Rice diet for weight loss and cleansing
Rice diet is one of the most effective express diets
Rice diet for weight loss and cleansing is deservedly popular all over the world due to its simplicity, accessibility and efficiency.
How to lose weight on the rice diet ^
At its core, the rice diet program of weight loss is a salt-free mono-diet,( like buckwheat, oatmeal, etc.), but its distinctive feature is that, simultaneously with losing weight, there is a powerful purification of the entire body.
Rice has unique properties:
- it is not only a source of many vitamins and minerals,
- but also an excellent sorbent absorbing salt sponges, toxins, slags, mucus, excess of sugar and bad cholesterol.
These properties are widely used in the development of curative rice programs for the purification of joints from salts.
Brown rice is most useful because most of the mineral components contain the shell, which is removed in refined refined products. Therefore, this technique will give the best result when using brown raw rice.
There are many options for rice weight loss - from the simplest one-day fasting day to the express diet for 3 days and a long monthly program. All of them are effective and useful, so you can easily find the right way for you.
Due to the fact that the rice contains protein and fatty lanolinic acid, it is good and lasts for a long time, therefore rice growing can pass quite comfortably and without a strong sense of hunger. In order to maximally fully draw salt and toxins, it is recommended that it be soaked in water before use.
Rice diet for 3 days ^
The rice diet for 3 days is the most severe, but effective option and is widely used in cases when it is necessary to quickly lose several kilograms of excess weight. There are two variants of the rice diet for weight loss for 3 days - hard, at which about 3 kilograms are lost and more mild with a loss of 2-2.5 kilograms.
The first version of
- With the first option, you need to weld a glass of rice, divide it into 5-6 portions and eat all day at regular intervals so that there is no feeling of hunger.
- In addition, you need during the day to eat about 300 grams of braised vegetables and fresh fruits to make up for the body's need for vitamins and minerals.
- You need to drink a lot, at least 2 liters per day of ordinary water, but not immediately after meals, and 2.5 hours after it.
The second variant of
The second option includes a 3-time meal with a more varied menu, but also the presence of boiled rice at every meal.
The first day of
- Breakfast: boiled rice( 100 g) and lemon peel.
- Lunch: rice with herbs and vegetable oil, fresh vegetable salad( 150g) and broth from any vegetables, except potatoes.
- Dinner: vegetable broth and rice with boiled carrots.
The second day of
- Breakfast: boiled rice with herbs and sour cream, orange.
- Lunch: rice and vegetable soup.
- Dinner: boiled rice with vegetables, steamed.
The third day of
- Breakfast: a serving of rice( 100 g), grapefruit.
- Lunch: rice with stewed mushrooms, vegetable broth, fresh cucumber salad with olive oil.
- Dinner: boiled rice and steamed broccoli( 150 g).
Rice Diet 5 Volumes ^
The original rice diet of 5 volumes lasts two weeks and is as follows:
- It is necessary to take 5 small cans, sign them by numbers and in each pour 2 tbsp.rice and pour a glass of ordinary purified water.
- Water in cans should be changed daily for 4 days.
- On the 5th day, drain the water from the first can, eat rice without boiling.
- Put 2 tbsp into the can.rice, pour water and put in the end of the line.
- These manipulations repeat 14 days, eating every day a portion soaked for four days.
Specialists claim that rice soaked in this way is completely freed of impurities and, therefore, most effectively draws salts and slags from the body without affecting the muscle mass.
When cleaning this way, you need to refrain from breakfast, it is replaced by rice eaten in the morning. In other meals, you must completely abandon the salt, or reduce it to a minimum.
Other options for losing weight with rice ^
Unloading rice days
It is recommended to discharge the rice day on a weekly basis, but as the body clears and releases from the slag, it will be enough for one day per month.
- In the morning, boil a glass of rinse washed rice from the evening without salt and oil, divide into small portions.
- In the intervals between meals, drink plain green tea without sugar, vegetable and fruit juices.
The honey - rice diet
The honey - rice variant of the diet is designed especially for people who do not think a day without a sweet and is designed for a week:
- It is necessary to cook 500 grams of rice without salt and oil and divide it into 5 receptions.
- In addition, three times a day you need to drink a glass of honey-lemon drink, prepared as follows - in a glass of boiling water is added to 1 tsp.honey and lemon juice.
This drink contains not only a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, but also perfectly dulls hunger.
Rice diet for 9 days
Rice slimming for 9 days is recommended for people with a lot of excess weight, for which short-term options do not give the desired effect, as well as women after 30 years.
- The first three days of food should consist exclusively of boiled rice,
- second three days of chicken,
- and the last three - from raw vegetables.
To avoid constipation possible with such nutrition, it is recommended to do cleansing enemas, drink plenty of water and green tea. Very useful regular( quarterly) cleansing of the intestine with salt water by the Shank-Praxalana method, used in the teachings of yoga for thousands of years.
Rice diet Two courses
The dietary method "Two dishes" is designed for 5 days, during which you only need to eat rice, fish and seafood, each dish is separately. You can add greens.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about rice weight loss ^
As you can see, there are many options, one can choose for himself the most suitable by timing and taste preferences. After completing any of them, to consolidate the result, you do not need to immediately attack the usual fatty and high-calorie food, try to start the morning with fruit or vegetable juices or herbal teas for a while.
Despite the effectiveness and simplicity of rice weight loss, doctors do not recommend using it often, so as not to harm your health in pursuit of harmony, because any mono-food is unbalanced and therefore deprives the body of the nutrients it needs.
Whatever the unique and useful product recommended for a mono-diet, it can not contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins in the required proportions, such a product simply does not exist in nature.
In addition, with a low-calorie mono-supply, the metabolism slows down, that is, the body as it tries to protect itself from lack of nutrition and put it aside for storage, it is inherent in it by evolution and nature. When he receives the normal "dodiet" amount of food, on the contrary, he wants to "eat" and straightens it in fat stores.
That's why, to the chagrin of many women, after returning to normal nutrition, not only does the former weight return, but it also adds significantly. Approach all experiments with common sense, because any weight loss or starvation, as is known - this is a great stress for the body, which often does not pass without a trace.
It is also recommended to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release to help you lose weight fast and effectively: