Macrobiotic Diet
Macrobiotic diet helps to become healthy, vigorous and energetic
Macrobiotic diet is based on oriental philosophy and Buddhist ancienttradition and is a system of nutrition, aimed not only at finding harmony, but also on physical and mental health.
The essence of macrobiotic weight loss system ^
Macrobiotics is based on the balance of two energies - Yin and Yang, with proper balancing which can become more healthy, vigorous and energetic, to find harmony between the outer and inner worlds.
The essence of the macrobiotic diet is the use of products conventionally divided into two Yang and Yin energies. The following products are permitted to be consumed:
- Natural products: sea fish, organic vegetables and fruits, nuts, legumes, seeds and algae;
- Whole grains: brown rice, oats, millet, rye, barley, buckwheat;
- Beverages: green, herbal teas or fruit compotes without adding sugar;
- Greens: green onions, parsley, lettuce, dill.
The forbidden products for this dietary method include: fatty meat and fish, sugar, spices, spicy dishes, tropical fruits( kiwi, pineapples, avocados, etc.), some types of vegetables( zucchini, tomatoes, potatoes), sausages?canned food, alcohol, coffee and fatty milk.
The rules of the macrobiotic method of losing weight are very simple:
- Do not overeat;
- Eat only whole and natural foods;
- The dietary diet for each day should consist of 50% of cereals, 20% of seasonal vegetables( raw or cooked in a double boiler), 15% of nuts, fresh fruits and 15% of fish, seafood and vegetable broths and soups.
The benefits of the macrobiotic diet are as follows:
- The level of "harmful" cholesterol is significantly reduced in the blood;
- The carcinogenic hazard completely disappears;
- Reduces the risk of vascular disease, heart disease and the onset of cancer.
The drawbacks of the dietary method is that a very strict diet can lead to vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies. In addition, the use of a large amount of cellulose removes from the body not only harmful, but also useful substances. A macrobiotic food system can be used by anyone, but for sports fans it will be difficult to sustain.
Macrobiotic diet for weight loss: menu for a week ^
Macrobiotic diet lasts 7 days, during which the reduction in excess weight is, as a rule, about 5 - 6 kg.
The approximate menu assumes four meals a day:
- Breakfast: porridge cooked on water from three tablespoons oatmeal with dried fruit, a glass of tea, a small toast of rye bread, smeared with a thin layer of fresh honey;
- Lunch: a small portion of vegetable broth with any croup and half a portion of boiled rice or a piece of fish with vegetable garnish, nuts;
- Snack: medium pear or apple;
- Dinner: a portion of buckwheat porridge, a salad of fresh cucumbers, radish and sweet pepper with greens.
- Between drinking interruptions it is allowed to drink pure, non-carbonated water.
Macro biotic diet of Kushi
The dietary program of Michio Kushi lasts 7 days, for which about five extra pounds will go. The Japanese dietician has developed a balanced diet, which consists of vegetables and cereals, cooked exclusively for a couple. The menu by his method should include:
- 50% whole grains - corn, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet and brown rice;
- 10% of seafood and beans - peas, beans, lean fish;
- 30% of root vegetables and vegetables - cabbage( broccoli, color and white), pumpkin, turnip and celery;
- 10% of the liquid is pure water and tea.
Macrobiotic diet of Madonna
The Madonna is a big fan of the macrobiotic system of nutrition. The option of losing weight from Madonna allows her for 2 weeks to get rid of excess weight within 7 kg. According to her diet program, you can achieve excellent results if you do not depart from some rules:
- Do not snack;
- Eating only during hunger;
- Exclude alcohol, coffee, dairy products, sugar, salt, spices and tomatoes;
- The menu should consist of cereals - 50%, vegetables - 25%, 10% - proteins, and 5% - fresh fruits, soups, seafood and nuts.
Thanks to the macrobiotic nutrition program of the Madonna, you can not only become a slender figure, but also be in good physical shape. The main aspect of her technique is to eat only when a feeling of hunger begins to be felt.
Macrobiotic diet for cancer
Macrobiotic diet is widely used in the presence of malignant tumors and means the inclusion in the daily diet of a large amount of fiber and very low in the diet of diseased fats. The menu should include: 60% cereals, 30% vegetables and 10% kale, legumes and legumes. This kind of nutrition, according to doctors, can reduce or prevent the development of cancer.
Macrobiotic Diet on Buckwheat Beads
The buckwheat slimming program is designed specifically for busy people who want to lose weight, as it is convenient to use while at work. The main dish, which will need to be eaten for three days, is prepared this way: 200 gr.or a glass of buckwheat to boil and after cooling to mash to the state of minced meat.
Then add the finely chopped Bulgarian pepper and the medium carrot, passed through the grater. After mixing, it is necessary to roll small balls out of the resulting composition. When the onset of hunger, a couple of balls is very slowly chewed. After 5 minutes, drink a glass of water or tea.
Macrobiotic porridges
Macrobiotic porridges are the main dishes of this nutrition program and can be prepared as follows: whole grains of cereals or cereals are rinsed, without oil dried to a stick in a frying pan, then in a mortar pushes to powder and is brought to a mushy state with warm water. With this method of preparation, all useful substances remain in the cereal.
Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about the macrobiotic method of weight loss ^
The results of the macrobiotic diet - during a week the excess weight will decrease from 5 kg or more, the blood level will decrease the level of harmful cholesterol. In addition, such a dietary system will serve as an excellent prevention of cancer.
Get out of the macrobiotic diet slowly, gradually increasing the menu of fruits, vegetables, juices, reducing the reception of cereal food and introducing more meat and fish products, as well as dishes from them. Repeat the technique of losing weight in a couple of months.
Reviews about macrobiotic diet of doctors - nutritionists are ambiguous. This type of dietary nutrition is enriched with carbohydrates and reduced by the amount of fats, which is to some extent useful for health. However, nutrition, based on most whole cereals, can cause a deficit of other nutrients found in other foods. If you pay attention to the reviews of those who lose weight, who have used the macrobiotic diet in action, then many were very satisfied with the result.
We also recommend you to watch a video on the video with useful advice of nutritionists on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: