  • Diet Fruit

    Read in the article:
    • Weight loss on a diet Fluff: essence, pros and cons
    • Diet Fudge for intensive weight loss at home: menu, rules, recipes
    • Effective diet Fuzzy: reviews of doctors, the results of losing weight

    Diet Fruit: reviews and results for weight loss

    The "Pushinka" diet is a rather effective variant of weight loss, fully justifying its name, since losing weight on it is rapid.

    Slimming on a diet Fluff: essence, pluses and minuses ^

    The feature of losing weight with the help of the Fuzzy diet is that throughout its entire length you need to use as a basis for the menu pearl gruel, sour-milk products, meat and fish of low-fat varieties, as well as vegetables.

    All these dishes are low-calorie and are suitable for use by people with allergies.their composition is hypoallergenic. The very process of weight reduction on the Fruit Floss is due to the fact that throughout its length the body feels a lack of calories, and begins to draw energy from the already existing fatty deposits, thereby destroying them and reducing body weight.

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    Another question is whether the volumes on the Pushkin diet go. Naturally, together with kilograms, the waist and hips circumference is reduced, so with her help you can make slender even the most magnificent figure with a lot of excess weight.

    Advantages of the diet Fluff for the body:

    • It cleanses the intestines and allows you to quickly lose weight;
    • Despite rapid weight loss, stretch marks on the body do not appear.

    It is necessary to pay attention also to drawbacks:

    • Such a power supply system is like a mono-diet, but with some indulgences, so it is not easy to sustain it;
    • The procedure is not suitable for pregnant, lactating mothers and in the presence of any chronic diseases;
    • Prolonged use of the diet can cause complications due to a poorly balanced menu, so doctors do not recommend using this method of weight loss for longer than two weeks.

    How much can I lose on a diet Fluffy without harm to health

    Because of the low calorie diet Fluff - only 800 Kcal per day, the process of weight reduction occurs very quickly, and for 1.5-2 months, many manage to lose up to 35 kilograms.

    This effectiveness of the diet Fudge for weight loss is also achieved by prohibiting the use of the following products:

    • Sweets and pastries;
    • Fried, smoked and salty foods;
    • Condiments;
    • Tea and coffee.

    Diet Fudge for intensive slimming at home: menus, rules, recipes ^

    Diet Fudge: menu, recipes for fast weight loss

    Rules for weight loss on a diet Fluff:

    • A glass of pearl barley should be soaked in boiling water overnight, and during the next day to eather, dividing into 5 portions;
    • It is recommended to bring the norm of water to 1.5-2 liters per day;
    • For the duration of a diet, exercise should be limited to a minimum, since the body at this time may be weakened.

    Diet Fudge: menu

    There are two varieties of the "Pushkin" diet: the first lasts a month and a half, and the second is a more strict diet, designed for a week.

    Diet Fudge: minus 35 kg for a month and a half

    To significantly reduce the weight for such a period, you need to make up your diet according to the example of this:

    • Have breakfast with a pearl barley, 200 g low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt;
    • For lunch we eat pearl gruel;
    • We have dinner with a pearl barley and a piece of baked fish;
    • Lunch porridge and vegetable salad;Dinner with a pearl bar and a glass of yogurt.

    Pearl diet Fuzzy

    The menu for 7 days is as follows:

    • Monday: We eat only a barley and 1 apple;
    • Tuesday: add a couple of bananas to the porridge;
    • Wednesday: pearl barley, 15 g raisins and the same number of nuts;
    • Thursday: we eat porridge, at lunch we eat 100 g of boiled veal, and in the evening - a pack of low-fat cottage cheese;
    • Friday: in addition to the pearl bar we include banana and 100 g of beef;
    • Saturday: we repeat the menu of the last day;
    • Sunday: leave 100 g of low-fat meat and pearl gruel.

    Recipes for a diet Fluff

    Recipe for vegetable salad:

    • Shinch white cabbage, rub carrots;
    • Fill with lemon juice.

    Recipe for boiled beef:

    • 1 kg of thawed meat is placed in a pan with water, boil for 20 minutes;
    • Reduce fire, add crushed onion, bay leaf, celery, bell pepper and a little salt;
    • We cook for 1 hour.

    Cottage Cheese Recipe with Fruit:

    • 150 g curd mixed with pieces of pulp of banana and orange;
    • Add a little lean sour cream and whisk.
    We also recommend that you read the article Thai diet.

    Effective Diet Fever: doctors' reviews, results of losing weight ^

    Nutritionists do not recommend using the technique for more than seven days, since its hard diet can cause complications in the form of diseases of the digestive tract, muscle dystrophy and problem rashes on the skin. It is also important to make the correct exit after Fluffy:

    • First add other cereals to the menu, then increase the portions of sour-milk products and vegetables;
    • From the second week you can introduce new meat dishes.

    As a result of the Fudge diet for quick weight loss, many can actually achieve a sharp weight loss, but to maintain the figure in the future, one should eat healthy food and limit fried and fatty foods.

    Reviews about the Fudge diet for our regular readers are also very positive:

    Olesya, 23 years old:

    "I held on to the softer menu of Fluffy for about two weeks, I was not enough for a month and a half. It's very difficult to eat the same thing all the time, but I've had enough time to lose 10 kilograms. "

    Daria, 29:

    " I lost weight on Pushkin by exactly 29 kilograms, although I had to eat like this for almost 2 months. Naturally, such a result was worth the effort, but a huge incentive was my photos three years ago, where I was still slim. "

    Larissa, 43 years old:

    " Before Pushinka tried many different techniques, but it was on it that I managed to lose 20 kg per month. The menu for me is not easy - I do not like monotonous food - but the result was worth the patience ยป