Buckwheat diet
Kefir-buckwheat diet is the most effective for fast growing thin
Buckwheat diet, despitefor what is a tough enough mono-diet( from one product), has won great popularity all over the world due to the speed of losing weight and efficiency.
Its compliance allows you to quickly get rid of excess weight and lose up to 10 kg per week, bring the figure in order in a short time and do not stretch the process of losing weight for many weeks and months.
The essence and principles of the buckwheat diet ^
The essence of the buckwheat diet is that the body, not getting the usual fast carbohydrates needed to replenish the internal energy, is forced to extract them, splitting the internal fats.
Therefore, a person begins to lose weight quickly. Buckwheat diet refers to the category of low-carbohydrate protein mono-diet and is calculated no more than 7-14 days, depending on the "strictness" of compliance. Longer terms are undesirable and can have negative consequences, since buckwheat groats for all their usefulness and uniqueness are not able to supply the body with everything necessary.
To ensure that the diet does not cause shock in the body, nutritionists advise that before you sit down on a long diet, try to spend a fasting day on buckwheat and see how you feel. In addition, doctors warn that the buckwheat dietary technique, like the popular Japanese diet, is not suitable for everyone.
It is not recommended for use in the following cases:
- for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
- for hypertension,
- for diabetes,
- for pregnant women,
- for nursing mothers.
No matter how satisfied you are with the results achieved, it is not recommended to sit down again for it before 1 to 1.5 months after the end of the previous one and under the condition of adequate nutrition so as not to cause irreparable harm to the body.
Kefir-buckwheat diet ^
Kefir-buckwheat slimming is a modification of buckwheat, because, in addition to buckwheat, the main component in it, as a rule, is kefir. Buckwheat with yogurt is a very effective combination, as it provides the optimal proportion of proteins and carbohydrates for the body. Buckwheat is not only tasty and useful, but also very nutritious, which avoids a strong feeling of hunger in slimming.
In addition, due to the presence of fiber in its composition, buckwheat absorbs into itself and actively removes toxins, which allows the body to clear well during weight loss. Buckwheat-kefir diet, according to numerous reviews of slimming, gives excellent results - in addition to rapid weight loss, it gives a feeling of lightness throughout the body, perfectly cleanses the intestines and removes the heaviness in the lower abdomen.
The recipe for kefir and buckwheat diet
- In order to preserve all useful substances in buckwheat, it is not cooked, but is prepared from the evening for the whole day according to the following recipe: the croup is peeled, doused with boiling water, and drained.
- Then, again, pour the croup with boiling water( at the rate of 1 cup of buckwheat for 1.5 to 2 glasses of water), wrap in a warm blanket and leave to infuse overnight.
- You can insist buckwheat in a thermos, in this case, the cooking time will be reduced to 2 hours.
Kefir needs to be bought 1%, preferably one day, because after 3 days from the date of production, it begins to have a binding effect. For a day you can drink no more than 1 liter of kefir. It is best to drink it separately from buckwheat, half an hour before meals or half an hour after, but it is also allowed to wash buckwheat or pour it with kefir.
Buckwheat can be eaten per day unlimited, preferably dividing evenly into 5 to 6 receptions, last meal try to finish 4 hours before bedtime. With a strong sense of hunger, drink a glass of kefir before going to bed, but do not forget that the total amount should not exceed 1 liter. During the day, drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters a day, as well as green tea without sugar.
Kefir - buckwheat diet can be strict, lasting no more than 7 days, at which only buckwheat and yogurt are present in the diet, and gentle, which allows for some nutritional indulgences and can last up to 14 days. Gentle option is not as quick-acting as strict, but it allows you to lose weight very comfortably.
Menu buckwheat diet ^
Even for the ardent admirers of buckwheat porridge to withstand a strict mono-diet is quite difficult, since a few days, as a rule, the buckwheat does not want to look. Therefore, in order not to break, it is necessary to prepare an individual menu in advance, using popular buckwheat recipes in order to diversify your diet as much as possible.
Menu buckwheat diet allows you to include the following foods in the food:
- dried fruits - a few pieces of dried apricots or prunes can be added to the porridge or eat separately.
- a couple of unsweetened fruits or low-calorie yogurt-green apples are preferred, but other fruits are possible, except bananas, melons, watermelon, grapes.
- salad from fresh cabbage or from boiled beets and carrots - prepare without salt and sugar, you can add a little olive oil.
- soy sauce - can be added to improve the taste of buckwheat porridge.
- spoon of honey - it is allowed to add to tea or water;if mental work is to be done, it is better not to swallow honey immediately, but first suck in the mouth.
- greens - dill, parsley, green onions.
Recipes of buckwheat diet ^
Various recipes of buckwheat diet allow to cook tasty and nutritious dishes so that empty buckwheat porridge quickly "does not become boring".
Buckwheat cutlets
- Cook the viscous buckwheat porridge, add soy, mix thoroughly.
- Form small cutlets and put in the oven or microwave for 25 minutes.
- To improve the taste, you can sprinkle sesame seeds on top.
Buckwheat casserole
- Cooked carrots, fresh tomatoes and lightly braised cabbage are required for cooking.
- Baking tray with vegetable oil, lay on it cooked semi-prepared buckwheat porridge, on top layers carrots, tomatoes, cabbage.
- In the oven bake until ready and eat with green salad.
Buckwheat fritters
- To buckwheat porridge add egg, kefir, a little flour and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous viscous mass.
- Roast pancakes with a small amount of olive oil.
Onion roast to buckwheat porridge
- Put a little vegetable oil on the heated frying pan and lightly fry on it finely chopped onion.
- Peel the apple from the rind, cut and add to the onion, hold the pan for a few minutes.
- Fill the porridge with the fried.
Buckwheat diet: a menu for 7 days and 14 days ^
A strict buckwheat diet for 7 days is very effective, but it's hard to sit on it because of severe food restrictions. Therefore, many people, in order not to break, prefer to extend the period to 14 days, but it is more comfortable to feel and eat more.
The buckwheat diet for 14 days has a fairly diverse menu and allows you to lose from 7 to 12 kilograms.
1st 3rd day.
- Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, a glass of yogurt and buckwheat bread.
- Lunch: porridge, 2 cups kefir, 2 buckwheat cutlets.
- Dinner: buckwheat casserole, a glass of kefir.
4th - 6th day
- Breakfast: a glass of yogurt, buckwheat bread
- Lunch: 3-4 pieces of buckwheat pancakes, 2 cups of kefir
- Dinner: a glass of kefir.
7th day
- Pour buckwheat with kefir for the night, divide into 4-5 servings and eat the whole day, washed down with water or kefir.
8th - 10th day
- Breakfast: a glass of kefir and 3 buckwheat fritters.
- Lunch: porridge, 2 cups kefir, bread.
- Dinner: porridge, a glass of yogurt, fruit salad.
11th - 13th day
- Breakfast: porridge, a glass of kefir, boiled egg.
- Lunch: porridge, cabbage salad, tea.
- Dinner: porridge, kefir, dietary salad.
14th closing day:
- repeats the 7th day.
Exit after a diet of buckwheat and kefir for 14 days should be smooth to keep the results achieved and not to harm your health:
- You can not immediately attack the floury, fatty and sweet.according to.
- Add fish and meat to the diet gradually, for example, for breakfast eat an egg, for lunch - low-fat soup or salad with meat or fish, and have dinner again with buckwheat and yogurt.
- Despite the fact that the buckwheat you are already bored with the diet, continue to include it in your menu every day for at least a week to help the body absorb the new weight and not lose the results.
Reviews on kefir-buckwheat diet on the Internet you can meet the most positive. Many women are pleased to note the fact that during the weight loss diet on buckwheat kefir, the stomach has significantly decreased in volume, so there is no desire to overeat and re-stretch it.
We also recommend you to watch a useful video about how to eat buckwheat to lose weight: