Herculean Diet
Herculean diet for weight loss: resultsthin
Daily use of oatmeal porridge in small portions is useful for both the stomach and the figure: by making a sparing menu, with the help of a Herculean diet, you can easily lose weight in a few months.
Herculean diet: the benefits of losing weight and getting out of it correctly ^
Many doctors recommend gastrointestinal diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.mucous particles of boiled oatmeal soften acute inflammation, and the porridge itself is easily digested by the body and improves metabolism.
Also useful is also due to the fact that oats seeds( bases of oatmeal) contain organic acids and antioxidants that prevent oncological tumors and aging of the skin.
What other useful substances are part of the oatmeal:
- Starch( 60%);
- Proteins( not more than 16%) relieve muscle tension after exercise, accelerate the recovery of damaged muscles and tissues;
- Fats( 7%);
- Vitamins improve the complexion, relieve the skin of acne, prevent brittle hair and nails;
- Minerals;
- Microelements.
Herculean diet for weight loss is considered a difficult way to combat excess weight, so it must be properly discharged, so that the body does not receive overload:
- You can not abruptly interrupt the food selected by the porridge: it is recommended to add to the usual menu on the first day a little cottage cheese in the mornings, in the second -chicken broth, and on the third afford 100 grams of salad and boiled egg;
- For two weeks after you leave the Herculean diet, you can not eat sweet or spicy food, smoked foods, and drink alcohol and drink artificial juices in sachets.
Herculean diet for weight loss: recipes, approximate menu for 3 and 5 days ^
Herculean diet for weight loss: the best recipes, the menu
One of the most effective is the five-day-old herculean diet: at this time, in addition to oatmeal, you can eat fruits,sour-milk products and green tea without sugar. If you want, you can increase the regime of weight loss up to 7 days.
Herculean diet: menu for 5 days
The first day of
- Breakfast: cook oatmeal on the water;impose a plate 50 grams and mix with skimmed yogurt( 100 g).
- Lunch: brew fast-edible porridge( 50-70 g), mix it with a teaspoon of honey;eat and drink with green tea.
- Dinner: in Hercules flakes( 100 g) add half a grated green apple and a small spoon of honey;drink a glass of mineral water without gas or tea.
The second day of
- Breakfast: we impose 100 g of Herculean porridge in a plate, mix it with crushed nuts and natural honey( 1 tsp);drinking tea.
- Lunch: to a portion of the oatmeal, as in the morning, we mix a little 1% kefir;eat half a peeled grapefruit.
- Dinner: grind apple( half), mix it with oatmeal( 200 g), and eat yogurt( 100 g).
The third day of
- Breakfast: we consume 100 g of yoghurt and boiled on water oatmeal;drink water or tea without sugar.
- Lunch: brew 100g of flakes in boiling water, mix them with nuts and grated green apple;drink a glass of water.
- Dinner: we eat 100 g of cereal and a half of grapefruit;drink green tea( 2 cups).
- Breakfast: we eat ½ apple and 100 g of hot rolled water of Hercules with 1 tsp added.honey;we use green tea.
- Lunch: mix 100 g of oatmeal and a small portion of crushed nuts;we drink kefir( 1%).
- Dinner: we eat oatmeal mixed with 1 tbsp.l.honey bee( 100 g portion), and half a pear;drink a cup of green tea.
The fifth day of the
- Breakfast: we eat oat flakes( 2 cups), boiled on water and mixed with honey( 1 tsp) and chopped nuts;wash down with green tea.
- Lunch: we eat 100 g of gherkin porridge and half an apple or pear;We drink green tea.
- Dinner: mix 70-100 g of porridge with honey( 1 tsp), eat;we eat half the apple the same proportion of grapefruit;wash down with tea.
Those who are not accustomed to limiting themselves in food, this diet is not easy, so in order to avoid stomach problems, if you feel hungry at any time, you can have a snack of boiled water on the water without any additives and drink green tea.
Herculean diet for 3 days
The rapid effect of this method of losing weight should not wait, but you can get rid of 2-4 kg.
- In the diet menu for 3 days, you should include oatmeal on the water and any fruit - for breakfast, for lunch, cook cereal, eat a light vegetable salad and drink everything with tea, and limit dinner to oatmeal and a glass of kefir.
- All the following days repeat the same.
Diet on the oatmeal with kefir
One of the most difficult ways to get rid of extra pounds is considered a kefir-oat diet. In order to prevent a shortage of nutrients in the body, it is not recommended to stick to such a diet for more than 3-4 days, because for all this time you will have to eat the same food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- Breakfast: 100 g of Hercules flakes poured half a cup of yogurt, crumbled crushed apples, after soaking porridge - we eat;wash down with green tea.
- Lunch: we eat 200 g of oatmeal mixed with a large spoon of honey;drink a glass of water or tea.
- Dinner: repeat the breakfast menu, and also eat half the apple.
Diet: Hercules on water
- This regimen should last no more than three days, during which you can eat only oatmeal cooked on water and without the addition of sugar.
- During the Herculean diet on the water, time can be thrown off 2-4 kg of excess weight.
HERCULES Diet: reviews and results of weight loss on it ^
With the strict observance of the menu, the first results of weight loss on the Herculean diet appear in a week: the stomach becomes more taut and the weight can be reduced by 2-5 kg. For the greatest effectiveness, the program of weight loss on oatmeal is recommended to combine with physical exertion: to swing a press, run, to practice power exercises.
Reviews of the diet on the herculean porridge of our regular readers are also very positive. We publish some feedback and advice sent to our editor:
Tatyana, 37 years old:
"It was very difficult for me to lose 10 kg, on which I did not diet! I saw this menu by chance and decided to experiment, but I did not expect any special results. Imagine my surprise when on the seventh day of the diet on the oats, weighed 3 kg less! For someone it's a trifle, but for me with my 87 kg of live weight, the loss of even 3 kg does matter. "
Maria, 30 years old:
" It was very difficult to enter the regime for the first two days - and was drawn to the sweet. I allowed myself a little rejection and ate one candy every day, well, I can not without sweets! Especially the nutritionist said that chocolate can be eaten in the morning. As a result, I still threw off an extra 5 kg for 2 weeks of a hercule diet. "
Olga, 27 years old:
" Of all diets, more or less effective and not so difficult - it is on the oatmeal. I sat on it for 2 weeks, barely survived, but now I will be dressed in a dress bought last year »