The Bulgarian Diet
Bulgarian diet:reviews and results of weight loss
The Bulgarian diet is a special method of losing weight on the national dishes of this country, which are usually prepared from healthy low-calorie foods - vegetables, low-fat meat and fruits.
Bulgarian diet for weight loss: essence, benefits and features ^
The key feature of the Bulgarian diet for weight loss is that it is aimed at complete cleansing of the body of toxins and toxins that contribute to the formation of fatty layers and slow down the processes of fat splitting.
The menu is also important here: it includes only those products that actively destroy subcutaneous fat and remove excess water:
- Lean meat;
- Eggs;
- Vegetables( in particular, Bulgarian pepper);Citrus and other fruit;
- Rosehip broth and green tea;
- Fish;
- Pure water;
- Sour-milk drinks.
Only potatoes, grapes, bananas and fatty meat are not allowed to eat with the Bulgarian diet.
The advantages of the Bulgarian diet are undeniable: weight is significantly reduced, the feeling of hunger appears extremely rare. However, despite these rather important advantages, there are two drawbacks:
- If the output is incorrect, the weight returns to the previous values;
- In case of problems with digestion and the presence of gastritis or ulcers, this mode is not suitable.
Indicators of how many kilograms are spent on the Bulgarian diet are quite impressive: in 2 weeks, many get to lose up to 15 kg of excess weight, while the calorie content of all meals per day does not exceed 1500 - 1700 kcal.
Bulgarian diet: rules of eating, menu for 14 days, popular recipes ^
Bulgarian diet: the best recipes for weight loss in Bulgarian
The rules for successful weight loss on the Bulgarian diet are simple and understandable:
- Every day you need to drink at least 8 glasses of clean water withoutgas, 1 glass of them - in the morning on an empty stomach;
- It is necessary to refuse fat, sweet, smoked and fried food.
Bulgarian diet for 2 weeks
This diet is considered quite tough, but thanks to it you can lose weight by 14-15 kilograms.
Menu of the Bulgarian diet for 14 days
First - fourth days:
- On the first day we eat cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, greens, beets and other vegetables in total not more than 1 kilogram. Eat every 2 hours;
- On the second day we eat an unlimited amount of fruit;
- On the third and fourth days, we combine vegetables and fruits( 300 g each), add the boiled egg and a cup of coffee in the morning.
Fifth - sixth days:
- We have a cup of tea or coffee;
- Snack with any lean meat( 200 g);
- We have dinner with low-fat cottage cheese( 200 g);
- At dinner drink a glass of yogurt.
Seventh - fourteenth days:
- We eat vegetables and fruits every day( 300 g each);
- Introduce 100 g of boiled chicken, eat cottage cheese;
- With 8 days we allow ourselves sweets for a snack: marshmallow, pastille or honey;
- Starting from the 9th day, we eat light vegetable salads for lunch.
Bulgarian diet: minus 10 kg
This mode is limited: you can only eat fruits, vegetables and sour-milk drinks. It lasts 2 weeks - during this time the weight is reduced by 7-10 kilograms.
Sample menu:
- Breakfast with any fruit, except banana;
- For dinner we prepare a salad of vegetables with Bulgarian pepper;
- We snack after 2 hours with vegetables;
- We dine with low-fat yogurt.
The first 2 days we eat the same way, and starting with the third we introduce cottage cheese, from the seventh - 100 g of chicken meat per day for lunch.
Diet on Bulgarian pepper
To get rid of 10 kilograms of excess weight, it is recommended to stick to a two-week diet on Bulgarian pepper and other vegetables, and also eat no more than 250 grams of chicken breast, 500 g of fruits and berries, 50 grams of bread, and drink no more than two glassesmilk or kefir a day. The boiled chicken egg can be eaten only once in 2 days.
Sample menu for 2 weeks:
- First day: fruits, vegetables and bell peppers;
- Second day: 1 kg of fruit and the main product;
- The third day: a chicken egg, 300 g of vegetables and fruits;
- The fourth day is the same as the previous one;
- From the fifth to the seventh days: chicken breast( 200 g), 500 g of fruit and the same number of vegetables. For dinner we drink kefir or eat 100 g of yogurt.
Starting from the second week, the menu is repeated first.
Diet on Bulgarian brynza
During this three-day regime, it is allowed to eat only brynza, pepper, tomatoes and cucumbers. For such a time you can lose 2-3 kilograms.
Approximate daily menu:
- We have breakfast with a piece of cheese and 1 pepper;
- We have a snack with tomato and cucumber;
- We have lunch with vegetable salad and 70 g of cheese;
- For a mid-morning snack we drink a glass of kefir;
- We have supper with brynza and pepper.
Bulgarian diet with carrots
Strict mono-diet lasts 4 days, and weight for this time is reduced by 3-5 kilograms. The diet contains only carrots, baked potatoes, apples and bread from bran.
Menu for 4 days:
- From the first to the third day we eat every 2 hours a salad of grated carrots;
- On the fourth day we have breakfast with an apple, baked potatoes and a slice of bread. We have a salad, on a mid-morning snack we repeat the breakfast meal, and for dinner we eat carrot salad, as well as at lunch.
Carrot salad recipe for the Bulgarian diet :
- Rub one carrot on the grater, do the same with the apple, then mix everything;
- Add 0.5 tsp.honey and 1 tsp.lemon juice, stir and eat.
Bulgarian Diet Petra Dimkova
This diet was developed by the Bulgarian healer P. Dimkov for the purification of the body. It lasts from 7 to 10 days, during which you can eat meat, boiled eggs, vegetables and fruits, a little bread. Weight on the diet Dimkova successfully reduced by 5-7 kilograms.
Approximate daily menu:
- Breakfast with low-fat meat, boiled eggs( 2 pcs.), Vegetables or fruit. We drink green tea;
- Lunch steamed veal with horseradish or mustard, vegetable salad or boiled fish;
- For a midday snack we eat grapefruit, orange or apple, drink tea or water;
- We dine until 18.00 with fruit salad, boiled meat or two eggs.
Bulgarian diet on lemons
Citrus fruits actively promote the cleavage of fat cells, so lemon is the basis of this diet, which lasts from 7 to 14 days and allows you to get rid of 5-7 g of excess weight, while you can eat as before, but restrictthemselves in the use of prohibited products.
The essence of the citrus Bulgarian diet is that every morning it is necessary to drink a lemon drink, and if possible add citrus to salads.
Sample menu:
- Drinking a glass of lemon water on an empty stomach
- Lunching two eggs and vegetables;
- We have a snack with fruit;
- Lunch a salad with lemon juice or wedges;
- We have supper with steamed or boiled vegetables.
Recipe for lemon water:
- Cut 1 lemon into several small pieces;
- Fill it with 1.5 liters of boiling water and insist all night;
- In the morning we filter and drink during the day.
Diet for weight loss in Bulgarian pepper: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^
Many nutritionists are positive about the Bulgarian diet, but there are those who recommend choosing less severe regimes for weight loss. In general, the doctors' reviews are mostly positive,such a diet is considered relatively safe for health, if you follow all the rules.
The way out of the Bulgarian diet lasts 14 days, during which it is necessary to eat vegetables and fruits( 300 g each), gradually enter flour( no more than 2 times a week) and observe a daily caloric intake increase of no more than 300 Kcal.
The results of the Bulgarian diet for weight loss are remarkable:
- Significant weight loss;
- Normalization of digestion;
- Improved appearance and condition of hair, nails and skin.
Reviews about the Bulgarian diet for losing weight of our regular readers are also very positive:
Alina, 33 years old:
"I tried to sit on a Bulgarian diet with carrots, and barely lasted 4 days. The first 3 of them - very heavy, and the last was already a little easier. I do not regret my torment, because my weight decreased by 5 kilos. "
Anna, 43:
" I used a ration on Bulgarian pepper in order to throw off 8 kilograms, and I did it!"
Raisa, 49 years old:
" I really liked the Bulgarian diet Dimkova: practically nothing differs from my usual diet, but, nevertheless, with her help, I lost 7 kilograms.10 days passed without much strain and I can not say that I was starving ยป