Water diet - we lose weight with water
Water diet is the most simple, useful and effective weight loss method
Water diet is verysimple, affordable and effective technique for losing weight. Its main advantage is that the slimming should not strictly control the calorie content of the products, nor their quantity and quality.
A person who adheres to the water diet, it is just necessary to change the attitude to water, that is, drink it at a certain time and in a certain amount.
Essence and advantages of losing weight with water ^
Nutritionists have chosen to lose weight water is not accidental, because of it, 80% of the human body. It is with its help that all nutrients, oxygen and microelements are delivered to the body.
Dehydration, on the contrary, slows the metabolism, therefore, the fluid lingers, causing swelling, poor health and the appearance of excess weight.
Scientists have found out that people who drink more than 2 liters of water per day feel much better and are younger than those who have a daily volume of drunk liquid less than 1.5 liters. The secret is that water is an excellent natural solvent, with the help of which the blood and intestines are cleaned of toxins.
The water slimming technique is to completely water the human body with natural clean water, and not at all with sodas or strong coffee. It is for this reason during water slimming is strictly forbidden to drink coffee, black tea, alcoholic and carbonated drinks that detain the liquid. Combining dietary methods with physical exertion, for every hour of running or exercise you need to drink 0.5 liters of pure still water.
Basic rules of the water slimming program:
- During eating, as well as after eating, the use of any liquid is strictly prohibited. According to the recommendations, it is advisable to take the liquid no earlier than 2 hours after eating.
- Half an hour before a meal, it is advisable to drink a glass of clean water. This will allow you to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger and achieve a sense of satiety, eating much less.
- Daily intake of drinking water during the dietary method - 40 ml per 1 kg of human weight, that is, having a weight of 100 kg, you need to take a day at least 4 liters.
- Naturally, the indicated dose does not need to be drunk at a time with a volley, especially since it is impossible. Try to distribute it evenly throughout the day.
- When feeling hungry, it is recommended to drink a glass of water first. The human body very often feels a sense of thirst as a feeling of hunger.
- All liquid used must be replaced with water. If there is a desire to drink a cup of coffee, half an hour after eating it is necessary to again take a glass of clean water.
Note that the water must be necessarily clean. Ideally suitable for purchase of bottled water or cleaned with a filter. Tap water, which contains chlorine, coagulant or iron salts, can harm the body.
Advantages of the water diet program:
- Using a water program allows you to get rid of 7 to 10 kg of excess weight in just one month.
- Improves the work of the intestines, eliminates problems with the stool.
- Skin, nails and hair get better.
- Improves well-being, mood increases, cheerfulness and energy appear.
There are very few drawbacks to the water program, although they do exist:
- It is important not to overdo with drinking water and not drink more than necessary, as excess fluid in the body can lead to seizures, edema and even a heart attack.
- The water slimming program is not suitable for people who suffer from kidney, urinary tract, high blood pressure, and pregnant and lactating mothers.
Before starting a water slimming program, even if there are no contraindications, it is worth consulting with a specialist.
Diet on water: menus for 3 and 7 days ^
Water diet menu for 3 days
Every day, immediately after waking up, it is recommended to drink a glass of still water or clean water with lemon, and in the evening before going to bed - a glass of warm water with honey added for a good sleep. Before eating - a glass of water.
Day 1
- Breakfast: boiled egg and two pieces of rye bread with hard cheese.
- Snack: pear, a few plums.
- Lunch: a little chicken meat, a light salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, greens and brynza, a slice of bread.
- Snack: 1-2 peaches.
- Dinner: low-fat beef and any stewed vegetables.
- Snack: a few spoons of low-fat cottage cheese with fruit and berries, dressed with yoghurt.
Day 2
- Breakfast: a portion of cottage cheese, a couple of slices of bread, herbal infusion.
- Snack: peaches or nectarines.
- Lunch: boiled fish, a slice of bread, a light salad of fresh vegetables.
- Snack: apples.
- Dinner: a couple of boiled eggs, a salad with cabbage and tomatoes, bread with cheese.
- Snack: a small portion of boiled chicken fillet, tomatoes, a slice of bread.
Day 3
- Breakfast: 2 small pieces of chicken fillet, green salad, bread and a cup of green tea.
- Snack: plums.
- Lunch: light vegetable soup with a slice of lean beef, rye bread.
- Snack: a pair of medium sized pears.
- Dinner: fish cutlet, steamed, vegetables, bread.
- Snack: cottage cheese with fruit, filled with low-fat yogurt.
Diet "Glass of water" for a week
During this procedure, you do not need to drastically change the usual diet, it is important to abandon fast food, sweet, flour, fried and fat, take only natural products, and drink water on this schedule:
- slowly drinka glass of water for 30 minutes before eating;
- with moderate speed to drink water after 2 - 2.5 hours after eating.
Water-salt diet
The water-salt diet is ideal for pregnant women who, due to a sharp decrease in physical activity and the appearance of a strong appetite, begin to accumulate fat. The main rule of this program is the maximum reduction in the amount of salt consumed, but the increase in the fluid used.
In the first months of pregnancy, 2 liters of drunk water will help get rid of toxemia, improve metabolism. During the second half of pregnancy, the rejection of salinity, mayonnaise, sauces and canned foods will relieve swelling.
Water kebab-kefir diet
Kefir-bread and water dietary methods may seem unusual due to the fact that nutritionists advise you to eat bread that does not belong to dietary products. However, the whole thing is in detail:
- First, during this program only rye bread with bran or bezdozhzhevoy is allowed to eat.
- It's forbidden to eat white bread and all goodies.
- The second important product is skimmed yogurt, the daily norm of which is about 1 - 1.5 cups.
- At least 10 glasses of water is another important condition for a good result.
- In addition to the three mentioned products, the diet can be supplemented with low-fat cottage cheese, fish, avocado, fruits and vegetables, low-fat meat.
For 14 days kefir - bread and water diet can easily lose up to 5 hated pounds.
Reviews of those who lose weight and the results of weight loss on the water diet ^
The results of the diet on water hit the slimming, because with it you can lose up to 3 kg in 7 days. The permissible duration of an aquatic diet without harm to health is 1 month. After the termination of the dietary program for the preservation of the result it is important to play sports, eat right and do not forget to drink enough water.
Reviews of the water diet are evidence of its simplicity, efficiency and accessibility. Many women noted that after the end of the program they had improved their well-being, there was an excellent habit of drinking water regularly.
We also recommend you to watch a video on video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release, helping to lose weight fast and effectively: