
How to get rid of itchy skin - get rid of itchy skin

  • How to get rid of itchy skin - get rid of itchy skin

    Itching can be called the reaction of the human skin to some negative irritating factors. Quite often itching is one of the first signs of a strong allergy to a certain product. For example, on animal hair, food, pollen of plants.

    Itching of the skin makes people simply unbearable desire to comb the affected area, thereby aggravating the situation. Many people comb itching places right up to the blood itself. .. Unfortunately, combing does not bring relief( unless very short-lived).Did you ever think that combing you not only injures your skin, but also increases the risk of taking yourself some kind of infection?

    The causes of itching

    There are many of them. Sometimes itching is one of the symptoms of jaundice or other liver disease. It can also cause kidney disease, because they lead to the fact that the human body accumulates nitrogen. Which, leaving the skin surface and mixing with sweat, is very irritating to the skin.

    In addition, skin itching provokes thyroid disease. This happens due to increased body temperature and increased sensitivity of the upper layers of the skin.

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    Another and very common cause of an itch of an insect bite.

    Itching is also caused by changes in the structure of the skin, for example, due to a rash or tumor. Receptors that react to irritants are present only in the epidermis( the upper layer of the skin) and mucous, and therefore, itching simply can not occur in the internal organs or muscles.

    If the itching appears with some periodicity, follow what you eat. It is necessary to exclude foods that have irritating abilities: coffee, spices, salty and spicy dishes, or foods that become frequent causes of allergic reactions( mayonnaise and citrus).

    General advice

    If you feel a strong itch, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Only he can identify the cause of its occurrence and appoint a suitable treatment. If in the near future you can not get on a visit to a polyclinic, and the itching has already become simply impossible, take some medicine that has the ability to reduce the allergic reaction.

    If you do not know how to get rid of the itch of the skin, the first thing you should remember is that in no case can you scratch the itchy places, no matter how strong the desire was. This only aggravates the situation.

    If you have a skin itch, you must take a barely warm shower, thereby washing off all the discharge of sweat glands. It is best to try to wash yourself without using shower gels or soap. This will help not cause even more irritation of the skin surface.

    And in general, try to limit the use of any cosmetic products during this period, at least until the itch completely fails. You do not know what exactly allergic reaction started. It is possible that it is for cosmetics.

    Do you like coffee? It is necessary to refuse for a while and from it. After all, the composition of coffee includes caffeine, which, like alcohol contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, and hence to the heating of the skin. And if you have itching, you only need to cool the skin, but not heat it.

    While you are treating the itchy skin, try to limit the contact of clothing made of synthetic fibers and your skin. It is better to wear cotton products. Flax and wool can also act as skin irritants.

    Chamomile infusion is very effective if you want to relieve itching. You can apply it in several ways:

    • do compresses and apply them to damaged places;
    • take a bath with this infusion;
    • just drink it.

    Remember that all the above tips can help only if itching is caused by internal and external stimuli. But after all the body can be itched also because of nervous frustration. In this case, anything that can help you visit a psychologist who will solve your problems.

    Folk methods of treatment

    Even with such an unpleasant phenomenon as the itching of the skin, you will come to the rescue of folk methods of treatment. For this recipe, you will need: valerian root, nettle grass, elephant leaves, burdock roots, grass and flowers of tri-colored violets, burdock flowers, licorice root.

    Take one spoonful of all the ingredients and mix. Now grind the mixture in a coffee grinder and pour two tablespoons of the resulting composition into half a liter of boiling water. Further it is necessary to heat them in a water bath for 5 minutes and the date to stand one night.

    You need to drink twice a day for one tablespoon.

    If the itching is accompanied by reddening of the skin and this reddening does not go away for a long time, use an ointment or cream that contains vitamin B and C. They remove redness, flaking, itching, soothe inflammation and increase skin resistance to negative effectsenvironment.