Color diet - lose weight by color code
Color diet is quite effective and very simple to use
Color diet was developed not so long ago,about five years ago. But during this time it managed to gain quite wide popularity not only among ordinary users, but also among many celebrities. The demand for this system of nutrition is explained by its satiety and by the absence of the need to calculate calories during its duration.
Essence and features of power supply according to the color code ^
The fact that color can influence the mental and emotional state of a person has been known for a long time. On the basis of these knowledge, even such a direction in psychology as color therapy was developed.
The psychology of perception of color is actively used in the design of interiors. And later American dieticians developed a special diet based on the effective use of products of certain colors.
Pigment substances that are responsible for coloring food have different effects and, alternating products correctly, you can start an active weight loss mechanism. With the help of different colors, there is regulation of appetite and even taste of the food you eat.
Coloring of plant products provides so-called phytonutrients - natural dyes. They not only determine the color of a biological representative of the flora, but also have a therapeutic and preventive effect on the body.
All phytonutrients can be divided into "warm" and "cold":
- The first( yellow and red colors refer to them) stimulate and heat.
- The second, for example, blue, turquoise, purple, contribute to cooling and soothing.
- Green shades contribute to harmony and balance.
Thus, the color diet is fully capable of carrying certain energy waves to all internal organs, feeding them and healing. At the heart of this food system is the principle of mono-diet. On certain days of the week, you must consume products of a strictly defined color. Reception of grocery sets of other color scale is not permissible, as their mixing begins to confuse the body.
The state of relaxation, which ensures color uniformity, also contributes to the better absorption of food. All these factors lead to the dumping of extra pounds and the recovery of the body as a whole. There are no restrictions on the amount of servings, and the ration can be made according to one's own preferences.
When observing the color diet, it is also necessary to observe a number of basic rules:
- , the color of the dishes is also of no small importance, therefore, when possible, it is recommended to select plates similar in color to the products allowed on that day;
- even though this dietary program does not impose strict food restrictions, but it is worth avoiding the use of simple carbohydrates, fatty, fried, fast food, sweets and alcohol;
- the color of food should be natural, because coloring makes you aware of the presence in this fruit or vegetable of a certain group of vitamins and minerals. So, white chocolate or red marmalade on your figure of positive influence, alas, will not have;
- per day should be 4 - 5 meals( always with breakfast), the latter no later than two hours before bedtime. By the end of the day, each subsequent serving of food should be more light;
- all food is steamed or boiled;
- for food should not be distracting factors - books or TV;
- will accelerate the process of losing weight moderate physical activity.
A big plus of the diet, based on the color code, is that it can be adhered to in the absence of medical contraindications long enough. It is not recommended to adhere to this diet for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic liver or kidney disease and with food allergy to certain components of the diet program.
Color diet: recipes and menus for 7 days ^
The menu of the color diet for the week will look like this.
"White" Monday
This day is dedicated to a snow-white color, charging the body with energy and facilitating the purification of the lungs and large intestine. White color is also very useful for depression.
- You are allowed to eat: rice, milk and all dairy products, bananas, cheese, chicken meat, cottage cheese, egg white, white beans, white cabbage or cauliflower, white fish, hard wheat spaghetti, white pears. But potatoes are better to exclude.
- You can drink mineral non-carbonated water or white tea - a drink containing the maximum amount of medicinal properties. Deserved popularity among slimming have such teas as Pai-Mu-Tan( or White Peony) and Bai-Hao Inzhenzhen( Silver Needle).
- It should be noted that most white products contain a lot of carbohydrates, so avoid overeating.
"Red" Tuesday
The food of this color stimulates blood circulation and increases muscle tone, which contributes to an intensive loss of calories. Very rich in red food antioxidants, it increases immunity. Red color stimulates the sexual sphere, reduces stressful conditions.
- In addition, Tuesday is considered the most delicious day, as it has a large list of allowed food groups: meat, tomatoes, beans, red pepper, beets, cranberries, red grapes, red caviar, red berries, red dry wine, pomegranates, apples.
- You can drink plain water, cranberry juice or carcade tea( and other drinks with hibiscus) - an excellent help for parting with "bad" cholesterol, prevention of vision and liver health.
"Green" environment
This is the color of relaxation and appeasement. In addition, green food helps maintain hormonal balance and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
- It is allowed to use: leafy vegetables, all kinds of cabbage, kiwi, green apples, mint, cucumber, peas, green pepper, green bean.
- Drink water, mint drink or green tea - a source of youth and health.
- If there are problems with the digestive tract, do not get carried away with cabbage.
"Orange" Thursday
Day of Rainbow Mood. This color lifts the mood and prevents the development of colds.
- In the menu you can include mango, oranges, melons, apricots, pumpkin, peaches, carrots, honey, sea buckthorn, salmon. Orange products contribute to an increase in appetite, but they can be without restrictions - they do not interfere with losing weight.
- Orange shades also enhance creativity, improve mental and physical development. They give the person optimism and sociability.
"Violet" Friday
The diet of this day helps to slow down the metabolism, in addition, it is rich in antioxidants. Violet food is useful for blood circulation, as well as for insomnia, because it calms the nervous system well.
- You can eat: aubergines, black currant, blueberries, black grapes, plums, blackberries, blueberries. To drink it is allowed blueberry tea or compote from plums.
"Yellow" Saturday
Charges the body with energy, stimulates the brain, GIT, liver, spleen, pancreas. Yellow foods also raise the mood and distract from thoughts about food.
- You can eat: apricots, pineapples, peaches, corn, zucchini, yellow pepper, zucchini, egg yolk( no more than two), yellow varieties of apples, cheese, honey, lemon.
- Drink water with the addition of honey or yellow tea, close in its healing properties to green.
"Colorless" Sunday
- Unloading day. On this day, nothing is eaten, but only drink mineral water without gas. If it is hard to endure, you can buy curd whey.
If desired, after akvazrazgruzki you can again repeat the diet. You can vary the color of days on your own. In addition, the color diet has another original approach that does not contradict the first. Due to the fact that different colors have different effects on the body, you can eat certain colors at different times of the day. For example, green and yellow foods are best consumed in the morning, orange and red in the afternoon, purple in the evening.
Another advantage of this food system is that recipes for dishes for a color diet can be made independently, based on a set of products of a certain color. A wide variety of salads can be alternated indefinitely, second monochrome dishes will become the pinnacle of your culinary art, and for dessert you can serve mixtures of berries and pieces of fruit.
Results, recommendations of doctors and reviews of weight loss ^
The menu of a color diet is fairly balanced, and therefore you can observe it for up to 6 consecutive weeks. For 14 days on such a diet you can throw off 5 - 6 kg. Probably, such efficiency to someone will seem low enough, but the result, according to losing weight, will be very persistent.
Colorful diet successfully used such celebrities as Mariah Carey, Demi Moore, Sarah Michelle Gellar. On it also actively degenerated Christina Aguilera and Anna Khilkevich. Fasting on this food system is almost not necessary, and the list of restrictions is small. In addition, when it is observed, you can well clean and improve your body.
Nutritionists recommend using the alternation of two weeks of diet according to the color code with two weeks of normal nutrition. If you want to achieve greater results, then after two weeks of a colored diet, you can go to a seven-day weight loss program with low-fat kefir and juices.
We recommend to watch a video about the unique properties of green beans - a real delight for the intestines and an excellent means for losing weight: