Vegetable Diet
Slimming on vegetables helps to lose weight and overall health improvement
vegetable diet is considered one of the mostuseful and delicious methods of weight loss, because in the composition of vegetables contains a huge number of nutrients and minerals, contributing to the discharge of excess kilograms and general improvement of the body.
Supporters of such a diet are also confident that vegetables supply the body with better carbohydrates and proteins than sources of animal origin, and therefore can significantly improve the health status of women and provide her with a beautiful figure.
Benefits and benefits of losing weight on vegetables ^
Useful properties of vegetables were noticed by ancient people. They explained them, however, somewhat differently than in modern days. It was believed that they absorb the energy of the sun and the strength of the fertile land, which gives health and life to the people who eat them.
Today it is already known that vegetables are rich in vitamins and microelements very important for the life of the human body. In addition, they contain a significant number of useful for us carbohydrates, enzymes and organic acids, giving a huge charge of vivacity and energy.
With specific regard to the female body, the benefits of vegetable diet is simply invaluable for him - it is known that vegetarians during childbirth often avoid the painful struggles and tears, and recover quickly from a variety of physical and emotional upheaval. Such a vitamin diet will also be the best prevention of cardiovascular diseases, abnormalities in GIT and atherosclerosis.
For losing weight, vegetables also play a significant role. Most of their useful properties, contributing to the release of excess weight, due to the presence of fiber products - a group of complex carbohydrates, difficult to digest for the body. Leaving our body almost unchanged, cellulose performs two important tasks:
- regulates the process of digestion;
- and cleanses the intestines, acting as a mild natural laxative.
- but the main advantage of cellulose is the successful fight against excess kilograms. The fact that her abundant use allows the body to quickly reach a sense of satiety and suppress the feeling of hunger for a longer period.
So, by observing such a diet, you can not worry at all about how to cope with the painful, aching sense of hunger that haunts the body while observing a wide variety of dietary programs. After all, as is known, all complex carbohydrates are spent exclusively on energy costs and are not transformed into fat stores.
promotes rapid weight loss and diet programs on certain types of vegetables that have diuretic properties that help rid the body of all the excess liquid and allow the woman at least the loss of one - two kilograms of excess weight.
Of course, this method of losing weight can only be short-term - no more than one - two days. At the same time, it helps to fight with edema both on the face and in the extremities. Diuretic products include cucumbers, cabbage, asparagus, beets.
The essence of any vegetable slimming program is the refusal to eat any foods other than vegetables. At the same time, you can have any kinds of them and in practically unlimited quantities. The best season for observing such a diet is autumn, when the harvest is removed and the products accumulated the most useful minerals and vitamins.
It is important to know that the maximum benefit can be obtained from raw products. The same species that need heat treatment, it is better to cook steamed or boiled. Very useful are also soups and freshly squeezed juices. The advantages of the diet program on vegetables are obvious:
- low calorie foods;
- their saturation with all the components necessary for the life of the body - vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes, organic acids, carbohydrates, vegetable fats;
- the satiety of the diet;
- the possibility of cleansing the body of metabolic products;
- power supply and after 18 hours:
- prophylaxis of a large number of diseases.
There are some weight loss programs and drawbacks:
- Some kinds of vegetables in their raw form can provoke flatulence, digestive disorders, a symptom of increased acidity.
- With prolonged compliance, the body can become addicted to a limited diet, which, when attempting to return to normal nutrition, causes digestive problems. Therefore, the way out of the diet program and entering the menu of porridge, cottage cheese and meat should be very smooth and gradual.
- Contraindications to compliance with this technique can be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and a number of certain chronic diseases.
Vegetable Diet: Menu for 3, 7 and 10 days ^
There are a lot of different vegetable diet programs of different duration.
For example, a very effective diet, the menu of which is designed for 3 - 5 days. When it is observed, you can lose 3 kg of excess weight, cleanse the body and allow it to relax from heavy protein food.
The essence of the three-day food system consists in the daily consumption of 1.8 kg of any vegetables, except potatoes, which are eaten raw, cooked or stewed. For a change, you can prepare salads, filling them with oil or fat-free mayonnaise. The entire daily volume of foods should be divided into 5-6 meals. You can drink water or green tea.
Vegetable diet for 7 days
A longer method of weight loss is a program for 7 days. In a day it is allowed to eat about 1.5 kg of vegetables. The emphasis is also on apples, yoghurt, oat flakes, cottage cheese, low-fat milk and coarse bread. It is necessary to completely abandon fatty, floury, meaty, sweet.
Menu for 7 days can look like this.
Day 1:
- breakfast: compote of berries, apple-cabbage salad;
- lunch: lean soup, green tea;
- afternoon snack: salad of grated carrot with olive oil;
- dinner: pepper stuffed with eggplant and tomatoes, berry compote.
Day 2:
- breakfast: low fat yogurt with fresh berries;
- lunch: salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, Bulgarian pepper, brynza, olives with vegetable oil, fruit jelly;
- snack: baked apple with honey;
- dinner: cabbage broth, green tea.
Day 3:
- breakfast: salad from radishes and herbs, tea;
- lunch: potatoes baked, sauerkraut, green tea;
- afternoon snack: baked turnips;
- dinner: vegetable stew, dried fruit compote.
Day 4:
- breakfast: cabbage broth, tea;
- lunch: soup from vegetables, green tea;
- snack: boiled beet and prune salad;
- dinner: salad, a glass of yogurt 1%.
Day 5:
- breakfast: low-fat yogurt with banana slices;
- lunch: vegetable stew, green tea;
- afternoon snack: apple;
- dinner: vegetable broth, compote of dried fruits.
Day 6:
- breakfast: broth, berry compote;
- lunch: soup on cabbage broth, tea;
- afternoon snack: salad of tomatoes and cucumbers;
- dinner: Baked pumpkin, tea.
Day 7:
- breakfast: fruit salad, tea;
- lunch: pea porridge, green tea;
- afternoon snack: a salad of grated carrot with olive oil;
- dinner: stewed zucchini and squash, a glass of yogurt 1%.
Vegetable Diet for 10 Days
The menu for 10 days as a whole is not too different from the seven-day option. It can be observed up to 30 days, while the following types of products are allowed to be allowed: bread( rye or cereal), corn or oat flakes, skimmed milk products - milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yoghurts, apples and fresh vegetables - 1.5kg per day.
A strict version of this menu may look like this:
- breakfast - corn flakes or oat flakes on low-fat milk, grating carrots;
- lunch - 1 cucumber;
- lunch - salad from fresh vegetables, rye bread, 2-3 boiled potatoes with sour cream or vegetable oil;
- afternoon snack - Bulgarian pepper;
- dinner - fresh vegetables.
Less strict menu option:
- breakfast - vegetable salad, cottage cheese, slice of bread, tea or coffee;
- lunch - any green vegetables and fruits;
- dinner - salad, soup, liver;
- dinner - any two fruits, 0.5 packs of low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt, different vegetables, rye bread.
Popular varieties of vegetable diets ^
There is also quite a lot of mixed diet programs on vegetables.
Protein - vegetable diet
For example, the protein - vegetable variant, the essence of which consists in the alternation of vegetables with protein food., Allows for 5 days of its compliance to throw about 4 - 5 kg.
The menu is quite simple:
- The first day is on vegetables. In the morning, eat 2 slices of black bread and a salad. For dinner - stew or boil vegetables. In the evening - again a salad. Without restrictions you can drink non-carbonated water, it is permissible to take 1-2 liters of tomato juice.
- The second and third day - protein. In the morning - a slice of bread with a thin layer of butter and a glass of green tea. Chicken broth with a slice of chicken breast is cooked for lunch, and 100 g of boiled champignons and 100 g of beans are eaten. Dinner will be in the form of 200 g of boiled chicken or fish, or 2 hard-boiled eggs. The fourth and fifth day - vegetable - fruit. In the morning, eat low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt with fruit.30 minutes before dinner - again fruit. A vegetable soup is prepared for lunch. In the afternoon snack - fruit. Dinner - 200 grams of cottage cheese or yogurt and vinaigrette( or salad from vegetables).
Fruit and vegetable diet
In the summer season, a very popular seven-day fruit and vegetable method, which involves eating fruits and vegetables. The forbidden products include potatoes, sugar, coffee, tea, salt. You can drink mineral water without gas and freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. The basic rules of this method of losing weight:
- portions of food should not be more than 300 g;
- fruits and vegetables do not need to be peeled;
- daily water rate is 2 liters;
- there are no time restrictions on food intake, you can eat and before bed.
Sample menu for the day:
- breakfast - 150 g of oat flakes salad, green apples and nuts;
- dinner - a green salad, any fruit, a handful of nuts, juice;
- dinner - like breakfast.
During the summer period, a very popular diet is on salads. Salads can be prefabricated or consist of one specific product. The main thing is not to mix vegetables and fruits in them at the same time.
Diet on vegetable salads
The menu below on salads is calculated for 14 days: every day use salads in any quantity plus to them( on days):
- Day 1 - 400 grams of fish.
- 2nd: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 250 g of vegetable soup, orange.
- 3rd: 0.5 kg of green apples.
- 4th: 500 g of chicken meat, orange or apple.
- 5th: 250 grams of fish, a glass of kefir.
- 6th: 200 g of boiled beef, orange or apple.
- 7th: oatmeal on water, 125 g yogurt, a glass of yogurt, 1 rye bread( rye).
- 8th: 3 eggs( soft-boiled or hard-boiled), a glass of yogurt, an orange or an apple.
- 9th: vegetable soup, 250 g of chicken.
- 10th: 350 grams of fish, a glass of yogurt, 2 rye bread.
- 11th: 150 grams of cottage cheese, as much yogurt, a cup of yogurt, an apple or an orange.
- 12th: 350 g soup from vegetables, 200 g of boiled beef.
- 13th: oatmeal on water, orange.
- 14th: 350 grams of fish, a glass of yogurt.
There are many other equally popular and effective mixed diet programs based on vegetables, the most popular of which are the following:
- Milk and Vegetable Diet - it can be of two kinds: with fruits or, conversely, with a complete ban on them;
- fish-vegetable diet - suitable for fans of the protein diet, as well as as a therapeutic and preventive nutrition;
- kefir-vegetable diet - shows excellent results even with short-term compliance;
- curd and vegetable diet - its advantage is the usefulness of diet, satiety and balance;
- meat and vegetable diet - belongs to the category of protein diets;
- buckwheat and vegetable diet - the main product of this food system is slightly greyish buckwheat without salt and oil;
- diet on vegetable soups is an excellent option for effective and unhealthy weight loss, in which soups can be consumed throughout the day without a quantitative restriction.
According to dietitians, the optimal duration of vegetable weight loss methods is from 3 days to one month. Longer follow this diet program is dangerous due to the lack of protein in the diet. The results of the vegetable diet can vary from 2 to 10 kilograms, depending on the individual characteristics of each organism and the duration of the technique of losing weight.
Repeat this diet program can be no more than once a year. A very useful vegetable ration as a fasting day, which can be periodically observed throughout life. Numerous positive reviews of the vegetable diet prove that in one way or another it helps to lose weight to all of its fans.
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