Bean diet
Bean diet is effective, nourishing, tasty, useful and safe
Bean diet for weight loss is verynourishing and useful dietary methods, as beans are a valuable source of vegetable protein, which is easily perceived by the human body, which can not be said about the protein contained in meat and dairy products.
Features and benefits of diet on beans ^
- This product can be called a valuable supplier to our body of fatty acids, useful carbohydrates, pectin and organic acids.
- The composition of the bean is represented by a number of useful minerals( calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, etc.) and vitamins( C, B, E, PP).
- It has a beneficial effect on metabolism, which is very important when losing weight.
- In addition, this product allows you to reduce blood sugar, so the bean method for weight loss can comply even with diabetics.
The bean diet is very effective, since the main product of its diet is classified as a healthy and low-calorie food, it gives a feeling of satiety that persists for a long time. When observing the bean program it is very important to give up salt, sugar, sweets, flour products, as well as alcohol, fried and fatty foods. Salt, if desired, can be replaced with spices, onions, garlic and greens.
The dietary diet should be presented by sour-milk products, pure still water, unsweetened tea or natural coffee, vegetables, berries and fruits, as well as beans. Nutritionists advise that to lose weight it is desirable to use a white bean variety. To improve the positive effect of adherence to this diet program, you need to start playing sports.
Advantages of the bean diet:
- beans are an excellent dietary product( 102 kcal per 100 g of product);
- is the source of a huge amount of useful substances, which makes it possible to maintain the body during the vitamin deficiency;
- does not require high costs;
- is available throughout the year;
- a slimming person does not suffer from hunger.
Cons of the bean diet:
- it can not be observed by every person because of the contraindications;
- during the period of weight loss requires the use of a large amount of fluid, otherwise you can not avoid problems such as frequent constipation;
- rules of the diet program are quite strict. Immediately after the end, you can not abruptly switch to the usual food. Every day, you need to replace the side dish with a bean dish.
As for contraindications to the observance of beans diet, they include:
- diseases associated with blood vessels and the heart;
- problems with the pancreas;
- diseases of the stomach, gallbladder and intestines;
- gout and urolithiasis.
Also from compliance with the bean diet should be abandoned to those who have an individual intolerance of the main ingredient. Repeatedly it will be possible to return to it no earlier than after 3 to 4 weeks of adequate nutrition. Since the bean diet includes a number of necessary elements, the bean diet can be deservedly considered the safest method of losing weight.
Diet on beans: 7 days menu ^
As stated above, bean diet should be maintained optimally for one week. We give a detailed menu for 7 days.
- First breakfast: half a cup of kefir or sour cream, a slice of dried bread, cheese;
- Second breakfast: some fruits, dried fruit or berries;
- Lunch: half a cup of beans in boiled or canned form, 250 grams of vegetable salad with the addition of olive oil, a cup of tea or juice;
- Dinner: beans in boiled or canned form, a plate of salad from vegetables, juice.
- First breakfast: yogurt / cottage cheese / sour cream( ? Cup), unsweetened coffee;
- Second breakfast: some fruits, dried fruit or berries;
- Lunch: half a cup of boiled beans, salad from vegetables or sauerkraut, unsweetened tea;
- Dinner: boiled string beans, 100 grams of fish cooked, stewed or baked, juice.
- First breakfast: a glass of kefir or half a cup of sour cream, dried bread and a slice of cheese;
- Second breakfast: some fruits, dried fruit or berries;
- Lunch: canned beans, a plate of vegetable salad, a cup of unsweetened tea;
- Dinner: boiled beans, a plate of vegetable salad, tomato juice.
- First breakfast:?a glass of sour cream or cottage cheese, a cup of unsweetened coffee;
- Second breakfast: some fruits, dried fruit or berries;
- Lunch: a plate of fruit salad and 100 g of beans;
- Dinner: 50 grams of rice, 100 grams of baked or boiled meat, juice.
- First breakfast: yogurt, cottage cheese or sour cream -?cup, a cup of unsweetened tea;
- Second breakfast: some fruits, dried fruits or berries;
- Lunch: boiled beans, a plate of salad from vegetables or sauerkraut, juice;
- Dinner: canned beans, vegetable salad, 2 boiled potatoes, tomato juice.
- First breakfast: a slice of dried bread, 35 g of cheese, coffee;
- Second breakfast:?a glass of kefir or sour cream;
- Lunch: half a cup of cottage cheese, a plate of vegetable salad, tea;
- Dinner: fruits and 150 g of beans.
- First breakfast: cottage cheese or yogurt, a glass of unsweetened coffee;
- Second breakfast: some fruits, dried fruit or berries;
- Lunch: vegetable salad and 1/2 tbsp.canned beans;
- Dinner: vegetable soup, bean dish, orange juice.
Reviews, results and useful tips for the bean diet ^
The menu is designed in such a way that a slimming person can choose one product from several offered( for example, during the first and second breakfasts).It is worth noting that the fat content of sour cream during weight loss should not exceed 5%.
Dietary program provides four meals a day, but before going to bed it is recommended to drink a glass of low-fat drinking yogurt, which can be replaced with kefir. Despite the lack of variety of products, the dietary diet is perfectly balanced, which means that it will not bring any harm to the human body.
According to the reviews of those people who tried on a bean diet, you can confidently say that it is very effective and quite easily tolerated. For 7 days of its observance it is possible to lose weight by 3 to 5 kilograms. In addition, the simplicity of the menu and the lack of expensive products in the diet are especially attractive for those who lose weight. To save the result, it is recommended to exercise cautious exit from the program of losing weight. At the same time, the caloric content of foods should be increased reasonably and gradually.
We also recommend you to watch a video of the video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help to lose weight quickly and effectively: