Lipid-lowering diet
Lipidemic Diet Helps to Improve and Purify Your Body and Get Rid of Adult Weight
Lipid-lowering diet is a specialized diet program that includesin reducing the amount of digestible carbohydrates and harmful fats in the diet.
With the help of hypolipidemic technique, you can not only get rid of excess weight, but also effectively clean and improve the body. The result of this dietary and wellness program will be felt a month after its use.
Principles of Nutrition in Lipid Disorders ^
Lipid( fat metabolism) is the process of producing and splitting fats in the body. Under the violation of lipid metabolism, the increase in lipid levels in the blood, namely phospholipids, triglycerides and cholesterol:
- In 80% of cases, the disorders are due to a genetic predisposition,
- in the remaining 20% - malnutrition, namely, excessive intake of fatty foods,
- with stomach diseases,
- age( age-related fat metabolism is violated),
- sex( women are more prone to lipid metabolism disorders).
Disturbances in fat metabolism are very dangerous for the human body, because they create a great load on the blood vessels, contribute to the violation of blood circulation and cause serious diseases: diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis. You can detect this disease only by using a blood test.
According to the doctors, successful treatment of lipid-lowering disorders is possible only if the patient quits smoking, consumes alcohol, and instead will drink green tea in large quantities, will engage in physical exercises. In addition, a very important place in the treatment is a diet low in sugar, saturated fat and high in vitamins and organic acids. This diet is called lipid-lowering. Advantages of the lipid-lowering diet :
- It is simple and very effective.
- Performing all the instructions leads to an excellent result.
- Feels light and cheerful, but hunger is not there. Improves mood and general condition of the body.
- A hypolipidemic diet is the best prevention of heart and vascular diseases.
Disadvantage of : limited products that can be consumed.
As with any dietary program, the lipid-lowering technique has contraindications, therefore, before starting a diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor:
- In case of a lack of calcium in the body, the hypolipidemic diet is contraindicated because of the low calcium content in the permitted products.
- It is not recommended to use this program for acute chronic diseases and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
- A hypolipidemic diet is prohibited for children under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating mothers.
Foods that are allowed by the lipid-lowering diet:
- is white, not red poultry without skin, low-fat beef, broth from these products;
- bread and rusks from rye flour and bran;
- boiled potatoes, mushrooms, river fish, buckwheat porridge;
- nuts: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts;
- unsweetened coffee or tea, vodka, dry wine, cognac in limited quantities.
Obligatory foodstuffs:
- water, unsweetened natural juices and fruit drinks;
- vegetables, vinaigrette, vegetable borsch, herbs;
- all kinds of vegetable oil, oat flakes;
- fruit and berries;
- sea fish and sea kale.
It is necessary to remove from the diet: margarine and butter, pork and lamb, animal by-products( brains, liver, etc.), dairy products, seafood, flour and sweet products, eggs and pasta, sweet fizzy drinks, chocolate, cocoa, coffee beans.
It should be noted that nutrition during the lipid-lowering dietary program should be balanced. It is recommended to buy only high-quality, natural, low-calorie, but nutritious foods. Take food in small portions, but at least 4 times a day.
Lipid-lowering diet: a menu for 7 days ^
Day 1
- Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal cooked on water without oil, green tea.
- Snack: fruit salad with peel and berries.
- Lunch: pepper stuffed with rice and vegetables, juice without sugar.
- Snack: a slice of bread, any fruit.
- Dinner: borshch from vegetables without adding meat.
Day 2
- Breakfast: vegetable salad dressed with vegetable, namely olive oil, unsweetened black tea.
- Snack: 3 ripe plums and a small grapefruit.
- Lunch: chicken breast, buckwheat groats, peach juice.
- Snack: dried apricots, raisins, dates or other dried fruits.
- Dinner: baked in a foil sea fish, vegetable salad, mineral water without gas.
Day 3
- Breakfast: skimmed cheese with a cup of instant coffee.
- Snack: any fruit, a cup of unsweetened green tea.
- Lunch: lean soup with a couple of slices of bread.
- Snack: a portion of Greek salad and a glass of mineral water.
- Dinner: vegetables, stewed with beef, a glass of mineral water.
Day 4
- Breakfast: brown rice boiled on water without adding oil, but with honey, a favorite fruit juice, preferably freshly squeezed.
- Snack: crackers and orange medium size.
- Lunch: vegetable borsch, a cup of black tea.
- Snack: salad prepared from sea kale.
- Dinner: oat flakes, boiled on water, without oil.
Day 5
- Breakfast: millet porridge, a cup of green tea without sugar.
- Snack: tangerines, juice from any fruit.
- Lunch: borscht with lean beef and vegetables, tea.
- Snack: light fruit salad.
- Dinner: steamed fish, a glass of mineral water.
Day 6
- Breakfast: buckwheat and a cup of black tea.
- Snack: salad with sea cabbage, fruit fresh.
- Lunch: mushroom soup, fish, a glass of mineral water.
- Snack: apple, green tea with honey.
- Dinner: boiled potatoes, light vegetable salad, juice.
Day 7
- Breakfast: oatmeal, coffee without sugar.
- Snack: peaches and tea.
- Lunch: borsch with chicken white meat, a glass of mineral water.
- Snack: low-fat kefir, a little nuts.
- Dinner: steamed or boiled vegetables, juice.
The resulted lipid-lowering diet is exemplary, and not strict. It can be changed by replacing some foods and dishes with similar ones. This menu should focus on the individual characteristics of the body and the financial capabilities of losing weight.
Results, testimonials and doctor's recommendations ^
The hypolipidemic technique is medical, as it is prescribed by doctors for the recovery of the body and loss of excess kilograms. Therefore, medical reviews of the lipid-lowering diet are only positive and are evidence of its safety and high efficiency.
The results of the lipid-lowering diet are amazing, because it allows you to get rid of 10 kg of excess weight in 7 days without stress for the body and harm to health.
We also recommend you to watch a video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: