Diet for weight loss belly
Diet for the stomach speeds up metabolism and removes excess fluid and salt
Special diet for weight loss belly developed by specialists -dieticians are not without reason, because a beautiful figure is unthinkable without a thin waist and elastic press.
Moreover, according to the doctors, the shapeless, blurred figure is not just an aesthetic imperfection, it is abdominal fat on the abdomen that poses a serious threat to health.
Secrets for rapid weight loss belly ^
To keep extra pounds from the waist, not even the strictest diet. The nutrition system should be aimed at accelerating the metabolism, removing salts and excess fluid from the body. It is necessary to force the body to take calories from old stocks.
Principles and rules of a diet for a beautiful tucked up abdomen:
- For the normalization of metabolism, it is recommended to abandon alcohol, sweets, soda, smoking and all non-natural foods before the diet begins.
- Particular attention is paid to physical activity. Classes should focus not only on burning calories, but also on strengthening the muscles of the press. You can engage in the gym, pool, and at home hoop( hula-hoop) is ideal for this purpose.
- The diet should have a large amount of live fiber. She is the main enemy of fat deposits in the waist. Fiber has zero caloric content, filling the stomach, causing rapid saturation, and the missing calories the body begins to spend from old stocks. The use of fiber cleanses the intestines, removes toxic substances and strengthens the processes of metabolism. This is exactly what will ensure weight loss in the waist.
- The food should be divided, food intake at least 5 times a day, small portions, about 200 grams. Small amounts of food are quickly split into the necessary elements and digested. So the body will have nothing to do reserves.
- To the body is not adjusted and not accustomed, you can slightly deceive him. One day use only proteins and vegetables, and the next day, carbohydrates and vegetables.
- Breakfast should be satisfying, it will help to reduce caloric value of lunch. Dinner after 19.00 is not allowed. Liquids are required to drink up to 2 liters per day.
From the recommended list of products you can create a balanced menu.
Recommended products for belly slimming:
- Beans, lentils, nuts.
- White meat( and lean varieties), eggs, all seafood and fish.
- Low-fat dairy products.
- Cereals, except polished rice and semolina.
- Berries and fruit of sour taste( sweet and sour), dried fruits.
- Freshly squeezed juices, green tea, mineral water( without gas).
- Vegetables( except potatoes) and greens.
- Vegetable oil, no more than a dessert spoon per day.
Prohibited products:
- All smoked, jerky, marinated, salted and fried.
- Fatty meat, fat, butter, mayonnaise.
- White bread, confectionery, sugar.
- Alcoholic and carbonated drinks, juices containing sugar.
- Products with dyes and preservatives.
The advantages of this weight loss system are plenty: healthy, natural food, avoiding bad habits, playing sports. The lack of salt can be considered a lack of salt, but if the dishes are slightly salted and comply with all the other recommendations, the effectiveness of the diet for the stomach will not decrease much. In this form it will suit everyone. If there are any restrictions on the state of health, the menu can be easily adjusted for yourself or seek help from a specialist or a doctor in charge.
Diet for a flat stomach: an approximate menu for the week ^
Another plus is that the diet for the press is compiled on its own, from the approved products, which are more to their liking. The main thing is that the food should be prepared in a dietary way, and the amount of servings should not exceed 200 gr. After waking up, it is recommended to drink a glass of plain water, and after 15 minutes to have breakfast.
Proteins are used for food. To do this, boil 2 chicken breasts( 600 grams) and divide into 3 meals.
- Breakfast is a piece of breast, pear and green tea with 1% milk.
- Extra breakfast - a yogurt glass. Lunch - chicken and salad( brush).
- Snack - cottage cheese and citrus fruit.
- Dinner - a piece of chicken and cucumber salad.
Day - II
You can eat complex carbohydrates and vegetables. Since morning it is necessary to weld a glass of rice and divide into 3 receptions. Rice is an excellent diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides of the .Breakfast - rice and salad, compote.
- Breakfast - salad with cheese and eggs, apple, tea. Additional breakfast - grapefruit.
- Lunch - steamed salmon with vegetables.
- Snack - kefir.
- Dinner - boiled rabbit meat, beet salad with prunes and nuts.
Day - IV
- Breakfast - oatmeal with dried fruits, tea can sweeten with honey.
- The second breakfast is your favorite fruit. Dinner - pumpkin soup puree, apple. Lunch salad brush.
- Dinner - a bit of buckwheat and a glass of tomato juice.
Day - V
- Breakfast - an omelette and a slice of cheese, tea.
- Snack - salad is a fruit mix, flavored with low-fat yogurt.
- Lunch - Steamboat steak from beef, with beans and grapefruit.
- Snack - curd with berries, mixed with sour-milk dressing. Dinner - stewed pollock, apple, yogurt.
Day - VI
Boil a glass of buckwheat and divide into 3 portions. The diet for the waist often includes this fiber-rich rump in the menu.
- Breakfast - part of buckwheat, salad of tomatoes and cucumbers. Snack - an orange, an apple. Lunch - a portion of buckwheat, vegetable halophyte.
- Snack - pear, kiwi. Dinner - buckwheat, juice from tomatoes.
Day - VII
- Breakfast - beef prepared in a diet, a salad of bell pepper and a tomato.
- Second breakfast - curd with berries
- Lunch - white chicken meat, braised zucchini and eggplant.
- Snack - a glass of yogurt 1%.
- Dinner - chicken and a choice of citrus fruit.
Usually, if the extra centimeters are on the stomach and waist, they are present on other problematic female places. Diet for the stomach, thighs and buttocks can be made in the same way, only physical exercises will be changed.
Diet for slimming belly for men is based on the same products and rules, but portions can be more if the man is actively engaged in sports and engaged in manual labor. The main thing is that the consumption of calories does not exceed their energy consumption.
Results, feedback, recommendations of nutritionists ^
For a week, depending on the initial weight and decent physical activity, you can lose weight from 5 to 9 kilograms, these are the results of the abdominal diet and the . Both doctors and nutritionists do not deny the usefulness for the organism of fractional nutrition, playing sports and refusing bad habits.
Disagreements cause only a salt-free diet for the stomach, which is capable of harming the body. But in the absence of health problems, a weekly salt-free regime will not cause harm. Reviews of the diet for the stomach and sides are very positive - it is balanced, not hungry, it is transferred quite easily.
When leaving the diet against the stomach, to lose weight, do not return, it is recommended to follow the same diet, only to include a small amount of salt. At the same time, the weight will continue to decrease, if you do not eat foods from the forbidden list.
It is also recommended to watch a video on the video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release to help you lose weight fast and effectively: