The Kremlin diet
The Kremlin diet is effective, nourishing and comfortable for compliance
The Kremlin diet has long and firmly taken the leading place among the most popular diets in our country and near abroad.
What is the Kremlin diet: advantages and disadvantages ^
Experts say that thanks to the Kremlin diet, you can lose weight by 5-6 kg per week, and in a month and a half get rid of excess 10 - 15 kg. Moreover, the more a person has excess weight, the faster it will decrease, which for many people is very important.
Undoubted advantages of the Kremlin diet can also be attributed to the fact that adherence to it can be quite comfortable because of the lack of strict limitations inherent in other weight loss programs.
But, I must say that the Kremlin method of weight loss, like any other, has contraindications and is generally suitable for healthy people who want to lose weight.
- For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as cardiovascular problems, one can adhere to it only after consulting a doctor and analyzing the blood for sugar and cholesterol.
- It is especially not recommended protein diet of the Kremlin during pregnancy and kidney diseases.
The Kremlin diet for weight loss: the essence of the technique ^
The essence of the Kremlin diet is to limit foods with a high carbohydrate content. As you know, the human body basically receives energy from carbohydrates, and if you limit their intake with food, it begins to extract it from your own fat stores. Therefore, as soon as the metabolism is reconstructed, a person begins to lose weight actively.
The unique difference between the Kremlin diet is that you do not need to calculate traditional grams and calories. For her, a special Kremlin score table has been developed, and they are counted only for products containing carbohydrates.
To lose weight, you need to make up your daily menu using the Kremlin table of points in such a way that you can consume not more than 40 bales per day:
- If the weight does not want to leave, what happens in the first two weeks, you can reduce your diet to 20 points.
- If you have already reached the desired weight and want to just keep it, then the daily menu can be increased to 60 points.
Allowed 40 g of carbohydrates should be recruited, mainly due to vegetables. Vegetables are extremely useful in that they contain not only a lot of vitamins and microelements, but also fiber, which provides good work of the intestines, which is very important when observing any weight loss program.
Products with a high carbohydrate content during the observance of the Kremlin diet will have to be completely ruled out. Prohibited products include:
- bread,
- cereals,
- potatoes,
- pasta,
- all sweets.
The Kremlin diet program is essentially a low-carb protein, a domestic variant of the famous Atkins diet and is ideal for people who can not live a day without meat, because meat, fish and cheese can be eaten in any quantities.
And not only is the amount of food taken, but also the reception frequency. That is, the allowed products can be eaten in any quantities and at any time, which excludes the constant hunger that is characteristic of other diet programs.
When the Kremlin diet is recommended to drink a lot, especially plain water, at least 2 liters per day, to maintain the necessary water-salt balance and actively removed slag.
As any protein dietary technique, including the Kremlin's, significantly increases the burden on the kidneys, for their best work, drink as much tea, decoction of briar and herbal doses without the addition of sugar.
Menu of the Kremlin diet ^
Kremlin diet: menu, points
The Kremlin menu can be created independently, showing imagination and combining different products in such a way that in a total for a day to gain the necessary 40 points. It's only at first everything seems complicated and confusing, and the score tables look awesome. Literally in a few days everything will become clear and familiar, and you can easily form your diet without looking at the tables.
Kremlin diet: a menu for 40 points
You can take as an example an example of a daily menu for 40 balls, adding or replacing dishes depending on your food preferences.
- Breakfast: 150 g curd - 5 points, fried eggs - fried eggs with sausage - 2 balls, coffee or tea without sugar - 0 ball.
- Lunch: 100 g vegetable salad with vegetable oil - 4 bal., 150 g baked fish with mushrooms - 1 ball., Tea without sugar - 0 ball.
- Snack: a small apple - 18 balls, 50 g walnuts - 6 balls.
- Dinner: 200 grams of lettuce from leafy vegetables - 4 points, chicken broth - 0 points, 200 g boiled chicken - 0 points.
Total: 40 points.
The table of points of the Kremlin diet ^
The table of points of the Kremlin diet indicates how many points are contained in a unit of a product. The left column shows the most recommended low-carbohydrate foods, in the middle - those that can be used occasionally, and in the right - products that need to be excluded because of the high content of carbohydrates.
Create a daily menu, treat this process creatively, try to eat differently and listen to your own organism and its needs:
- do not go to extremes and do not reduce the amount of carbohydrates to zero, because this can harm your health;
- low-calorie foods combine with high-calorie foods;
- do not completely discard fat and carbohydrates, replace them with vegetable fats, dried fruits and fruits;
- remember, the more balanced and diverse your menu will be, the more comfortable and longer you will be able to comply with the dietary program, and thus achieve your goals.
The Kremlin diet: weight loss, weight loss results ^
On the Internet, you can find a lot of enthusiastic reviews about the Kremlin diet from those who managed to lose weight with the help of girls. Here are some results of our regular readers:
Xenia, 29 years old:
"I recovered greatly after the birth of two kids, and almost waved my weight by hand, because I could not lose weight. Tired of starving and limiting myself in food, there was not enough strength and energy for household chores.
When my close friend advised me to sit down at Kremlevka, I reacted rather skeptically, but decided to try it. Now I'm just delighted with this diet. I never thought that you can eat enough and still lose weight. I advise you to lose weight to the Kremlin diet to all your friends. "
Anna, 35 years old:
" I can say with certainty that the Kremlin diet works. I dropped almost 10 kilograms per month, and I am very pleased. At first it was hard to understand how to calculate the menu for the day by points, but in a couple of days it was easy to make up your daily diet without a table. "
Marina, 43 years old:
" My husband and I also sat on the Kremlin diet and both lost weight. Since we love meat, and to sweets and flour, we are quite indifferent, Kremlyovka has perfectly suited us. Drank a lot of water, as advised in the technique, sports, though not engaged, but every day after dinner went on foot. We feel good. "
We also recommend to watch a video of doctors who are dieticians that not all fats are harmful and some of them, on the contrary, are vital for the normal functioning of the body: