  • Tibetan diet

    Read in the article:
    • Features of Tibetan monks food
    • Tibetan diet for weight loss: menu for the week
    • Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about the Tibetan method of weight loss

    Tibetan diet rejuvenates and effectively cleanses the body

    The Tibetan diet is one of the main components of the way of life of the monks of Tibetand helps them to be not only in good physical form, but also constantly rejuvenate and cleanse their body.

    Features of food of Tibetan monks ^

    At the heart of the diet of monks of Tibet lies the ban on the intake of meat products and daily consumption of only plant foods, which allows them not to gain extra pounds.

    If you follow a diet from Tibetan lamas, you need to follow some basic rules for losing weight:

    • Food is divided into several small portions, chewed carefully and very slowly;
    • In the intervals between each meal, it is forbidden to have a snack, but non-carbonated mineral or spring water is allowed;
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    • Nutrition should be combined with respiratory gymnastics or physical exertion, preferably in the fresh air;
    • The products must be exceptionally fresh;
    • Milk products are allowed low-fat milk, sour milk, kefir and yogurt. Home-made curd and cheese should be added only to salads from vegetables or fruits;
    • Drinks such as tea and juices should be consumed after a couple of hours after a meal or half an hour before it.

    The dignity and shortage of the Tibetan diet program is only a ban on meat products. The exclusion from eating meat reduces the fat content of other foods present in the diet, which is a positive aspect in the process of losing weight. However, those who must be in permanent physical form, the refusal of meat products is unacceptable.

    Tibetan diet for weight loss: menu for a week ^

    Tibetan diet for weight loss is designed for a week, after which you can lose within 5 kg of excess weight.
    The menu of the dietary system of Tibetan monks consists of the following products:


    • Morning: dried toast or toast, a cup of milk;
    • Lunch: an orange or an apple of small sizes, 150 g of boiled beans, parsley lettuce, green onions, Bulgarian pepper and tomatoes - 200 g;
    • Evening: a glass of mineral water, a couple of any fruits, white cabbage, finely chopped and lemon juice flavored - 200 g.


    • Morning: one large orange or apple, a glass of water;
    • Lunch: one orange, a salad of apricots, bananas, apples, prunes and pears with the addition of cottage cheese - 200 grams, a couple of pieces of boiled fish;
    • Evening: zucchini stewed on vegetable oil - 250 g, tomato drink - 200 g, toast and a pair of medium tomatoes.


    • Morning: a couple of rusks, 200 g curd bars;
    • Lunch: 200 g of boiled green beans, cucumber salad, cheese, green onions, finely chopped garlic cloves and tomatoes with vegetable oil and 200 g;
    • Evening: orange, a couple of medium-sized apples, tomato, slice of bread, medium portion of boiled beet salad, tomato drink - 200 g.


    • Morning: a small bun, a glass of drinking water;
    • Lunch: apple juice - 200 g, salad from sweet pepper, onion green, cucumber and greens - 200 g, boiled fish - 250 g;
    • Evening: cracker, tea mug, salad with boiled green beans, cloves of garlic and raw carrots, seasoned with oil - 300 g.


    • Morning: a cup of kefir, a small bun;
    • Lunch: green apple, yogurt drinking - 200 g, a cup of red cabbage, finely chopped and seasoned with oil;
    • Evening: stewed aubergines with carrots - 200 grams, a slice of black bread, a glass of water.


    • Morning: a big orange or 4 mandarins, an apple drink - 200 g;
    • Lunch: 200 g of water, salad of celery, dill, Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes, cheese and onion - 200 g, medium portion of finely grated carrot mixed with olive oil;
    • Evening: 2 cups of drinking yogurt, strawberry or strawberry - 150 grams, a slice of cheese, a couple of toast.


    • Morning: yogurt or milk - 250 g, pair of crackers;
    • Lunch: a glass of mineral water, a cup of white cabbage, finely chopped and seasoned with lemon juice, boiled fish - 200 g;
    • Evening: a glass of juice, a slice of cheese, a boiled string bean with olive oil, a couple of fruits( pears, bananas, apples or peaches).

    During the seven dietary days, the evening meal should be held at 18 - 19 hours.

    Tibetan diet of Christina Orbakaite

    Tibetan diet of Christina Orbakaite often helps her to remove accumulated slag from the body and remove an extra couple of kilograms. At the heart of her weight loss program is the same dietary diet that should be followed in the seven-day method of Tibetan lamas.

    Tibetan diet for cleansing on raw rice

    The Tibetan diet for cleansing on raw rice is one of the most effective ways of cleaning the body. The essence of the technique is to:

    • take a round-grained rice and count as many spoonfuls of canteens as full years.
    • Then the rice is washed, poured into a jar, poured with boiled cold water and placed in the refrigerator.
    • In the morning the water is drained from the jar, one st.a spoonful of cereals and cook without salt for about 4 minutes.

    The main condition - cooked rice must be taken early in the morning, preferably until half past seven. The remaining rice is again filled with water and placed in the refrigerator until the next morning. During the day, the daily diet is allowed.

    Tibetan diet on porridges

    The Tibetan dietary method on porridges lasts 10 days and contributes not only to rapid weight loss, but also relieves the body of toxins, preservatives, artificial food, sediment and the consequences of chemotherapy. The basis of this system of weight loss is the use of cereals from millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and barley groats, cooked on water and without salt.

    During a dietary tenth day, it is recommended to do gymnastics and be more present in the fresh air. Only drinking water is allowed from the liquid, but in limited quantities.

    Tibetan diet on herbs

    The Tibetan diet on herbs lasts about a month, during which not only the weight will gradually decrease, but the body will also be cleaned, the health, eyesight and external condition of the skin will improve. At the heart of this dietary system is the use after dinner and dinner of tea from immortelle, chamomile, St. John's wort and kidneys of birch.

    Recipe for the preparation of tea: 100 g of each name of the grass is mixed, then the herb collection - 1 second.l., pour half a glass of boiling water, insist 25-35 minutes, then strain and add a spoonful of honey.

    We also recommend that you read the Bormental Diet article.

    Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about the Tibetan method of losing weight ^

    The results of the Tibetan diet are impressive:

    • Weight reduction for 7 days to 5 kg;
    • Improving the digestive system and overall well-being;
    • Metabolism acceleration;
    • Restoration in the body of metabolism and its complete purification.

    The Tibetan diet has a balanced diet and is easily tolerated, and the way out of it involves the gradual introduction of meat dishes, soups and cereals into the diet. You can repeat the Tibetan dietary method in a month. Reviews of the Tibetan diet from women are rather approving. This seven-day period did not bring them any difficulties, and the result was very happy.

    Nutritionists also have a positive opinion about the Tibetan diet, because this way of losing weight is not strict, but the menu is fairly balanced, which will not cause harm to health.

    We also recommend you to watch a video of the video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: