Lower Diet
Low-fat diet for weight loss: reviews and results
The low-fat diet is an excellent diet for slimming your legs, thighs and buttocks, which does not affect the breast area, which is undoubtedly an obvious plus for the fair sex.
Low-fat diet for weight loss: essence, benefits and features ^
Most diets are aimed at weight loss of all parts of the body, while in the first place, fat deposits begin to leave the chest and abdomen, and only then - from the hips, buttocks and legs.
The diet menu of the BBC is designed in such a way that only the lower parts of the body lose weight, and the bust volume remains the same. Important point: if problems with excess weight have appeared for a long time, then this diet can be powerless, becauseit is effective only if the kilograms were collected no more than six months ago.
The benefit of the lower diet is to strengthen the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks due to the intake of the necessary vitamins and microelements in the body. Also, physical loads play an important role: they enhance the effect and allow it to be achieved much more quickly.
On how many kilograms goes on the bottom diet, the end result depends: as a rule, during a week the weight decreases by an average of 5 kilograms, so doctors consider it to be relatively safe, except for a fairly strict diet.
Advantages of the lower diet:
- You can focus on certain parts of the body without affecting the chest;
- No sudden weight changes;
- Improving the health of varicose veins.
The low-lying diet suits women with the following types of figures: a pear( narrow shoulders and wide hips), an hourglass( shoulders and hips are the same) and an apple( equal waist, chest and hips with a smooth line).
During the diet is allowed to eat:
- Lean milk, cottage cheese and yogurt;
- Bitter chocolate;
- Vegetables;
- Fruits;
- Green;
- Dried fruits.
Prohibited to eat sweet, fatty, smoked and flour products.
The effective diet for lower body: dietary rules, menus, recipes ^
Lower Diet: an approximate menu for the week, the best recipes for weight loss
Rules for a lower diet:
- Immediately after waking up, drink 500 ml of water with lemon juice;
- Remove from the diet all prohibited products;
- If possible, go in for sports.
Lower Weight Diet for Legs
To reduce the volume of legs, this menu is recommended, and after each meal it is necessary to drink Sassi water - it helps to get a quick result and cleans the body of harmful substances. Adherence to such a diet can be no more than one week, during which the weight is reduced by 3-5 kilograms.
7 days dietary menu
First day:
- Lunch 300 ml of warm low-fat milk mixed with grated chocolate( 30 g) and 1 tsp.honey;
- After 2 hours we drink melted water with 1 tsp.honey( 300 ml);
- For lunch, cut the cucumber, tomato and onion, eat the salad and drink with a glass of milk;
- For a mid-morning snack in the blender, melt water( glass) with honey( 1 tsp), homemade yogurt( 100 g) and juice squeezed out of lemon. We drink slowly;
- At dinner we eat an apple and drink 0.5 liters of thawed water.
The second day: the
- diet is similar to the first.
The third day:
- we repeat the menu of the first, but vegetable salad is replaced with soup of leeks, tomatoes and carrots. The fourth day:
- Before lunch, we drink vegetable broth( 300 ml), grapefruit juice( 2 cups), milk drink with chocolate and honey, 1.5 l of thawed water;
- Lunch a cocktail of melt water, honey, yogurt and lemon juice;
- We snack 100 grams of boiled fish;
- Supper with pear and melt water( 100 g).
Fifth day:
- We drink 1 liter of water before lunch;
- Lunch 100 grams of cottage cheese mixed with honey( 1 tsp) and yogurt;
- For a midday snack we eat dried fruit( 50 g);
- We dine with a drink from melt water( glass) with 2 tsp.honey.
Sixth day:
- For a breakfast we drink broth from vegetables( 200 g);
- Lunch a cocktail, prepared according to the prescription of the first day for a mid-morning snack;
- Supper ¼ grapefruit and melt water( 0.5 liters).
The seventh day:
- In the morning we drink melted water( 200 g) and eat 2 pieces of hard cheese;
- For dinner, cook fish and make a salad of tomato and cucumber, season with olive oil;
- We dine with yoghurt and three apples.
Sassi water recipe:
- Mix the crushed cucumber, lemon, mint leaves( 10 pcs.) And ground ginger root;
- Fill with water( 2 liters);
- We put the night under a closed lid in the fridge, we drink for the next day, previously strained.
Lower Diet for Slimming Buttocks and Thighs
To reduce fat deposits in the hips and buttocks, a slightly different diet is used than the previous one: it can be formed independently, based on an exemplary menu. The regime lasts 2 weeks, and the weight for this period decreases by 5-6 kg.
You can eat here meat of poultry, vegetables and fruits, porridges on the water, brown rice or buckwheat, low-fat dairy products, and during the whole day it is also necessary to drink Sassi's water.
Sample menu for every day:
- In the morning we eat salad from vegetables and chicken boiled egg;
- After 2 hours we have a snack with fruit;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup with two slices of bread, we drink 100 g of juice;
- We have dinner with two baked or boiled potatoes in a uniform, a salad of vegetables.
We also recommend that you read the article Diet on kvass.Diet slimming diet: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^
Nutritionists are extremely wary of such hard diets as low-fat diets, and recommend it not more often than twice a year. In order that the weight does not return to the previous indicators, it is necessary to refuse sweets and flour products, less often to eat fatty and smoked.
The output after the lower diet is as follows: on the first day you need to increase the number of calories consumed, not exceeding the daily allowance( 1500 Kcal).Also it is necessary to gradually introduce into the diet more lean meat. In general, this process is not particularly difficult.
The results of the lower diet for weight loss are just wonderful:
- Decrease the volume of the thighs and buttocks by 5-6 cm, legs - 3-4 cm;
- Total weight reduction of up to 5 kilograms.
Reviews of the underage diet for losing weight of our regular readers are also very positive:
Anna, 25 years old:
"It was very difficult for me to endure a week of weight loss diet, but I found strength and did not break. The result - the volume decreased by 2.5 cm, and the overall weight dropped by 4 kg. The output was really simple, and after half a year I did not get a gram "
Marina, 33 years old:
" I constantly sit on all sorts of diets, but it turns out only to remove fat from my stomach, but my thighs do not lose weight. Then she decided to use a special diet to reduce the volume of the loin, and stayed on it without difficulty. I managed to lose only 4.5 kilos, but that's enough for me. "
Regina, 39 years old:
" I've been complexed all my life because of fat calves, and a year ago I ventured to take advantage of the lower diet and dropped about 5 kilograms. The problem is solved and, most importantly, does not return, becauseI eat according to all the rules, but I do not restrict myself »