Potato Diet
On a potato diet, you can lose up to 5 kgfor a week
Potato diet refers to the group of the most affordable and cheap diet programs - because this product is not exotic in our stores and does not require large financial costs.
The diet itself is simple enough, and its menu consists of low-calorie dishes from potatoes without the addition of salt, fats and spices.
How to lose weight on potatoes: nourishing, tasty and lots of vitamins ^
The potato was never considered a dietary product - rather, on the contrary, as a rule, it was recommended to temporarily give up while observing various weight loss programs from it. However, it turned out that this annoying error. In fact, this vegetable( if properly stored and cooked) can be successfully used not only for dietary, but also for therapeutic nutrition.
It should be remembered that low-calorie potatoes are only fresh. The longer he stayed in your cellar or on the balcony, the more he accumulated starch in his composition and turned really into a high calorie product.
Therefore, to use this diet is recommended between early summer to autumn. During this period, the potato contains a minimum amount of carbohydrates and a large amount of protein, which makes it nutritious and useful.
In addition, it is very important to properly prepare this product. Fried on oil or fat vegetable, of course, lose weight will not contribute. To lose weight, potatoes should be cooked sparingly - for steaming, cooking or baking. Potato starch quickly splits into simple sugars and is perfectly absorbed by the body. Increased calorie content of dishes from potatoes is due solely to the addition of oil, fatty meats, spices and various sauces.
In addition to low calorie content, young potatoes also have other useful properties - it contains a large number of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, amino acids.
This whole set of useful elements has a beneficial effect on the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems and the metabolism in general. In addition, this vegetable contains a protein called tuberin, which has a high biological value. Potatoes also contribute to normalizing blood pressure and improving mood.
The potato diet has many advantages:
- it is very nutritious and nutritious, so it does not cause a gnawing feeling of hunger;
- is useful( see information above);
- is affordable and contributes to saving your budget;
- simple - dishes from potatoes are not difficult to prepare;
- does not cause a decrease in efficiency, apathy or loss of strength when it is observed.
It should be noted that preference is given to potatoes with yellow flesh, because it contains more carotene and vitamin A.
Diet potato: menu for 3, 7 and 14 days ^
You can use several variants of the diet on potatoes. For example, the slimming program, designed for 3 days, is a kind of unloading for the body, rigid and very monotonous.
Menu of potato diet for 3 days:
- breakfast - a glass of low-fat kefir or milk;
- dinner - 300 g of boiled, baked or boiled potatoes with greenery and vegetable oil;
- dinner - a salad of boiled eggs, boiled potatoes and fresh cabbage.
This method of losing weight for 3 days is quite realistic to lose 2 to 3 extra pounds.
Potato Diet for 7 Days
The week-long program is not so stiff and more diverse. The only difficulty in observing it can be the absence of the last meal( dinner), but in 7 days it can throw off about 4 to 5 extra pounds. The diet on this method of weight loss will be as follows:
Day 1:
- morning - potato puree with milk and butter;
- day - potato soup on beef broth.
Day 2:
- morning - potato casserole with vegetables;
- day - salad from boiled potatoes, eggs and fresh vegetables with vegetable oil, chicken broth.
Day 3:
- morning - vareniki with potatoes and with sour cream;
- day - potato soup with rice.
Day 4:
- morning - potatoes boiled in milk;
- day - potato soup with cereal, vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
Day 5:
- morning - boiled beans with butter, potatoes in uniform;
- day - vegetable salad, soup - mashed potatoes with mushrooms.
Day 6:
- morning - potato casserole with vegetables;
- day - salad of tomatoes and greens, dressed with vegetable oil, potato soup with tomato paste.
Day 7:
- morning - cucumber salad with greens, potato pancakes with sour cream;
- day - potato soup on chicken broth, vegetable salad, filled with biokefir.
The essence of this program is a significant restriction of calorie, while the caloric deficit in it is achieved by the exclusion of evening meals.
Potato diet for 14 days
- The daily menu for 1 to 3 days will consist of 1.5 kg of baked potatoes, divided into 6 meals without the use of spices and other flavors. In addition, you can only drink still fresh water.
- At 4 - 10 days, consume 1.5 kg of potatoes welded in a uniform, and divided into 6 meals. In the morning hours it is not allowed to season the product with anything, in the last 3-4 meals you can add a little salt or olive oil.
- For 11 - 14 days potatoes can be cooked or baked in the oven, lightly flavored with olive oil and slightly salted.
This weight loss program can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight.
Popular Potato Diet Options ^
There is a fairly large number of variants of mixed potato diets.
Cabbage soup
Very popular among those who want to lose weight is the potato - cabbage diet. Adding cabbage to potatoes, as the main component of the method of weight loss, increases the usefulness and nutritional value of food. Cabbage can be used as a white, red, or broccoli. Cook it better for a couple or use it fresh.
The basis of nutrition in the potato - cabbage technique is taken soup of these ingredients with the addition of carrots and onions( optional).You can eat 4 baked potatoes and 500 grams of cabbage a day. It is not allowed to add salt, you can eat greens and olive oil. This diet program is designed for no more than 7 days. In total there should be 5 meals in the menu.
Sample diet menu on potatoes with cabbage may look like this:
- breakfast - 1 baked potato, fresh cabbage salad, a cup of green or herbal tea;
- second breakfast - salad from fresh cabbage;
- dinner - potato-cabbage soup, 1 baked potato;
- afternoon snack - fresh cabbage salad;
- dinner - 1 baked potato, stewed cabbage, a cup of green or herbal tea.
On leaving the diet, in the second week of nutrition, they begin to add other vegetables or fruits to breakfast, and at lunch - chicken or non-fat fish. For a week on such a diet program, you can throw off 5 kg of excess weight.
Potato - kefir diet
No less interesting is the option of combining potatoes with kefir, also designed for 7 days. Its essence lies in the fact that in the morning they consume dishes with potatoes, and in the evening - only kefir. This method of weight loss perfectly cleanses the body of toxins. When it is observed, it is very important to drink plenty of mineral still water.
Menu for potato and kefir diet for 7 days:
Day 1:
- breakfast - mashed potatoes with butter;
- dinner - soup with dumplings and potatoes on beef broth;
- dinner - kefir.
Day 2:
- breakfast - potatoes baked with vegetables;
- lunch - chicken broth, potatoes in uniform;
- dinner - kefir.
Day 3:
- breakfast - vareniki with potatoes and sour cream;
- lunch - potato-rice soup;
- dinner - kefir.
Day 4:
- breakfast - baked potatoes;
- dinner - potato soup with pasta, cucumber salad with butter;
- dinner - kefir.
Day 5:
- breakfast - tomato salad, potato pancakes;
- dinner - soup with potatoes on chicken broth, vegetable salad;
- dinner - kefir.
Day 6:
- breakfast - potatoes baked with vegetables, cheese;
- dinner - lean borsch;
- dinner - kefir.
Day 7:
- breakfast - boiled potatoes with beans and butter;
- lunch - potato-mushroom soup-puree, vegetable salad;
- dinner - kefir.
Potato - egg diet
Another option - a combination of potatoes and eggs, saturating the body with proteins. An exemplary diet when it is observed is as follows:
- in the morning - soft-boiled egg, unsweetened tea or coffee;
- in the afternoon - 3 potatoes, cooked in a uniform with onion and olive oil, 1 hard-boiled egg;
- in the evening is the same as the day.
You can drink only drinking water. This weight loss program is designed for 7 days, each of which will take about 500 grams of excess weight.
Results and Feedback on the Potato Diet ^
Reviews about the potato diet are very diverse. The negative side of this dietary program is, of course, its monotony and imbalance. Plus, its high efficiency and effectiveness - for a week on potatoes you can throw up to 5 kg of excess weight.
There is this method of weight loss and contraindications. It does not fit people suffering from diabetes and any chronic diseases.
This diet was tested by many stars. For example, Julia Roberts is an ardent admirer of such a program of losing weight. She believes that when it is observed, it is necessary to increase the frequency of meals, as well as reduce the number of products.
Potato diet Julia Roberts looks like this:
- breakfast - a toast of whole grain bread with cottage cheese, herbs, garlic, tomato slices. Unsweetened yogurt;
- lunch - radish salad with greens and olives with lemon juice;
- dinner - a salad of potatoes cooked in a uniform, and a tomato, dressed with olive oil;
- afternoon snack - low-fat cottage cheese with apple, potatoes in a uniform;
- dinner - 2 baked potatoes, salad with cucumbers and greens.
We advise you to watch a video about the amazing properties of ordinary potatoes, an undeservedly considered product, from which only get fat: