Raspberry diet
Raspberry diet: reviews and results of thin
Raspberry is one of the most delicious berries, which it is customary to collect in the summer. It is loved not only by all children and adults, it is an excellent basis for diets.
Raspberry diet: benefits for the body, dietician recommendations ^
For the human body, a raspberry diet is considered extremely useful:
- during the period of consumption of berries lowers cholesterol,
- shows salts and bile acids,
- lowers pressure,
- improves metabolism,
- strengthens the heart muscles,
- normalizes the work of the intestine.
Such an excellent effect gives the following useful ingredients contained in raspberries:
- Fiber;
- Tanning agents;
- Microelements;
- Iodine;
- Vitamins.
Raspberry diet: caloric content and contraindications
100 g of raspberry berries contain only 41 Kcal - thanks to this low calorie content they are widely used in weight loss programs. There are certain prohibitions: the diet on raspberries is contraindicated to hypotension and people with kidney diseases.
Recommendations for successful results on the raspberry diet:
- From the very first day of a diet with raspberries, you should drink as much water as possible, ideally - at least 2 liters per day;
- All flour, smoked, fried and fatty foods should also be removed from the diet.
Raspberry diet: menu and popular weight loss recipes ^
Raspberry diet: the best recipes for losing weight on raspberries
One-day unloading raspberry diet
- One-day unloading mode allows you to lose up to 2 kg of weight, and also strengthens health, improves digestion and improves immunity.
- For the day of the diet, you can eat no more than 700 g of berries and drink only green tea or water.
- You can drink a glass of kefir 2 hours before bedtime.
Monodieta on raspberry
Raspberry mono diet is rather short and lasts only 3 days, at this time you can eat only fruit and berries. Low-calorie menu for every day allows you to reduce weight by 3-5 kg:
- In the morning we eat mousse from any berries, drink raspberry juice;
- At the second breakfast we eat an apple and 200 g of raspberries;
- We dine with any fruit salad and the same raspberries as before;
- For dinner, we drink a glass of yogurt and eat berries.
Raspberry diet for 3 days
This method of weight loss allows not only to get rid of 3 - 5 kg of excess weight, but also significantly strengthen immunity. All three days of dieting should adhere to the following menu:
- Lunch a glass of kefir, eat raspberries( 100 g);
- For the second breakfast we eat a mixture of raspberries and nuts( 200 g);
- Lunch a portion of boiled chicken or fish with boiled vegetables;
- We have dinner with baked vegetables and eat 200 g of fresh raspberries.
In total, for all 3 days will need 2 kg of ripe raspberries.
Fatty raspberry diet for 7 days
For fast fat burning in just one week, only these products can be eaten daily: raspberries, strawberries, vegetable salads, steamed vegetables, citrus fruits, dried fruits, corn, sour-milk drinks.
The approximate menu of the fat burning diet is as follows:
- At breakfast we eat 200 g of raspberries and orange;
- For the second breakfast we eat 30 g of dried fruits and an apple;
- We have lunch with vegetable salad and raspberry berries( 200 g);
- For dinner, we make any vegetables for a couple, except potatoes.
Raspberry diet with milk
The three-day diet on raspberries and milk reduces weight by 2-3 kg thanks to a milky raspberry jelly, which promotes intensive burning of fat cells.
The first day:
- For breakfast we eat raspberries( 100 g), we drink a glass of ryazhenka;
- We drink jelly from milk and raspberries( glass);
- For lunch, cook chicken breast, season with raspberry sauce;
- Supper with nuts( 1 tbsp.) And a glass of raspberry.
Second day:
- For breakfast we eat raspberries( 100 g), drink kefir;
- After 2 hours we eat a glass of raspberries mixed with 2 tsp.honey, we drink kissel;
- Lunch boiled fish( 200 g) and vegetable salad;
- Supper repeat, as last time.
The third day:
- For breakfast we mix a glass of raspberries with kefir;
- After a couple of hours we have a snack with berries and hazelnut, we drink it with jelly;
- Lunch boiled beef meat( 150 g) and vegetable salad from carrots;
- For dinner, bake 2 apples, sprinkle with raisins and pour sauce from raspberries.
If desired, you can extend the diet for 7 days, with this you need to alternate the above menu through time.
Raspberry diet of ketones
In the 60s of the last century, a group of ketones - fat burners was found in the raspberry composition, which after processing replace several kilograms of berries.
- You can buy ketones in the form of capsules, which you need to eat 2 times a day during meals( 1 pc.).
- After approximately 40 hours, fat cells begin to be broken down and blocked, and during the intake of the drug, a decrease in appetite is noted.
- If a weight reduction course is carried out for a month, then approximately 10 kg of body fat is lost.
Raspberry diet: reviews and results of losing weight ^
Raspberry diet for weight loss helps to improve the whole body, improve your well-being and quickly achieve the ideal results of weight loss. In the opinion of nutritionists, it can not be abused, because a glut of vitamins can have a reverse, negative effect. Weight, of course, will decrease, but sweating may increase or a rash may appear.
To maintain a figure after losing weight, it is enough to do a few times a month for unloading days and try not to eat too high-calorie foods.
Reviews of the raspberry diet of our regular readers are also very positive. We publish some excerpts from the letters sent to our editor:
Irina, 29 years old:
"I easily threw off 5 kilograms, sitting on a three-day diet with raspberries. Of course, I also did sports at the same time, but healthy food was important. "
Maria, 38 years old:
" The raspberry mono-diet was very difficult for me, and I could not stand it more than one day. During this time, the weight decreased by 1 kg, at least not in vain tormented "
Inna, 45 years old:
" At my age it is already quite difficult to lose weight, but I did it thanks to a diet on raspberries with milk. However, I did not make a kissel - just beat these 2 ingredients with a mixer and saw. By the way, now I weigh not 53, but 53.5 kg ยป