Diet minus 5 kg
Diet minus 5 kg:reviews and results of weight loss
The diet minus 5 kg is a quick and easy way to get rid of excess weight, which can be used by any person, having studied all the subtleties of the nutrition program.
How fast to lose weight by 5 kg at home ^
Any woman who follows her figure sooner or later asks: on what diet can you quickly lose weight by 5 kilograms at home?
There is not always time to visit a nutritionist to choose a nutrition program, especially now you can do it yourself, knowing the characteristics of each of them.
If you need to lose a few extra pounds in a short time, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself with prolonged starvation - you can take advantage of the best diet for weight loss of 5 kg. They exist in two varieties: strict, balanced, slow or fast. All of them differ among themselves by the predominance of certain products, the duration and ease of transfer by man.
When choosing a fast diet for weight loss of 5 kg without a return, you should pay attention to several important points:
- Its diet should be balanced, that is, the presence of proteins and carbohydrates is mandatory, and fats are generally best removed from the menu;
- If the menu is dominated by proteins, then, in addition to weight loss, you can strengthen the muscles, as is protein that promotes muscle mass gain;
- When using a mono-diet, in which only one product is allowed - it is important that it is nutritious, but non-caloric. For these purposes, cereal grains, apples, yogurt, cottage cheese, chicken and eggs, cucumbers are best suited.
A balanced diet for 5 kg weight loss presupposes the presence of both proteins and slow carbohydrates, the latter being desirable in the morning in large quantities, and eating no more than two fruits or vegetables for dinner. This option is considered the most secure, becausethe body does not experience a shortage of nutrients, and the feeling of hunger appears in rare cases.
So, if you want to lose weight quickly, then you should use a strict technique, but it will be harder to sustain. A balanced diet is suitable for a smooth and safe weight loss, but the result will have to be achieved for a longer time.
Basic dietary rules for safe weight loss of 5 kg at home:
- Strict diets are forbidden to people with stomach and bowel diseases, as well as diabetics, pregnant and lactating mothers;
- During the diet, you must give up fatty, fried, salty, smoked, flour and sweet foods;
- It is compulsory for 1 day to consume at least 1.5 liters of purified and cold water;
- It is desirable to eat more often, but in small portions: so the food will be better absorbed, and do not have to starve.
Diet minus 5 kilograms: menu, rules, recipes ^
Diet minus 5 kg: menu options, weight loss recipes
Diet minus 5 kg per week
This menu is designed for 1000-1200 calories, and when you feel hungry, you can have a snack with apples:
- Lunch a cup of green tea without sugar, eat a slice of black bread with a piece of cheese;
- We ate fruit for lunch, except for grapes and bananas;
- Lunch boiled low-fat meat, vegetable salad;
- We snack fruit;
- We dine with low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, as well as a salad of vegetables with a slice of bread, we drink tea without sugar.
Diet minus 5 kg for 5 days
This option is the heaviest, as it implies the use of a limited number of products:
- Monday: we drink 2 liters of water, we consume 1.5 kg of apples, every 2 hours we drink 2 tablets of activated charcoal;
- Tuesday: we drink no more than 1 liter of kefir( 1%), we consume 600 g of cottage cheese, divided into several portions;
- Wednesday: restore energy, eating honey( 2 tbsp.) And dried fruits( 300 g).You can cook from them compote without sugar;
- Thursday: we strengthen muscles, eating boiled chicken breast or fillet( 500 g) with herbs;
- Friday: We eat an unlimited amount of fresh vegetables, fruits and oatmeal cooked on the water.
Fruit diet minus 5 kg per week
For a quick weight loss this light enough diet is recommended:
- We have breakfast with a grapefruit or fruit salad with kefir dressing;
- For lunch we eat a couple of kiwi;
- We eat an omelet or chicken breast, eat 100 g of berries and drink fruit juice;
- We snack 2-3 slices of watermelon or melon, apricots, orange or apples;
- We dine with low-fat cottage cheese( 100 g) and apples.
Buckwheat diet minus 5 kg
This option is allowed to use no more than 5 days:
- Daily eat steamed buckwheat( 1 cup of cereal for 2 cups of boiling water), you can dilute it with kefir;
- Also at lunch we eat 150 g of boiled chicken breast or fillets.
Diet on oatmeal minus 5 kg
Oat groats are quite satisfying, but, nevertheless, this variant of losing weight is hard enough to sustain, so you can not use it for more than a week.
Menu for every day:
- We consume 100 grams of oatmeal porridge cooked on all the meals;
- Drink lots of water.
Apple diet minus 5 kg
As a rule, you can achieve the desired result with such a menu in 3 days, but if necessary, you can use it for 5 days:
- We eat fresh or baked apples( not more than 1.5 kg per day);
- Every day we drink 1,5-2 liters of 1% kefir.
Lenten diet minus 5 kg
This option is designed for 7 days, during which it is forbidden to eat meat, fish, sour-milk products and eggs.
Approximate menu:
- In the morning we drink tea, we eat porridge from pyshenki with apples;
- For lunch, cook borscht without meat, eat cabbage-carrot salad;
- We snack baked potatoes and compote;
- Supper with braised vegetables and 50 g of candied fruits.
Vegetable diet minus 5 kg
There are several varieties of a five-day diet on vegetables:
- Cucumber: we eat 1.5 kilograms of cucumbers every day, drink water and green tea;
- Cabbage: we eat salad from white cabbage with dressing from lemon juice, in the morning we drink green tea, and in the evening - 200 g of kefir;
- Tomato: every day we consume 1,5 kg of fresh tomatoes, drink 1 liter of tomato juice.
Watermelon diet minus 5 kg
Feeding on this example of the menu, a week will manage to lose 5-6 kilograms:
- In the morning we eat oatmeal and a slice of watermelon;
- For lunch - watermelon;
- Lunch a salad with greens, eat chicken breast and a portion of watermelon;
- For a snack drink watermelon juice;
- We dine 100 g cottage cheese and watermelon slices.
Diet for 3 days minus 5 kg
In this diet, only lean broth, cottage cheese, vegetables and yogurt are allowed:
- Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach;
- Have breakfast with green tea or cocoa with milk and 1 tsp.honey;
- Lunch 100 grams of boiled fish or meat, grapefruit and vegetable salad dressed with olive oil;
- For dinner - vegetable broth.
Diet minus 5 kg for 2 weeks
This diet is considered the most balanced, because it contains both dairy( protein) and vegetable( carbohydrate) products:
- In the morning we eat an apple, a sandwich with a slice of cheese, and also we drink tea;
- Snacking with any fruit;
- For lunch, eat a portion of stewed vegetables, drink a cup of tea;
- For a snack - 200 g of kefir;
- We dine 70 g of low-fat cottage cheese, diluted with yogurt, we drink tea.
Diet for 1 month minus 5 kg
The main essence of this diet is to eat the bulk of food for breakfast and lunch, and for dinner at 18.00 - a small portion of a low-calorie dish.
Approximate menu:
- Lunching buckwheat porridge, drinking green tea with a slice of rye bread;
- We have a soup with chicken, Caesar salad with crackers, we drink a cup of tea;
- We have dinner with baked fish, salad from tomatoes and cucumbers, we drink kefir or tea.
The best diets for fast and safe weight loss of 5 kg: testimonials, results, correct output ^
Doctors do not recommend using fast diets more than three, and balanced - more than four times a year, and to maintain weight recommend weekly to spend unloading days. In their opinion, one should not constantly limit oneself to nutrition, since this can lead to negative consequences for the organism.
The results of effective diet for 5 kg at home:
- Weight reduction for 3.5 days, a week or a month, depending on the chosen diet;
- Activation of metabolism, becausebeneficial products favorably on the intestines.
How to get out of the diet minus 5 kg:
- If you used a hard diet, then you need to increase its calorie content by 100 Kcal per day;
- With a softer menu, the above figure is equivalent to 200 Kcal per day;
- The main emphasis should be made on lean meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, as well as sour-milk products, but fatty foods are allowed only from the second week and in small quantities.
Reviews about the best diets for fast weight loss for 5 kg of our regular readers are also very positive.
Irina, 23 years old:
"I took off 5 kg for 7 days, taking advantage of the watermelon menu. In general, maintaining such a diet is very easy, since all the dishes used in it are quite hearty. "
Larissa, 29:
" I think the cucumber diet is the most effective, and for good reason: eating 5 days only with cucumbers, I managed to lose 6 kg. Of course, I often wanted to eat something meat, but I still managed to restrain myself. "
Maria, 35 years old:
" I love apples, so I chose the appropriate diet. Every day I took 1 kilogram, so I had to stretch everything for 5 days to achieve the desired result, although I needed a huge willpower "