Autumn Diet
Autumn diet will help get rid of 5 kg of extra weight per week
Autumn diet is based on a balancednutrition, thanks to which for a week you can get rid of five kilograms of excess weight, adjust the body to the transition to autumn cold after the summer period and prepare it for the upcoming weather changes.
Features of losing weight in the autumn ^
According to dieticians, the autumn season is an excellent period in order to get rid of excess weight, adjust the shape of the body and completely improve the body.
These positive changes are achieved due to the use of summer - autumn ripe vegetables and fruits, containing the maximum amount of natural vitamins, amino acids, minerals, antioxidants, dietary fiber and many other useful substances.
Autumn dietary nutrition has the following benefits:
- The presence of vitamins and minerals perfectly strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to the upcoming weather changes, improves the skin condition, strengthens the nail plate and prevents hair loss;
- Antioxidants improve mood and prevent the onset of a depressive condition;
- Cellulose perfectly cleanses the walls of the stomach and intestines from toxins, cholesterol and toxins, normalizes the stool and improves digestion;
- Autumnal natural products do not contain chemicals, pesticides and other harmful substances;
- The presence of protein food helps strengthen muscle tissue;
- The balanced diet of the autumn diet is aimed at reducing weight by splitting fatty deposits.
Despite the fact that the autumn diet is practically devoid of shortcomings, it is contraindicated in serious chronic and acute diseases of the intestine or stomach.
The diet of the autumn diet consists of the following useful products:
- Vegetables, greens, fruits, dried fruits, berries, nuts;
- Sour-fat skimmed non-fat products;
- Vegetable oils( in the minimum quantity);
- Unsweetened teas and natural drinks: compotes, fruit drinks, juices, decoctions;
- Cereals: rice, corn, oatmeal, buckwheat;
- Legumes: lentils, peas, beans;
- Seafood: squid, shrimp, sea kale, cod, flounder, pollock;
- Lenten chicken or beef meat( in minimum quantity).
It is forbidden to include eggs, dairy products, confectionery, fatty meat, dough products, smoked products, black tea, carbonated drinks and alcohol in the menu of the autumn diet.
Autumn diet is based on the strict observance of several rules:
- Excluded rigid power systems;
- Sugar is replaced with honey;
- Norms of dishes: soups, cereals - 300 gr., Casseroles, salads - 250 gr., Fish, meat - 100 gr., Drinks - 250 ml;
- Eating an autumn diet is often a fractional one, consisting of five to six meals.
Autumn diet for weight loss: an approximate menu for the week ^
Autumn diet for immunity
The diet of autumn is aimed at ensuring that at its end you can not only find a slender figure, but also maximize immunity.
To strengthen the body's protective functions, it is necessary to include the following food in the diet of the autumn diet:
- Lemons, oranges, lemons, sweet peppers, kiwi, sea buckthorn, cabbage, radish and parsley are sources of vitamin C;
- Grenades( iron, vitamin C);
- Seafood is a source of iodine, omega 3;
- Buckwheat - iron, slow carbohydrates;Beef, veal - a source of protein, selenium, zinc.
The menu of the autumn diet for immunity for seven days suggests the following:
Day 1 and 5
- Breakfast: ginger tea with honey, buckwheat porridge, sea kale salad with green onions;
- Lunch: half a pomegranate;
- Lunch: salad from grated radish, crackers from black bread, fresh carrots and soy sauce, braised cabbage with rice, Bulgarian pepper and garlic, broth of wild rose;
- Snack: lunch repetition;
- Dinner( 18.00): potatoes baked in sour cream and greens, green apple salad with fresh carrots( refuel with olive oil), green tea;
- Dinner the second( 20.00): a pair of kiwi.
Day 2 and 6
- Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits, a pair of orange;
- Lunch: compote of sea-buckthorn( you can add honey);
- Lunch: apple - pear juice, steamed beef slices, vegetable stew;
- Snack: lunch repetition;
- Dinner( 18.00): fresh cabbage with carrots, mashed potato, herbal drink;
- Dinner in the second( 20.00): salad from orange, peach, kiwi.
Day 3 and 4
- Breakfast: pomegranate juice, pepper salad, Peking cabbage and olives with butter, oatmeal;
- Lunch: a small handful of walnuts;
- Lunch: potato baked, steam pollock, carrot juice;
- Snack: lunch repetition;
- Dinner( 18.00): pepper stuffed with mushrooms, cucumber;
- Dinner the second( 20.00): a cocktail of apricot and orange.
Day 7
- Breakfast: buckwheat porridge or pumpkin puree, beetroot salad with carrots and prunes in sour cream, kefir;
- Lunch: cottage cheese with fruit;
- Lunch: vegetarian borscht, broth of wild rose( rice broth), a slice of bread and cheese;
- Snack: lunch repetition;
- Dinner( 18.00): salad( carrots, apple, cabbage), boiled chicken;
- Dinner in the second( 20.00): pomegranate.
Autumn Cleansing Diet
The dietary method based on fresh fruits and vegetables perfectly cleanses the body, giving you the opportunity to throw off excess 4-6 kg. The autumn diet of the cleansing diet consists of 60% of fruits with vegetables, 20% of animals and vegetable proteins, 20% of carbohydrates( whole grains).Strict prohibition is imposed on fish, canned food, meat and sugar.
The approximate menu of the autumn cleansing diet can be as follows:
Day 1 and 4
- Morning: apple-pear salad with yogurt, 10 pcs.almonds, pear compote;
- Lunch: three slices of cheese;
- Lunch: berry juice, vegetable soup, whole grain bread slice;
- Snack: 50 gr.dried apricots;
- Evening: lentil gruel, carrot salad, tea.
Day 2 and 5
- Morning: baked pumpkin, kefir, cucumber salad with sour cream;
- Lunch: a slice of brynza, milk;
- Lunch: beetroot soup with sour cream, yogurt, cabbage salad;
- Snack: apple - carrot juice;
- Evening: steamed vegetable stew, whole grain bread slice, apple compote.
Day 3 and 6
- Morning: egg salad with fresh carrots, sour cream and crackers, oatmeal, ryazhenka;
- Lunch: a couple of cucumbers;
- Lunch: apple juice, bean soup( without meat), whole grain bread;
- Snack: a couple of cucumbers;
- Evening: cabbage salad with tomatoes and herbs with lemon juice, whole grain bread slice, orange compote.
Results, reviews of slimming and doctors about the autumn method of weight loss ^
The results of the autumn diet are as follows:
- Weight reduction from four kilograms per week;
- Cleansing and strengthening the body;
- Notable positive improvements in appearance.
As the autumn diet is balanced and there are no special food restrictions in it, it is very easy to carry it. For further weight retention, it is recommended to limit to a minimum the sweet and fatty. In order not to worry about a set of extra pounds, we list the useful advice of nutritionists, how to lose weight in the fall and permanently save the result:
- You should consume as much as possible natural fruits and vegetables;
- More to be in the park, on the street, visit zoos and so on;
- From sweets, use dried fruit, honey or marmalade;
- Use only "useful" snacks;
- Actively engage in sports.
You can repeat the dietary autumn food system in a month.
Reviews about the autumn diet from the numerous grown thin basically positive. Many women have benefited from this technique. They not only successfully lost weight, but also significantly improved their state of health and appearance. Only a few could not take advantage of the benefits of the autumn diet due to the appearance of severe swelling and flatulence.
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