Diet by blood group: for the third and fourth groups
The diet for the blood group is simple.effective and useful
The blood group of Dr. Peter Adamo has gained immense popularity all over the world, as it is very simple, effective and useful.
The simplicity of the diet is that, when it is observed, there is no need to calculate scores, indices, calories and grams, as in other diet programs.
The effectiveness of this food system is that it is very natural and offers food only products that are genetically adapted to the digestive tract of a particular person depending on the blood group, which provides an excellent metabolism in the body.
In addition, a diet for the blood group is very useful for health, because, eating the recommended "right" food, a person not only grows thin, but also heals at the same time.
According to Dr. Adamo:
- useful products act in the body as the most effective medicine,
- neutral - provide its nutrition and energy,
- harmful - poison, destroy and age.
The previous article described in detail the essence of the diet for the blood group, the classification and evolution of blood types on Earth, as well as recommendations for making menus for the first and second groups. Below we will consider the features of the diet and the recommendations of Dr. Adam for the third and fourth blood groups.
Diet for the third blood group( type B) ^
The third group's blood type diet is mixed and balanced, as "nomads" are omnivorous and equally digest meat, dairy products and vegetable food.
People with a third blood group tend to have strong immunity, a strong nervous system and adapt well to changes in diet and the environment. But, despite this, with an unbalanced diet, they can be exposed to autoimmune diseases and rare viruses, and are at risk for multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome and type 1 diabetes.
- The diet of a diet for slimming people with a third blood group should exclude to the maximum the products with a high content of sugar, fats, fried and smoked dishes, since the latter contribute to weight gain and negatively affect liver function.
- During the diet, it is recommended to eat low-percentage dairy and sour-milk products, vegetables( except tomatoes, pumpkins and olives), fruits, legumes, eggs and cereals( except buckwheat and wheat).
- Lamb, beef and turkey are preferred from meat;Pork should be excluded due to high fat content, and chicken because of its long digestion in people with a third blood group.
- Weight loss buckwheat porridge, corn and peanuts, which reduce insulin production, slow down metabolism in the body and promote water retention, should also be excluded for the time of weight loss.
- Refuse soda drinks and tomato juice, drink plenty of water, green tea and juices - from cranberries, grapes, pineapple, cabbage.
People with a third blood group lose weight relatively easily compared to other types, as they need to eliminate fatty foods, smoked foods, fried foods and restrict the use of "astringent" fruits - persimmons, coconuts, pomegranates, peanuts - to reduce weight.
Therefore, the owners of the third blood group can recommend any protein or carbohydrate diet - rice, oatmeal, kefir diet or any other mono-diet( except buckwheat) is ideal, and the results of weight loss usually appear very quickly after the beginning of its compliance.
People with a third blood type( type B) will even use a "chocolate diet", provided that the chocolate is black and without added sugar.
Diet for blood group 4( type AB) ^
Diet by type of blood: recommendations.
The fourth blood group is the youngest and the rarest( about 5% of the world's population), and its owners have a sensitive and tender digestive tract and a very vulnerable immune system that is not resistant to microbes and has minuses of both types - A and B.
People of type AB often suffer from decreased hemoglobin, and also have a predisposition to cardiac and oncological diseases.
Because of the combination of types A and B in the formulation of a dietary diet, there are often difficulties, since the same person may have reduced acidity of gastric juice( type A) and at the same time adaptation to meat( type B).
- In this case, despite the programmed consumption of meat, for its digestion there is not enough acidity of the gastric juice, which ultimately leads to fat deposition.
- With this option, you need to limit the amount of meat consumed and increase the intake of vegetables and tofu, which is an excellent source of protein for both type A and type B.
A similar problem often occurs in people with the fourth blood group when consuming buckwheat, corn and legumes,since for type A they are excellent recommended products, while for type B they slow down metabolism and promote weight gain.
- Therefore, with the fourth blood group, it is recommended to avoid these products, as well as products from wheat because of the gluten contained in it, which contributes to weight gain.
Special dietary recommendations for type AB
Meat products:
- Low-fat meat products are useful - turkey, lamb, rabbit;forbidden pork, fat lamb, goose, duck.
Dairy products:
- Dairy products are recommended - kefir, low-fat cheese and sour cream;excluded whole milk and butter.
Vegetable oils:
- It is useful to use olive oil, and from sunflower and corn should be discarded.
Bakery and cereals:
- Bread and cereals can be eaten with rye and wheat bread, oatmeal, rice cereals and millet;forbidden muffins, buckwheat, corn flakes.
Vegetables and fruits:
- All vegetables are recommended from vegetables, except olives, peppers and corn;bananas, mangoes, persimmons, oranges, coconut and pomegranates are excluded from fruits.
Other Prohibited Products.
- For the time of a diet, discard ketchup, vinegar, pepper, black tea, orange juice, sunflower seeds.
As you can see, the diet for people with the 4th group of blood is not very strict, as it does not require cardinally changing the usual diet. It is enough only to slightly modernize the diet, replacing fatty meat with lean meat, as well as other high-calorie and fatty foods for more suitable.
Physical exercise as an important supplement to the diet for the blood group
Moderate regular exercise is an excellent addition to the diet in the fight against extra pounds:
- So, for people of the first blood group, intensive aerobic, skiing, swimming and running, the
- forthe second group of blood is more suitable for calm and focusing yoga and tai chi,
- for the third and fourth blood groups, balanced sports will be optimal( swimming, yoga, cycling, walking, tennis).
Precautions when observing a diet for the blood group ^
It should be noted that the blood group diet, despite its effectiveness, may be harmful to the elderly due to age-related changes in the body, as well as for patients with certain health problems.
- For example, in the first and second type of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to limit the consumption of meat and increase the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables, despite the blood group 1, since, if you do not adjust the food taking into account these characteristics, you can significantly damagehealth.
- People with anemia or lack of protein, on the contrary, need to increase meat consumption in the diet of the diet, regardless of blood type.
- An appeal to increase the intake of dairy products can be harmful when congenital lactose intolerance is present, and vice versa, their limitation can provoke a lack of calcium and bone problems.
- In addition, any unbalanced diet, as you know, can lead to both a lack of essential nutrients, and to their excess, which is equally bad for the body.
- People with diabetes, liver, kidney disease or coronary heart disease should not be strictly adhered to a diet for one blood group. In everything you need to observe the measure, common sense and strict medical control of the chosen diet.
In conclusion, I would like to note that it is not necessary to follow scrupulously the above recommendations of the diet for blood groups, be sure to listen to the body and take into account your individual characteristics. It is important that your food is not painful and painful, but strengthens health, gives pleasure and joy of life.
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