
How to give birth to a child correctly so that there are no breaks

  • How to give birth to a child correctly so that there are no breaks

    The closer the term of childbirth, the more excitement the future mother feels. And the stories of the given birth friends about the suffering they endured only heighten the fear of childbirth. How to properly give birth to a child, so as not to damage his health and reduce pain?

    Usually birth occurs at a period of 37 weeks to 42. The process of labor consists of three stages: the opening of the cervix, the birth of a child and the expulsion of the placenta. In women who give birth for the first time, this process takes from 9 to 11 hours, and in the re-birth - from 7 to 8 hours.

    Beginning of labor

    In preparation for childbirth, the main peace of mind. Roddom selected, the documents are prepared, bags with the necessary things are collected, it remains only to wait.

    The onset of labor signals the release of amniotic fluid, or the appearance of intense, regular contractions. If the interval between contractions is 10-15 minutes, then it's time for you in the hospital. If the waters are gone, but you do not feel contractions, then do not wait for their appearance, go to the hospital.

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    To alleviate your condition during fights, you can use breathing exercises or with the help of anesthetics. Try to relax as much as possible in the intervals between contractions. Calm down. Often, not the pain in battles is worried about a woman, but her expectation. Choose the position that suits you best.

    Efficiency of attempts

    When the cervix is ​​fully opened, the time comes for attempts. You need to monitor your attempts, superficial breathing will help you: shallow and frequent. Your efforts should be effective and help the child. Very soon you will hear the first cry of your baby.

    Different kinds of genera

    Earlier birth could only take place in the hospital. Today, a woman can decide how and in what way it is more convenient to do it.

    Vertical delivery. The woman herself must choose the position in which it is convenient to give birth and very often it is easier for women to endure contractions when she is in a vertical position. In maternity homes, a woman is allowed to walk during labor, and in some cases delivery is either sitting or kneeling on the bed.

    Home delivery. These genera have their pros and cons. Of course, if a woman is healthy and not the first time giving birth, then it is possible to arrange childbirth at home. But for women who give birth for the first time, it is better to do it in the maternity hospital.

    Childbirth in the water. These births have many contraindications, so first of all consult a doctor.

    Today, there are many courses to help future mothers, where they will help you overcome their fears and teach you how to behave properly during childbirth. Most importantly, remember that childbirth is a natural process that is thought out by nature itself, and everything will be fine.

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