Greasing Diet
Grazing Diet: how much you can lose weight, the results of
The easiest way to lose weight is to take advantage of a greasing diet,it is transferred quite easily, besides it can easily get rid of excess weight and has a minimum of contraindications.
Diet grazing: the essence and features ^
The power supply system is a technique that came from Japan to other countries and is very popular among many stars. Its essence lies in fractional nutrition, in which you have to eat every 2 hours.
Do not think that it will be full-fledged meals - it's not at all like that: it's supposed to be eaten in small portions of 100-150 g.
Thus, the main rule of the diet is 6 times a day. The effectiveness of this technique has been proven for a long time, because when small amounts of low-calorie food are received, the body extracts energy from existing fat folds, which ultimately leads to weight loss.
Grazing Diet: Advantages and Disadvantages of
Now the weight loss slimming system has a large number of supporters, and this can be explained by a number of reasons:
- . It is available to everyone and is easily transferred without causing constant the arrival of food every 2 hours, this moment is completely excluded;
- Thanks to its high efficiency, it is possible to lose a significant portion of excess weight quite quickly;
- This diet contributes to the activation of metabolism and the improvement of digestion, and also positively affects the condition of hair and skin.
The drawback of the greasing diet is only one: it can not be lost in a short time by 5-7 kg, as happens with the use of other techniques, but it guarantees a stable result without a set of kilograms when returning to the usual diet.
How much can I lose on a greasing diet
This question worries every woman who decided to resort to such a power system, but do not worry: in just 2 weeks you can remove up to 5 kg without feeling any discomfort and without experiencing a gnawing hunger.
To achieve good results, it is recommended to use the following products:
- Skimmed milk, kefir and cottage cheese;
- Hard cheeses;
- Lean fish;
- Low-fat meat;
- Greens and vegetables;
- Berries and fruits;
- Kashi.
Any fatty food, smoked meat, flour and sweets are subject to exclusion.they not only contribute to weight gain, but also negatively affect health.
Diet grazing: rules and menu ^
Greasing diet: slimming menu, recipes
Diet grazing: slimming rules
For the best effect, it is necessary to observe the following rules:
- You should eat slowly, chewing food: this ensures saturation and allows you to enjoy the consumeddish to the full. The situation should be calm, any rush or discomfort in the room is not allowed;
- Breaks between meals should not be more than 3 hours: this principle is considered the most important of all;
- For a day it is allowed to "eat" a maximum of 1800 Kcal: 400 Kcal per breakfast, lunch and dinner and 200 Kcal for lunch, afternoon snack and before bedtime. To count calories, you can use a special table;
- It is advisable to plan your menu in advance in order to avoid the temptation to eat a forbidden dish;
- Food should be cooked by cooking or steaming. You can not such products harmful substances are contained, besides it is very high in calories. When preparing salads, it is advisable to use olive oil, or refuel with non-fat unsweetened yogurt;
- A varied menu is the key to success: you can not eat every day with the same food, otherwise the probability of a breakdown is high.
Greasing Diet: Menu for the week
To properly plan your diet, it is worth using an exemplary menu:
- Lunch 100 grams of cereals from whole grains with the addition of 1 tbsp.l.low-fat yogurt, drink tea;
- For lunch we eat a handful of nuts and a couple of fruits;
- Lunch 200 ml of vegetable soup;
- We snack a portion of low-fat cottage cheese in 150 g;
- Supper with boiled shrimps( 150) and 100 grams of salad from raw vegetables.
Grazing Diet: Results and Feedback ^
According to nutritionists, nutrition according to the Japanese method is very good not only on the figure, but also on health, it's not for nothing that the population of this country is famous for its longevity. In addition, diet greasing allows you to always keep fit and not gain weight, if you use it for a long time, only slightly increasing the caloric intake.
Thanks to losing weight on the power supply system, the following results can be achieved:
- Weight reduction of 10 kg per month;
- Well-being;
- Improved digestion.
Grazing Diet: Feedback from our readers
Irina, 28 years old:
"I took advantage of the greasing technique, and did not want to: the kilograms started" flying away "pretty quickly, even did not expect such an effect! For a month I threw off about 8 kg, which is a good indicator for me, because only 3-4 kg could be reset for this time. "
Lyudmila, 34:
" I lost weight on a greasing diet, and now I can safely recommend itall! Of course, at first it's hard to rebuild your diet from unaccustomed, and even hunger sometimes comes up, but in just a week everything is normalized and noticeable relief is felt not only in terms of body weight, but also in terms of well-being »
Jeanne, 38,
«Long time struggled with excess weight, yet did not learn about a diet greasing. Thanks to her, I quickly dropped about 11 kg - about a month. I know that there are better results, but I did not have to exhaust myself with a wild hunger and restrict my food too much, because the rules of such a method are extremely simple for me and quite feasible. "