The "Three Fists" Diet
Diet Three fists contribute to normalization of ideal balance in the body
Three fist diet recently from Serves special attention to slimming, as it is well-balanced, very easy to use and understandable slimming program.
The distinctive feature and originality of the "Three Fists" technique is that it frees a person from the tedious calorie counting and weighing of products, and instead suggests using his own fist as a measure of weight.
Slimming rules from Oleg Tern ^
The developer of this weight loss program, doctor and journalist Oleg Turn does not consider her a diet, but defines it as a useful, balanced and varied diet. His general recommendations also can not be called wrong or unhealthy. The author recommends:
- actively engage in sports,
- with mental work,
- do not forget about rest,
- drink clean water,
- abandon bad habits,
- maintain a positive attitude,
- enjoy life,
- love,
- and, of course, rationally eat.
The diet of the program Three fists consists of proteins, salads, complex carbohydrates, berries and fruits. The turn, for convenience, displayed the technique in the product table. The most useful products for normalizing weight are at the top of the table. They need to be given preference.
Each person needs an individual amount of products and, accordingly, energy. You need to focus on your fist, which has a different size, depending on age and sex. We do not have to weigh anything. Three meals are offered( basic).A portion of one reception corresponds to three fists. For example, it can be a piece of fish, a salad of 1 boiled beet and 1 orange, conditionally, 3 fists. Everything is extremely simple.
The diet is designed in such a way that having overweight people helps to lose weight, with a deficit of body weight - to recover, and it also helps to keep the achieved result. The advantages of this method of nutrition is much greater than the disadvantages.
Like any other diet, it requires clear motivation, patience, perseverance and discipline. If there is no strictly stated goal, no dietary program will work. This can be attributed to shortcomings.
The rest of the author offers a fully balanced, complete diet and a healthy lifestyle:
- The products offered are extremely useful and contain all the nutrient components necessary for normal life.
- Refusal from alcohol and smoking, playing sports, too, will benefit - it can not detrimentally affect health, but on the contrary, contributes to its strengthening and recovery, and is the prevention of many diseases.
- The process of losing weight goes on systematically, overeating is excluded, and excess calories are not stored in fat stores.
- Food is fractional, this improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, normalizes the level of glucose and appetite.
- Sports activities actively contribute to an intense weight loss.
Three Fist Diet: 7 days menu and features ^
3 main meals and 2 additional meals are required for weight loss. However, the human body adapts to any diet and gradually the rate of weight loss decreases and the weight freezes in place. To avoid this, it can be "deceived" by means of so-called zigzags.
Zigzag diets "Three Fists"
- It is necessary to change the caloric content of the menu more often. A few days can be strict, but several with indulgences.
- Zigzag minus is a strict diet. For example, 3 days a week. One of the 3 days must be unloading.
- Zigzag Plus is a less strict menu, 4 days a week. One day you can relax and afford( a little) forbidden foods: a cake, a bottle of beer, a couple of slices of shish kebab. But there is one thing.
Sample menu for the week
Day one - zigzag-minus, unloading
- Breakfast - egg and 2 servings of vegetables( 2 fists).For example, chopped cabbage and carrots, season with lemon juice and a teaspoon of sour cream skim.
- Extra breakfast - 1/2 cup kefir, apple, orange.
- Lunch - baked fish, and 2 handfuls of stewed vegetables.
- Snack - a portion of cottage cheese, a handful of berries and half a grapefruit. Dinner - fish, pear and the remaining grapefruit.
Day two - low-calorie( zigzag-minus)
- Breakfast - 2 eggs and 2 servings of vegetables.
- Ext.breakfast - to choose from, berries or fruit, volume -3 fist.
- Lunch - braised fish and 2 servings of vegetables.
- Snack - 3 fruits. Dinner - feta cheese or soy meat, 2 handfuls of stewed vegetables.
Day three - zigzag-minus
- Breakfast - chicken meat cooked in a dietary way and vegetables - 2 servings.
- The second breakfast - berries or fruit, or both that and another - 3 "fists".Lunch - vegetables 2 portions, fish - 1 serving.
- Snack - 3 fruits.
- Dinner - chicken and 2 vegetables.
Day four - also low-calorie
- Breakfast - a portion of cottage cheese and 2 fruits.
- The second breakfast - 3 fruits.
- Lunch - Fish and 2 handfuls of vegetables.
- Snack - 3 "fist" of fruit or berries.
- Dinner - fish portion and 2 vegetables.
Day five - zigzag-plus( supporting)
- Breakfast - on the "kulak" of chicken, vegetables and legumes.
- Extra breakfast - 3 fruits.
- Lunch - for portions of mushrooms, cereals and chicken.
- Snack - three fruits. Dinner - fish and 2 "fists".
Day six - zigzag - plus, includes a treat
- Breakfast - on the "kulak" of vegetables and cereals, eggs.
- Extras.breakfast - 3 servings of berries.
- Lunch - 1 portion of meat, vegetables and cereals.
- Snack - 3 fruits.
- Dinner - vegetables, fish on the "fist" and a piece of cake.
Day 7 - Supporting
- Breakfast - for servings of vegetables, cereals and chicken meat.
- Second breakfast - fruit 3 pcs.
- Lunch for 1 serving of meat, cereals and mushrooms.
- Dinner - fish and 2 "kulaks" of vegetables.
Basic rules of nutrition:
- It is recommended to eat meat not more often 2 times a week.
- The main protein the body should receive from seafood, eggs and dairy products.
- It is not recommended to fry, everything is steamed, boiled or baked.
- Salads are preferably filled with low-fat yogurt, vegetable oils.
- Mayonnaise and sour cream can be allowed 2 times a week.
- Salt to consume in limited quantities.
Results, reviews of weight loss, recommendations of dieticians ^
From a medical point of view, such a nutrition system will only benefit the body, because it is not an extreme weight loss, but the restoration of balance in the body. Depending on the goal - to lose weight or recover, only the food option changes.
Reviews about the diet The three fists are the most positive, it is easily transferred and differs little from the usual diet, only the absence of harmful products. The feeling of hunger is practically absent, and in the future the body is completely accustomed to a new volume of food.
Stick to this program, you can all your life, choosing the best option for yourself and adjusting the menu of useful products to your taste. If the diet is interrupted for some reason, you can return to it at any time.
Results of the diet Three fists are very positive - for a month you can lose up to 6 kilograms of excess weight. Without harm to health, the planned weight will come to the ideal, which corresponds to age, sex and physique. At the same time, physical and psychological health is not sacrificed to beauty and harmony.
We also recommend you to watch a video on video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release, helping to lose weight fast and effectively: