
How to relieve swelling in pregnancy - treatment of swelling in pregnant women

  • How to relieve swelling in pregnancy - treatment of swelling in pregnant women

    Swelling during pregnancy is the most common problem of expectant mothers. According to statistics, they suffer up to 80% of women. What are the dangerous swelling in pregnancy, and what are the ways to get rid of them?

    Causes and danger of edema

    Edema of the foot

    Edema can be of 2 types: open and hidden. Of the open most often in pregnant women there are swelling of the extremities.

    The swelling of the legs is manifested in the ankle and feet. The very first sign is the appearance of footprints from socks. Shoes by the end of the day can become cramped. When pressing on the skin, a hole remains.

    The swelling of the hands is manifested in swelling and numbness of the fingers. The first symptom of the appearance of edema is impossible to remove or put on the ring. There are also swelling of the face, which are most often manifested in stuffy nose, swelling of the eyelids.

    Weight gain in edema

    Hidden edema is determined by a large increase in weight.

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    Please note! To start treatment, you need to find out the cause of edema.

    Reasons for edema:

    • Physiological: hormonal alteration, increase in the amount of blood.
    • Renal pathology.
    • Heart failure.
    • Diseases of excretory system.
    • Varicose veins.
    • Gestosis( toxicosis)
    Dangers of edema during pregnancy

    How to relieve swelling in pregnancy? Physiological edemas easily pass under observance of a special diet and adequate rest. Other types of edema can indicate serious illnesses and cause harm to both the future mother and the baby.

    With edema in a pregnant woman, blood pressure rises, burning and pains in the extremities appear, blood circulation in the placenta is disrupted and it ages before time. This leads to fetal hypoxia. In advanced cases, the problem can be solved only by premature birth. Therefore, it is very important to identify swelling in a timely manner and begin treatment.

    Treatment of edema

    What if there is swelling? Of course, go to the doctor who is pregnant. After assessing the condition, he will prescribe a treatment. Most often, treatment consists of dieting and taking diuretics( diuretics).

    Basics of therapeutic edema diet:

    1. Restriction or total elimination of salt. The salt-free diet works well with edema and is an excellent tool for their prevention.
    2. Exclusion of fried and smoked products. Preference is given to boiled, stewed and steam dishes.
    3. Use only useful products. Marinades, spices, semi-finished products, carbonated drinks and sweets are completely excluded.
    4. Sufficient use of water. Previously, with edema, a limit was imposed on the amount of fluid used. Now doctors agreed that inadequate drinking provokes even more puffiness, as the body begins to store water. In individual cases, a drinking regime may be prescribed. It all depends on the cause of edema.
    Dietary food

    In parallel with a diet, unloading days can be prescribed to pregnant women: fruit, fermented milk, buckwheat.

    Please note! Regardless of the type, all products are consumed without salt and sugar.

    The purpose of days off is to give rest to the digestive organs and remove excess fluid. For one day you can get rid of 0.5 kg to 3 kg of water.

    Knee-elbow position

    It is also recommended to take the knee-elbow position for the treatment and prevention of edema. It helps to relieve the load from the kidneys, reduces fetal pressure and reduces tone.

    If the diet does not work, then diuretics are prescribed, which are allowed during pregnancy. Most often it is Kanefron, Cystone, Phytolysin and Kidney tea.

    Kidney tea
    Please note! Do not confuse Kidney Tea with Kidney Gathering. The first contains only one herb - orthosiphon, it is not harmful during pregnancy, and the second is contraindicated.

    Along with compliance with the diet and the use of diuretics, the doctor can prescribe medications that strengthen the vessels. These include: Magnelis, Lipoic acid, Magneroth and vitamin E.

    Depending on the complexity of the pathology, edema can be treated both in an outpatient setting and in a hospital.

    Folk Remedies for edema

    In the folk piggy bank, there are quite effective and safe means for swelling.

    Please note! Before using them, it is still worth consulting with a doctor.

    Drinks with a diuretic effect:

    • Cranberry drinks: compotes, fruit drinks, infusions.
    • Drinks from cowberry leaves.
    • Stewed fruit compote.
    • Birch juice.
    • Chamomile broth.
    • Broth of apple peel.
    • Green tea.

    Preparation of folk remedies for edema:

    • Infusion of birch leaves. For infusion in a thermos, brew 2 tablespoons of raw 0.5 liters of boiling water. Take on 100 gr.every time before eating.
    • Parsley seeds. To get rid of edema, take 1 gr.the seeds of parsley before eating. Wash down with water. You can also take an infusion of parsley root, for its preparation, brew a spoon of ground root 0.5 liters of boiling water. Take it every time before eating.
    Corn stigmas in edema
    • Corn stigmas. Boil a spoon of corn stigmas in a glass of water, take 40 gr.5 times a day.
    Please note! Treatment of edema during pregnancy should be carried out comprehensively and strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

    This is not the time when you can experiment on the body or wait for a miraculous self-healing.