Diet for a thin waist
- Secrets for fast weight loss at the waist
- Diet for the aspen waist: approximate menu for the week
- Results, weight loss reviews and dietitians recommendations about the diet for the waist and sides
Diet for the waist improves the appearance and general condition of the body
Special dietfor the waist, aimed at forming the wasp waist and eliminating the abdomen, has been developed by specialists for a reason. After all, a thin waist and elastic tummy gives a figure of femininity and attractiveness.
The peculiarity of this technique is that after its carrying out not only the appearance of the tummy is improved, but also the general condition of the body.
Secrets for fast weight loss at the waist ^
Dieticians immediately warn that using only a dietary technique, you can not lose weight at the waist, because the body only loses weight completely or does not lose weight at all. It is known that first fat leaves the chest, then from the abdomen and only then from the hips and legs.
To achieve a flat belly and a thin waist, different techniques work on such results:
- Removing excess fluid from the body, which allows you to quickly lose a few extra pounds.
- Purification of the intestines, due to which its volumes decrease.
- Gastric compression due to less volume of food consumed for some time.
To achieve the desired results, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic rules and principles of a thin waist diet:
- It is strongly recommended to reduce or even stop using alcoholic and carbonated beverages, flour and sweet foods, bad habits and unnatural foods to normalize and speed up metabolic processes.
- Meals should be taken often, but in small quantities, because small portions of food the body can easily digest and assimilate the necessary useful elements. In this case, he will not postpone fat.
- It is necessary to increase the intake of living fiber, which is considered the main enemy of fat in the abdominal region. Fiber is non-caloric, but it causes a feeling of satiety, thereby providing a reduction in waist size.
- It is better to make a diet in such a way that in one day you can eat only vegetables and proteins, in the other - only vegetables and carbohydrates.
- It's necessary to have a hearty breakfast. The more satisfying the breakfast, the lower the calorie content of lunch and dinner. Eating after 7 pm, according to the rules, is not recommended. The recommended volume of liquid to drink is 2 liters.
- An important component of effective weight loss in the waist area are physical exercises. It is important not only to burn calories effectively, but also to strengthen the abdominal muscles so that it looks taut and beautiful. Here you can apply fantasy: visit the gym, pool or twist the hoop and train the muscles of the press at home.
- The following are recommended and allowed products: eggs, lean meat, dairy products with 0% fat content, fish, fruits, berries, vegetables, fruit or vegetable juices and other useful products.
- During the diet program, you can not use these products: smoked, fried, dried, salted, fatty, floury, alcoholic and soda.
This dietary technique is more like a correct lifestyle, rather than the strictest diet, therefore it has many advantages:
- It should be noted that during weight loss at the waist, the losing weight adheres to all the principles of a balanced diet. Such a program will in no way cause harm to health, but on the contrary will strengthen it. For this reason, you can stick to this technique for a long time and repeat as often as you want.
- Another plus of this program is diversity. Losing weight has the right to choose products, given the state of health and personal preferences.
- The nutritional value of the diet and the variety of foods allowed do not encourage a person who adheres to a dietary program to break and break diet.
- In the diet there are proteins, carbohydrates and fats, because scientists have confirmed that to achieve effective weight loss, it is necessary to observe the following ratio: 5: 4: 1( 50% protein, 40% carbohydrates, 10% fat).
- The only drawback of the technique is the lack of salt. But if losing weight will slightly salivate dishes, then the effectiveness of weight loss from this will not decrease.
Diet for an aspen waist: an approximate menu for a week ^
A diet that helps to get an aspen waist, can be of several varieties.
French diet "Thin waist" from Sophie Marceau
The most popular option is the French diet "Thin waist" from Sophie Marceau. The well-known actress claims that she is fully obliged to this method with her elegant and feminine waist. In addition, Sophie admits that for 7 days of such a program, she loses not less than 5 kg, and exercises for the press pays only 10 minutes a day.
Menu of the French diet from actress Sophie Marceau
- For breakfast, a fresh croissant or a small bun with bran, tea is wonderful.
- During lunch it is recommended to eat a small portion of boiled rice, an apple, to drink a cup of unsweetened green tea.
- In the evening, the actress advises you to please yourself with deliciously cooked fish, tomato and lettuce leaves.
- In the morning it is best to drink fruit juice with a bit of flavor with cereal loaves.
- At lunchtime, you need to prepare a diet soup with low-fat chicken meat.
- Dinner: mineral water and any vegetables.
- Morning meal: a couple of glasses of low-fat yogurt, milk, it's better a little warm.
- Lunch: potatoes, welded in uniforms, beef meat.
- Dinner: favorite fruit and a cup of tea.
- Morning meal: porridge from oatmeal, parmesan.
- Lunch time: light salad, tomato juice. Dinner: grated carrot, mineral water.
- Breakfast: fried eggs, tea. Dinner: broccoli, mineral water.
- Dinner: chicken meat, fruit fresh.
- Breakfast: fruit to choose from and a cup of herbal tea.
- Lunch: light salad. Dinner: apples, water with lemon.
- At the end of the diet program, you can repeat any menu from Monday to Saturday.
English diet "Thin waist"
The second option - the English diet "Thin waist" is to reduce the daily caloric intake of the diet to 100 kcal, as well as alternating protein and vegetable nutrition, which last for 2 days. It is calculated, like the previous one, for a week and helps during this period to lose weight by a couple of kilograms.
Menu for the week:
- 1-2 days - "hungry".For this period of time you are allowed to drink a glass of juice from tomatoes and 1-2 liters of kefir or milk in each of the days.
3 - 4 days - protein
- Breakfast: a slice of black bread with honey and butter, coffee with milk.
- Lunch: a slice of bread, a bowl of broth( chicken or fish), green peas, boiled fish or lean meat.
- Snack: a spoonful of honey, milk or unsweetened tea.
- Dinner: black bread, a small piece of boiled fish or meat, a piece of hard cheese, a glass of kefir.
5 - 6 days - Vegetable
- Breakfast: oranges or apples( 2 pcs.).
- Lunch: light vegetable soup, carrot stuffed with pepper, vinaigrette without potatoes.
- Snack: favorite fruit.
- Dinner: vegetable salad, tea.
Day 7
- hunger.
Diet for waist and sides
Another effective option for slimming and slimness is a diet for the waist and sides. Its rules are similar to the principles of the two previous versions. To achieve results and to see in a mirror a flat stomach and a thin waist without sides, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fats to 20 g per day.
Results, weight loss reviews and recommendations of nutritionists about diet for the waist and sides ^
The results of the diet for the waist and the press will be completely dependent on the initial weight of losing weight and the physical exercises performed during weight loss. In general, for 1 week of its use you can lose about 5 - 9 kg of excess weight.
However, in order to retain the result, in the future you need to monitor the balance of nutrition and exercise. Positive and rave reviews of slimming on a diet for the waist indicate its effectiveness and good tolerability.
We also recommend to watch a video of the video with useful advice of nutrition experts on the three best days of release that help to lose weight quickly and effectively: