Lentil diet
Lentil diet helps to lose weight, normalizes metabolism and improves appearance
Lentil diet- an excellent way to quickly reduce weight, without experiencing a constant sense of hunger and not torturing the body with severe restrictions and excessive physical exertion.
Essence and rules of losing weight on lentils ^
Lentil is a legume crop, which is a protein food of vegetable origin, enriched with a large number of nutritious and useful substances.
The structure of lentil beans includes:
- Fiber - promotes the acceleration of the metabolism of the substance and the improvement of digestion;
- Protein - helps burn fat deposits;
- Folic acid - improves well-being, strengthens immunity;
- Iron, thiamine, phosphorus, copper, potassium, etc.;
- Vitamins E, A and Group B - a pledge of strong nails, healthy hair and protection from negative external factors.
Diet based on the use of lentils, has the following advantages:
- Rapidly reduces excess weight;
- Lentil dishes have excellent taste and contain a minimum percentage of fat;
- The blood sugar level drops;
- Slag and toxic compounds are removed.
There are no drawbacks to this dietary method, but there are some contraindications. These include childhood or advanced age, weakened immunity, pregnancy and exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system.
The diet of the lentil diet consists of the following set of products:
- Lentils, rice, vegetables, mushrooms and fish;
- Milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, but with a minimum fat content;
- Muesli and dried fruits;
- Berries, fruits;
- Green tea, mineral water.
During the dietary dietary system on lentils, flour, sweet, fatty, harmful foods, juices and alcohol should be discarded.
Lentil diet: approximate menu ^
Lentil diet for 7 days - the most gentle method of weight loss, which allows you to lose up to seven extra pounds per week. In between meals, you must drink enough water or weak green tea.
Menu for 7 days
Day 1
- Morning: baked apples with honey - 4 pieces;
- Lunch: lentil soup;
- Snack: Milk - 50 ml., A dessert spoon of honey;Evening: cottage cheese, berries, yogurt.
Day 2
- Morning: yoghurt with pieces of pear and apple;
- Lunch: Lentil scones - 200 g;
- Snack: a handful of raisins;
- Evening: lentil gruel, salad( green peas, paprika bulgarian).
Day 3
- Morning: muesli with yogurt;
- Lunch: mashed lentils, boiled fish;
- Snack: persimmon;
- Evening: lentil cake, cheese sauce, pumpkin puree.
Day 4
- Morning: muesli with milk;
- Lunch: baked lentils, rice and vegetables;
- Snack: almonds - 10 pcs.;
- Evening: fruit yoghurt, vinaigrette.
Day 5
- Morning: loaf with ham and butter - 3 pieces;
- Lunch: vegetable puree with lentils;
- Snack: grated carrots with honey;
- Evening: lentil soup with mushroom broth, bread.
Day 6
- Morning: curd cheese with berries;
- Lunch: lentil meatballs;
- Snack: Persimmon;
- Evening: lentil puree, steam fish.
Day 7
- Morning: yoghurt, dried fruits;
- Lunch: lentil gruel;
- Snack: berry puree;
- Evening: lentil cakes, berry - cottage cheese mix.
Rigid Lenticular Diet
The diet of a rigid diet consists of lentil gruel, prepared without salt, seasoning and oil, which must be consumed at least six times a day. From the liquid is allowed tea green and water.
The duration of a rigid method of weight loss is 4 days, but not more than a week. A positive achievement of the diet will be quickly lost 5 kg of excess weight.
Lentil Monodieta
This dietary system is good because it can be successfully used as a fasting day.
The food ration consists of liquid lentil gruel or mashed potatoes, green tea and 300 ml.kefir. Kefir is recommended to be consumed before lunch time.
By this method one day a week, you can easily throw off a kilogram of excess weight and perfectly clean the intestines.
Recipes of dietary dishes made of lentils ^
The daily dietary diet consists of a variety of dishes based on lentils, the most popular cooking recipes are given below:
Lentil cakes
- 200 gr.boiled lentils to bring to a puree state.
- Then add an egg, a chopped onion, st. / L flour.
- Then mix the mixture thoroughly, form into flat cakes and bake in the oven.
- For bean curd beat up with herbs and seasonings.
Lentil balls or hedgehogs.
- . In 150 gr.puree of lentils, add st. / l flour, egg, ground pepper, chopped onion.
- Then, form a mixture in the form of balls and place in the oven.
- 300 gr.mushrooms put out in sour cream as a side dish to meatballs.
Lentil liquid soup
- Welded lentils, chopped quality smoked sausage, add to the mushroom broth.
- Cook on low heat for no more than 5 minutes.
- At the end of the cooking, add any greens and sour cream.
- Combine the fried onions, grated carrots, garlic, greens, bell peppers and 200 gr.green boiled lentils.
- Salad dressed with low-fat sour cream.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about the lenticular diet ^
The results of the lentil diet are very positive:
- No more than a week the excess weight leaves the body within seven kilograms;
- Perfectly cleanses the intestines and normalizes metabolism;
- The state of health and appearance is noticeably improving.
Since lentils are a very useful dietary product, the technique of losing weight on it can be used after a month and a half. For long-term weight retention, you must adhere to the correct exit, based on several mandatory recommendations:
- Gradually introduce meat soups, smoked products, sugar;
- Breakfast should consist of oatmeal, rice and other cereals;
- Exclude a late meal;
- At the end of the week, arrange a fasting day on lentils or cook several times a week on its basis dishes.
Reviews of the lenticular weight loss diet have many positive responses. Many noted not only the highly effective weight loss and lightness in the body, but also the improvement of the condition of nails, facial skin and hair.
According to dieticians and doctors, lentils are an ideal food for slimming. Thanks to the balanced composition of this dietary product, you do not have to worry about causing harm to your health during the diet. However, doctors recommend to still combine lentils with other food and take additional vitamin complexes.
We also recommend you to watch a video of the video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: