Diet for the glycemic index
Dieton the glycemic index: reviews and results of weight loss
The nutrition system, based on the control of carbohydrate intake, is called a diet for the glycemic index: it allows you to quickly reduce weight without causing harm to the body.
Diet on products with a low glycemic index: the essence, benefits and features ^
The glycemic index( GI) is an index of the rate of splitting of products with the further formation of the main energy source - glucose.
The higher the glycemic index in the product - the faster glucose is absorbed and the formation of fat deposits occurs.
Talking about what a diet for the glycemic index, it is necessary to consider all of its stages:
- At the first stage, you must eat foods with low GI, and at this time the most active fat burning occurs. Duration - from two weeks or more, until the desired result is achieved;
- At the second stage of the diet for the calculation of the glycemic index, dishes with an average GI are allowed to fix the result. The duration is also not less than 14 days;
- The third stage is an exit, and at this time products with a high GI are allowed, but in a small amount. At the heart of the diet should be food with a medium and low index.
What are the features of a diet with a low glycemic index:
- Its menu consists of low-calorie foods, so weight loss is achieved precisely because the body produces more energy than it receives;
- All simple carbohydrates are replaced with complex carbohydrates.
Advantages of the diet based on the glycemic index are impressive for everyone who wants to lose weight:
- Even at the first stage, fasting is almost impossible, because it is based on the principles of proper nutrition;
- This technique helps to strengthen metabolism, improves the functioning of the intestine and has a favorable effect on the work of internal organs, so it can be used for life;
- The power system is suitable even for pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as for those who suffer from chronic or severe diseases.
Perhaps the only drawback is that throughout the diet for weight loss by the glycemic index of products will have to be checked with a special table of GI, but after a while it turns out to get used to it.
How much can I lose on a diet for the glycemic index
It should be noted that this method of losing weight is not fast, so for a month of its use you can throw no more than 10 kg. This indicator also depends on physical activity, as well as caloric intake - it should not be above 1700 Kcal per day.
Diet for the glycemic index for weight loss: compliance rules, menu, table, recipes ^
Diet for the glycemic index: examples of menus, recipes for safe weight loss
Rules for diet for weight loss by glycemic index:
- It is best to give preference to products with low GI and highfood value, and not vice versa;
- It is not recommended to eat fried foods: it's best to cook, bake, or eat fresh salads;
- Water increases the rate of excretion of excess fluid, but it is not necessary to drink it in such volumes, as is often indicated in other methods.
Products with a low glycemic index
Table of glycemic indices of staple foods
From what it is necessary to build your diet in the first stage of losing weight:
- Bran from rice, red bean - 19 GI;
- Milk - 28 GI;
- Low-fat yogurt all sorts of plums - 33 GI;
- Wholemeal bread, sweet and sour apples and different sorts of pears - 35 GI;
- Oatmeal, strawberry, gooseberry fruit, various juices and strawberries - 40 GI;
- Cranberries and ripe cranberries - 20 GI;
- Sausages - 20 GI;
- Mushrooms, herbs - 0 GI;
- Halibut, tuna, cod - 0 GI;
- Low-fat poultry meat - 0 GI.
Low glycemic index diet: menu
To make your own menu correctly, you can use this example:
- For breakfast we eat oatmeal with the addition of berries with low GI, wash down with green tea;
- After 2 hours snack dates;
- Dinner soup on vegetable broth, eat salad with sausage;
- We snack citrus juice;
- For dinner we leave a salad of vegetables.
The Montignac Diet on Glycemic Indexes
The diet of the French dietician M. Montignac for weight loss recommends eating as follows:
- We have breakfast with any fruits with low GI, we also eat non-fat yogurt;
- For lunch we eat protein foods: cottage cheese, boiled eggs, kefir, chicken meat;
- We have dinner with grilled fish and salad from vegetables;
- We snack with kefir;
- We are having supper no later than 19.00 with boiled beans and meat.
Recipes for a diet for the glycemic index
Recipe for stewed chicken with mushrooms:
- Cut into chicken pieces, chop the onions, spread everything on a greased skillet;
- Then add the peeled and chopped mushrooms, salt and pepper, fry for 5 minutes;
- Add 100 ml of water, cover with a lid and stew for 15 minutes.
Recipe for vegetable salad:
- We take salad leaves, cut tomatoes, cucumbers and greens;
- Mix everything, fill the sauce with olive oil and mustard.
Recipe for cabbage soup:
- Fill with water 300 g of low-fat meat, set to cook;
- Cut and fry onion, carrot, tomato and pepper;
- Shinnings cabbage, cut the potatoes into blocks, spread them into the ready broth;
- After 10 minutes add to the pan frying, greens, bay leaf and spices;
- Boil 5 minutes, then turn off.
Weight loss on products with a low glycemic index: reviews, results of losing weight ^
Doctors in most cases approve food with a low glycemic index, but the duration of the first stage should not be more than three weeks. This is due to the fact that the human body still needs slow carbohydrates, which is limited by this technique.
As a result of a diet based on the glycemic index of products, it is possible to significantly reduce weight, and also stabilize metabolism and improve bowel function. In order not to gain weight in the future, it is necessary to eat according to the table of products with an average GI, occasionally allowing yourself to eat any dish with a high GI, and additionally to do unloading days.
The exit from the diet with the glycemic index occurs in the third stage, when food with a high GI content is allowed, while it is not recommended to eat it exclusively.
Reviews of the diet for the glycemic index of our regular readers are also very positive:
Alina, 29 years old:
"I lost weight thanks to the technique with a low glycemic index for the month of 10 kilograms, and I am very pleased with the result: first,this is often after weight loss, and secondly - now I just loved the dress! "
Maria, 25 years old:
" I like this food system in that it does not make me hungry, but it is very effective. On this diet dropped 11 kilos in just 4 weeks, and now went to the third stage - stabilization »
Valentine, 38 years old:
"I managed to lose weight only by taking into account products with a low glycemic index, but this activity sometimes gets boring. In principle, if you consider that other methods suggest fasting, but give the same result, then the diet for the glycemic index is the more optimal option »