Radical Diet
Radical diet will help to lose more than 5 kg of excess weight per week
Radical diet refers toto the category of extreme and highly effective methods of weight loss, able to rid in a short time of six or more pounds of excess weight.
Essence and principles of radical weight loss ^
The essence of the radical method of weight loss is a strict restriction of the norms of low-calorie protein-carbohydrate products.
Its diet consists of the following slimming products:
- Vegetables - potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, lettuce, spinach and sorrel;
- Fruit - quince, apples, plum, pear, cherry and dried apricots;
- Berries - cranberries, blackberries, blueberries;
- Meat products - beef, rabbit, veal and chicken;
- Eggs, milk, cottage cheese, sour milk drinks( yogurt, ryazhenka or kefir).
The advantages of the radical program are very significant:
- The body is completely free of toxins and toxins;
- Extra kilograms instantly leave the body;
- The volume of the stomach is significantly reduced, which in the future will allow the thinning to be saturated with a small amount of food.
The disadvantages of the radical method of losing weight are a very limited diet, as well as the constant presence of hunger, increased fatigue and weakness. A radical food system is strictly forbidden for diseases or malfunctions in the intestines, stomach, cardiovascular and excretory systems.
The radical diet is based on the following rigorous rules that require strict adherence:
- It is forbidden to swap foods and days, and replace products with other non-dietary products;
- The recommended daily food norm is divided into 4 portions and is consumed after a certain period of time;
- During a break between meals, use only pure drinking or still mineral water;
- Adhering to a radical program of weight loss, you should give up heavy physical exertion.
Radical diet: approximate menu for 3 days and week ^
Radical diet for 3 days
The three-day dietary method is perfect not only for those who want to lose excess body weight, but also for those who want to relieve the body and intestines after a holiday or use of fatty and severefood.
An approximate three-day menu can be as follows:
Day 1
- 9.00 - kefir 150 g, 4 pcs.dried apricots;
- 13.00 - kefir 90 g, 2 pcs.dried apricots;
- 16.00 - unsweetened compote of dried apricots;
- 19.00 - 50 g of yogurt.
Day 2
- 9.00 - curdled milk 100 g, egg;
- 13.00 - curdled milk 100 g, medium baked potatoes;
- 16.00 - the egg;
- 19.00 - curdled milk 50 g, medium baked potatoes.
Day 3
- 9.00 - grated medium apple blended with 70 g of cottage cheese;
- 13.00 - apple or apple puree with a spoonful of honey;
- 16.00 - cottage cheese mixed with apple puree and blackberry 50 g / 20 g;
- 19.00 - cottage cheese 50 g, apple compote.
Radical diet for 7 days
The diet of the seven-day radical technique consists of a strict food restriction in the first three days. Then, for the remaining four days, the norms of the dishes will gradually increase, which will help the body to prepare for a gradual exit.
The presented rigid and hungry dietary week will allow to dump more than 5 - 6 kg of excessive weight. The seven-day diet menu is as follows:
- 9.00 - curd with kefir 50 g / 80 ml;
- 13.00 - cottage cheese with kefir 50 g / 80 ml
- 16.00 - kefir 100 ml;
- 18.00 - 50 g of cottage cheese.
- 9.00 - a pair of eggs, a loaf;
- 13.00 - medium boiled potatoes;
- 16.00 - the egg;
- 18.00 - a pair of boiled potatoes.
- 9.00 - a pair of plums or cherry plum, medium apple;
- 13.00 - apple-pear puree 80 g;
- 16.00 - a couple of plums;
- 18.00 - apple-pear salad 100 g, seasoned with drops of lemon juice.
- 9.00 - salad of tomato and boiled egg;
- 13.00 - veal steam 50 g;16.00 - tomato;Veal steamed 100 g, tomato.
- 9.00 - steam chicken 70 g, a slice of rye bread;
- 13.00 - puree blackberry - apple 100 g;
- 16.00 - an apple;
- 18.00 - boiled chicken 120 grams, a slice of rye bread.
- 9.00 - cucumber, a pair of eggs;
- 13.00 - cucumber, a glass of curdled milk;
- 16.00 - spinach, a glass of curdled milk;
- 18.00 - curdled milk - 100 ml.
- 9.00 - salad( leaf lettuce, celery, chopped egg and 80 g of beef), bread;
- 13.00 - tomato, cucumber;
- 16.00 - beef 150 g;
- 18.00 - tomato thick drink with spinach and herbs.
Victoria Beckham's Radical Diet
The famous singer and socialite Victoria Beckham adheres to several variants of highly effective diets for maintaining her ideal model appearance, one of which is a radical or fish-berry diet.
In the diet of radical dietary nutrition Victoria includes sashimi and berries. Variety in the menu is made by boiled beans and seaweed. To achieve a more rapid effect, an evening meal is excluded from the diet.
However, it is worth noting that nutritionists from Victoria Beckham dieticians are advised to use only in the most extreme cases.
Results, reviews of thin and doctors about a diet for radical volumes ^
The results of a radical diet are impressive, a rapid weight loss of more than 5 kilograms during the week. However, in order to keep it reliably, it is necessary to strictly observe the following mandatory recommendations on the correct way out of the radical method:
- Caloric content of dishes must be increased daily very carefully - no more than 150-200 kcal;
- In the first couple of weeks it is necessary to completely exclude marinades, pickles, smoked products, confectionery and flour products;
- Fatty foods should be consumed in minimum quantities or even excluded from the daily diet;
- It is necessary to include physical activity in your rhythm of life;
- It is recommended to use a weekly unloading day.
It is quite difficult to transfer the radical method of losing weight, as it is accompanied by a constant sensation of hunger. Therefore, its repeated use is allowed no earlier than in 6 months of full and balanced nutrition.
Reviews of a radical diet among those who want to lose weight quickly are very positive. Withstood a very strict and limited diet, gratefully respond to this dietary method. However, the opinion of doctors with reviews of losing weight diverges, because they consider a radical diet unbalanced and extremely dangerous for the body.
According to doctors, the damage to health will consist of dehydration, deficiency of vitamins, amino acids and minerals, increased fatigue and muscular dystrophy. Based on this, nutritionists are negative about this method of weight loss and advise to resort to more sparing methods of combating obesity.
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