  • The Italian diet

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    Read the article:
    • essence, secrets and national characteristics of the Italians supply
    • Italian diet: menu variety
    • reviews and results of weight loss on a diet of Italian

    Italian diet helps to lose up to 8 kg and cleanse the body of toxins

    Italian diet is considerednot only one of the most popular and effective programs for weight loss, but also becomes for many people a daily diet of proper nutrition.

    essence, secrets and national dietary habits of the Italians ^

    At the heart of the Italian power system is based on the daily consumption of plant-derived foods and cooking with low calorie, helping them to be much slimmer other Europeans.

    Italian diet involves certain characteristics in terms of power - namely, exclusion from the menu of smoked food, sausages, bacon, fatty meat varieties, muffins, white bread and fatty dairy products and the inclusion in the daily diet following mandatory products:

    • Seafood and fish;
    • Fruits, vegetables;
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    • Olive oil;
    • Cereals and beans;
    • Bread with bran and bread;
    • Dairy low-fat products;
    • Nuts and spices;
    • Water, tea and juices.

    A distinctive feature of nutrition of Italians is observance of some important rules of food intake:

    • Chew food slowly and very carefully;
    • Avoid overeating, get up from the table a little hungry, and not a little alive;
    • Strictly forbidden late dinner;
    • Daily use of clean and filtered water should be 1.5 liters, but not less;
    • Physical exercises are necessary.

    There are no drawbacks and contraindications in the Italian dietary program, and the advantages are as follows:

    • The diet is saturated with the necessary minerals and multivitamins;
    • There is no feeling of hunger and fatigue;
    • Gradual weight loss does not cause stress and harm to the body.

    Italian diet: menu variety and ^

    Italian diet for weight loss diet

    Italian technique is based on three main stages:

    • seven preparatory stage,
    • three-day weight loss,
    • and two days of recovery.

    The first stage of the Italian method is aimed at cleansing from slags, normalizing the metabolism of substances and preparing the body for the process of losing weight. During the seven-day period it will be necessary to adhere to a certain menu:

    • Breakfast: fruit cocktail: half a glass of fat-free yogurt and 500 gr.mix any fruits and berries in a blender;
    • Lunch: boiled rice 120 g with 60 g puree( apple or pumpkin);
    • Supper: steamed or boiled vegetables - 500 g;
    • Herbal teas and still water are allowed from the liquid.

    The second stage of the Italian slimming program involves cutting the meals in volume and caloric content.

    • Breakfast: berry dessert: fresh or frozen blueberries, a handful of almonds, fat-free yogurt and flakes - 150 g;
    • Lunch: spaghetti with vegetables and chicken: 100 grams of spaghetti cooked put sliced ​​into pieces of tomatoes, some green peas and white meat chicken '60 Egg whisk with spices and herbs and pour over the dish evenly. Then top with cheese and put in the oven.
    • Dinner: cheese salad pineapple: Mix 100 g of canned pineapple 60 g cheese, sweet pepper and 300 g of 5 lettuce. Finished dish filled with low-fat sour cream.

    The third recovery period of the Italian method of weight loss should include:

    • Breakfast: berry dessert;
    • Lunch: chicken breast with garnish: in 200 g of breast wrap leeks and bake in olive oil. To garnish a portion of boiled or raw vegetables;
    • Dinner: pineapple salad with cheese.

    A phased Italian diet will remove from the body not only the slag, but about five extra kilograms.

    Italian diet for weight gain

    The system of dietary nutrition in Italy is designed not only for weight loss, but also for a set of a couple extra pounds for those who need it. The recommended five-day diet for weight gain is as follows:

    Day 1

    • Morning: coffee, a handful of raisins, 2 eggs, vegetable salad with butter and greens;
    • Lunch: ravioli, chicken soup with potatoes, tea, salad of red pepper and cucumber;
    • Snack: Fruit cocktail 300 g: the same number of berries, fruit juice and yogurt;
    • Dinner: pelmeni 200 grams, 4 oatmeal cookies, tomato drink.

    Day 2

    • Morning: coffee, a little yoghurt with hazelnuts, corn flakes and milk 100 g;
    • Lunch: meat soup - noodles, tea, a pair of tangerines, beans with beef 100 g;
    • Snack: kefir, a handful of raisins;
    • Dinner: chocolate milk dairy, juice, a couple of sandwiches with cheese, vegetables and chicken.

    Day 3

    • Morning: omelet with tomatoes, a slice of bread with cucumber, mayonnaise and ham, coffee;
    • Lunch: pear, tea, slice of bread, chicken fried with a portion of soup-noodles;
    • Snack: a glass of yogurt with prunes and walnuts;
    • Dinner: beef cutlet, mashed potatoes, a couple of sandwiches with cucumber and sprats, fruit drink.

    Day 4

    • Morning: ravioli, 5 plums, coffee, salad portion of tomatoes, radish, greens and cucumber;
    • Lunch: cutlet, noodle soup, red apple, vegetable salad, tea, marmalade;
    • Snack: a small portion of cottage cheese with a banana, a handful of raisins or dried apricots, berries and ground biscuits;
    • Dinner: a cutlet, a slice of pizza and tomato juice.

    Day 5

    • Morning: coffee, a portion of spaghetti with beef;
    • Lunch: a slice of pizza, a salad with sugar from carrots, dried apricots and apples, tea and 50 g of cottage cheese;
    • Snack: sour-milk drink with nuts;
    • Dinner: turkey fried with spaghetti, slice of bread, tomato juice and apple.

    Italian diet butterfly

    Italian dietary method Butterfly for six days helps to perfectly clean the body, lose weight to 8 kg and give the body elegance, grace and lightness.

    • Morning should start with any proposed food to choose from: a couple of oranges, a glass of berries, a couple of pieces of boiled beef with tomatoes, a bunch of grapes or a glass of yogurt with almonds.
    • The following dishes are recommended for lunch: a portion of boiled rice and an egg;beef breast, stewed with vegetables - 200 g;100 g of chicken bake in foil with Parmesan cheese, Bulgarian pepper and lettuce;boiled green beans with olives - 200 g;fruit salad;a serving of spaghetti with ketchup.
    • Evening meal finishes half of the pineapple, a large red apple or 100 g of fish fillets in the oven.

    Italian diet Sophie Loren

    The three-day dietary technique of the famous Italian actress Sophia Loren is balanced, low-calorie, easily tolerated, and will help to reduce weight to 2 kg.

    • The essence of feeding a movie star is the use for breakfast of a boiled egg with orange juice or a cup of cereal with milk.
    • In the daytime meal includes a vegetable salad with a slice of chicken or turkey or a cup of cottage cheese with fruit.
    • Evening meal - an apple, a pair of peaches or a pear.

    Italian diet 40 40 30

    The method of losing weight 40 40 30 implies the following food ration:

    • Separate food in percentage per day, namely 40% carbohydrates( potatoes, porridges, flour products), 40% proteins( eggs, fish and meat) and 30% neutral food( vegetables, greens and fruits).
    • The main condition - to eat a day five times and not to mix carbohydrates and proteins.
    • However, they can be combined with neutral food.

    With this dietary method of nutrition, the lost weight for a week will be up to 3 kg.

    We also recommend that you read the article Mushroom Diet.

    Reviews and dieting results in Italian ^

    The results of the Italian diet are very promising:

    • Gradual dropping of excess weight from 2 kg and above;
    • Strengthening of immunity;
    • Normalization of digestion;
    • Acceleration of metabolism;
    • Improved skin, hair and nails.

    The correct way out after the Italian diet provides for a gradual increase in the fat content of dishes and the inclusion of a menu of cereals, soups and meat. Since the Italian dietary technique does not harm the health, it can be repeated in a month.

    Reviews of the Italian diet of losing weight are generally positive. However, doctors are not so approving of such a sharp decrease in the diet of proteins and calories, as this can lead to a reduction in weight due to the mass of muscles, rather than fatty deposits.

    We also recommend you to watch a video with useful advice of nutrition experts on the three best days of release that help to lose weight fast and effectively: