually start eating other fruits, then introduce into the diet vegetables, and only after that - soups, fish and meat.
The results of the diet on kiwi favorably affect the general condition of a person:
- Mood;
- Improves well-being;
- The extra pounds disappear.
Reviews of the diet for losing weight with kiwis of our regular readers are also very positive:
Arina, 23 years old:
"I like kiwi very much, and I often do unloading days on it, only I drink extra kefir. After such cleaning I feel great, and the scales show a minus 1 kilogram. "
Alina, 34:
" I arrange unloading days for grapefruit and kiwi, as they are really good for the body and are good fat burners. In this I am convinced every time myself when I see on the scales that I lost weight per kilogram per day. "
Natalia, 30 years old:
"Kiwi helped me get rid of problems with the intestines, and the doctor advised me to eat it. Since then, this fruit is always in my fridge. I also tried a three-day diet, and was surprised that it was easy to lose almost 3 kilos "