Ginger diet for smooth weight loss
Ginger diet does not require a cardinal change in the usual diet
Ginger diet is considered oneof the most flexible weight loss programs that do not require any significant changes in the diet.
In addition, for a long time, the root of ginger uses traditional healers around the world to treat many pathological conditions of the body( including obesity).
Ginger for weight loss: what is the use and secret ^
Ginger, originally considered to be exclusively oriental spicery, is used today in the kitchens of the peoples of the whole world. He gained great popularity in the preparation of various dietary dishes that help to lose weight, maintain weight in the norm and general improvement of the body.
At the moment, the principle of action of ginger for weight loss has not been sufficiently studied. Miracle - the root strikes scientists with its unique chemical composition - it contains 50% carbohydrates, 4% fat and a large number of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
The high aromatic properties of ginger are due to the presence in its composition of essential oil, the active ingredients of which stabilize the internal secretion of the stomach and accelerate the metabolism in the body. Apparently, it is these properties of the plant that contribute to its high effectiveness in losing weight.
In addition, ginger root has other significant positive aspects:
- has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties;
- relieves stomach spasms and colic, regulates the work of the digestive tract and liver, eliminates intestinal parasites;
- tones up and is an effective expectorant;
- reduces the nausea of any pathogenesis, whether it be seasickness, pregnancy or toxic poisoning;
- stimulates blood circulation, lowers arterial pressure;
- has a noticeable antidepressant effect;
- enhances immunity.
Using a weight loss program based on ginger, you can lose 1 - 2 kg of excess weight per week, and without exhausting and debilitating diets, undermining the general condition of the body. Ginger diet also ensures a smooth weight loss, without sudden changes, which in turn contributes to the gradual contraction of the skin and prevents possible problems in the form of the appearance of cellulite or stretch marks.
The process of losing weight will be more noticeable when using ginger as an addition to a properly designed food ration( preferably not more than 1200 Kcal per day).Caloric content of products and ready meals is indicated in the tables on our website.
Ginger diet for weight loss: recipes and sample menu ^
The most proven and effective way of losing weight on the basis of ginger is its use in the form of tea, which is prepared from both fresh root and ready-made powder. There are no special recipes for the preparation of ginger tea - the ground root of the plant( 2 tablespoons per liter of water) is poured with boiling water and insists. Such a drink is recommended to be taken half an hour before the next meal.
Tea from ginger accelerates metabolism and stimulates blood supply, and in combination all this leads to active burning of fats. To drink such a balm is recommended not less than 1 - 2 months - the ginger diet requires patience and perseverance.
It is very popular to add other herbs to tea, which contribute to more effective weight loss. Here are a few recipes for making ginger tea for weight loss:
- With mint . You will need 60 g of mint leaves, which are well ground. To them add 0,5 ground ginger root and a pinch of ground cardamom. The whole mixture is poured with boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. Drink filtered, it is added 1/3 cup of lemon juice and 1/4 cup of orange juice. Such tea is drunk cold.
- With garlic .Ginger( 1 part) and garlic( 1 part) is poured with water( 20 parts).The mixture is insisted for 15 minutes, filtered.
- With green tea .The tea leaves are filled with water. Separately brew 1 tsp.grated ginger, 3 pcs.cloves and a few slices of lemon. After 10 minutes, tea brew is mixed with this mixture and the resulting beverage is filtered. They drink it, biting it with honey.
Here is only a small fraction of the possible options for brewing tea. In fact, anyone can fantasize and combine the root of ginger with any of the preferred ingredients: raspberries, cranberries, linden, oregano, melissa, etc.
Important note - ginger tea should avoid drinking with sugar, especially if it contains herbs and tea leaves. It is recommended to replace sugar with honey or dried fruits, while honey should be diluted in warm infusions or taken from a spoon.
Experts advise to grind this plant with a non-metallic knife in order to avoid oxidation of raw materials. To prepare a ginger drink it is recommended to give preference to a fresh root, ginger powder is used only in those rare cases when the use of other options is impossible. In addition, ginger tea has an invigorating effect, so its use in the evening is best minimized.
As a matter of fact, the ginger diet does not presuppose the availability of a ready-made menu - everyone can make a food ration independently, based on their own preferences. The only condition is the balance of food. As a basis for creating your own diet, you can use the following dietary program.
Sample menu for 7 days
Day 1:
- breakfast - yoghurt, a slice of whole-grain bread with butter, ginger beverage;
- lunch - stewed chicken breast with lemon juice, mashed potatoes, cooked with low-fat milk, fruit and berry mix;
- snack - fruit and vegetable juice;
- dinner - a summer salad with olive oil, 0.5 boiled eggs, pear, ginger tea.
Day 2:
- breakfast - 1 soft-boiled egg, a slice of bread with butter, any fruit, a drink of ginger;
- dinner - boiled rice with mushrooms and cheese, grating boiled carrots with lemon juice and garlic, dressed with olive oil;
- snack - grapefruit juice;
- dinner - stewed liver, fruit salad, a slice of bran bread, ginger beverage.
Day 3:
- breakfast - scrambled eggs with milk, any fruit, drink from ginger;
- lunch - fried in flour trout, puree from carrots and potatoes, 100 g of fruit or berries;
- afternoon snack - orange juice;
- dinner - a salad of tomatoes and cheese, seasoned with vegetable oil, stewed vegetables, a slice of bread, a ginger beverage.
Day 4:
- breakfast - soft-boiled egg, a slice of bread with butter, a drink of ginger;
- lunch - stuffed zucchini, summer salad with vegetable oil;
- afternoon snack - a glass of low-fat milk;
- dinner - tuna salad with rice and tomatoes, seasoned with lemon juice and butter, green apple, ginger tea.
Day 5:
- breakfast - any porridge on the water, a slice of bran bread, a drink of ginger;
- lunch - boiled fish, stewed carrots with garlic and herbs, fruit;
- snack - a glass of low-fat milk;
- dinner - mushroom salad with celery and cheese, seasoned with butter, scrambled eggs with ham and a slice of cheese, ginger tea.
Day 6:
- breakfast - 1 boiled egg, a slice of bread and butter, a drink of ginger;
- lunch - spaghetti in tomato sauce, braised cabbage, fruit;
- afternoon snack - fruit and vegetable juice;
- dinner - 2 eggs poached cooked in a meat broth, vegetables, a slice of bread, ginger beverage.
Day 7:
- breakfast - yogurt, bun, ginger drink;
- dinner - cod boiled, baked fennel, fruit;
- afternoon snack - fruit and vegetable juice;
- dinner - veal fillet boiled, vegetable stew with olive oil, tea.
The daily ration should be designed for 1200-1400 Kcal, and the use of ginger tea can increase the effectiveness of the program of weight loss and improve the results of dieting in 1,5-2 times( 8 - 10 kg of excess weight loss instead of 3 - 4 per month).
Diet recipes with ginger
- A very popular variant of this diet program is a ginger diet with garlic. Garlic prevents the formation of cholesterol deposits, which greatly facilitates the work of the liver and facilitates the purification of cells. The basis of the dietary diet of this program for weight loss is ginger tea with garlic.
- The ginger diet with kefir also has high efficiency. When it is observed in the day, you need to drink 1-2 liters of kefir, which is added to a tablespoon of ground ginger and cinnamon and a pinch of red ground pepper. Such a diet can be successfully used as a fasting day.
Thus, a diet with a ginger root is a great way to lose weight without significant financial costs and dramatic changes in the habitual diet.
Diet with ginger: testimonials, results and useful tips ^
Using the root of ginger as an ingredient for cooking dietary foods, you need to remember about its some contraindications. So, its use is not recommended in the following cases:
- in the presence of allergic reactions to this seasoning;
- for diseases of the liver, heart, female genitourinary system;
- in the presence of a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, with bleeding;
- during pregnancy and lactation;
- in combination with aspirin or other medications that dilute blood.
- should be noted that, if consumed excessively, ginger can also provoke attacks of nausea, severe heartburn and the appearance of bitterness in the mouth.
It is best to use fresh ginger root for preparing various dishes. When buying, you need to pay attention to its smoothness and elasticity, there should be no black or moldy spots. Fresh, unpeeled ginger can be stored in the refrigerator 2 - 3 weeks, in the freezer - up to six months. Ginger powder is stored in tightly sealed containers in a dark, cool place, while the shelf life of it increases to 12 months.
There are several ways to prepare ginger for the winter:
- The unpeeled ginger root is tightly packed and put in the freezer. As needed, cut off the desired amount from the frozen root.
- Another way is to clean the peeled root in a blender and, putting it in a bag, give it a plate shape. When used from it, simply break off a piece of the desired size.
- It is also possible to store ginger root in the form of infusion, in sugar syrup, squeezed juice. True, tea from such ingredients can not be prepared.
Widely used ginger and as a product of traditional medicine, in cosmetology. So, tonic baths with ginger, which help to restore energy reserves, relax and relieve stress, are very popular. You can also combine business with pleasure, using a bath of cellulite with ginger. It actively stimulates blood circulation and the result of regular application of such baths is the gradual smoothing of the skin.
Massage with ginger can also be used in the fight against cellulite. Mixed with oil, ginger root powder is used for grinding, kneading, pinching problem areas. In cosmetology, stimulating facial masks and ginger hair are very popular, which contribute to the improvement of hair growth, skin renewal and improvement of their general condition.
We recommend that you watch a video about the unique beneficial properties of ginger for healing and losing weight.