Hollywood diet
There are many stars on the Hollywood diet before going on the red carpet
The Hollywood diet has received such a name notfrom a simple analogy with the Hollywood beauties and celebrities of the film industry. She really owes her good figure many stars: Nicole Kidman, Kim Bessinger, Catherine Zeta-Jones and many others.
The purpose of this food system is to quickly and effectively reduce weight, so if your goal is to lose weight at any cost, then this technique is clearly for you.
The essence and rules of the Hollywood food system ^
The essence of the Hollywood diet is to limit the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates and fats, as well as in reducing the daily calorie intake. The emphasis in this diet program is on protein foods and vegetable fiber, that is, meat, fish, eggs and low-fructified fruits and vegetables.
The dietary food imposes a lot of food prohibitions, although it offers some indulgences instead:
- will have to give up fatty and fried foods, sweets, marinades, salt, sugar;
- fruits and vegetables that are high in carbohydrates and starch will also need to be eliminated;
- ban bread and flour products;
- in advantage remain chicken and quail eggs, lean meat of poultry, tomatoes, cucumbers, grapefruits.
If you follow a Hollywood diet, you will need to observe several important rules:
- breakfast in this power system is not available. However, in some variants of a diet it is supposed in the morning meal to take a cup of coffee or tea and eat half of grapefruit;
- dishes are steamed or boiled, you can bake. From the use of fat and oils will have to be abandoned;
- are fed in small portions distributed over 5 to 6 meals;
- it is important to drink plenty of water( up to 2 liters per day) or green tea;
- is not allowed to deviate from the prescribed power scheme;
- alcohol intake is strictly prohibited.
The main advantage of the Hollywood diet is expressed in its effectiveness - for a week it allows you to throw up to 7 kg of excess weight. Another undoubted advantage of this diet is the opportunity to purify and improve the body as a whole by eliminating such harmful products from the diet as salt, sugar, fats and alcohol.
But the lack of salt in the menu, on the other hand, is also a drawback of the Hollywood diet, which is expressed in rapid weight loss due to the removal of excess fluid from the body. Fat reserves can remain unchanged.
This system has several other weaknesses:
- deficiency of carbohydrates can adversely affect the general state of the body, which manifests itself in a sense of fatigue, weakness and even in the development of depressive states;
- noted imbalance of such a diet, so make up the content of vitamins and minerals is necessary at the expense of special preparations;The
- menu assumes consuming an excessive amount of caffeine. But here the problem is easier to solve - coffee can be replaced with plain water or green tea;The
- diet also implies the consumption of a large number of eggs, so it is recommended to check the level of cholesterol in the blood before proceeding to comply with it.
Hollywood Diet: Menu for 7 and 14 days ^
The Hollywood star diet has two main options: for 7 and 14 days.
Menu for 7 days will look like this:
Day 1:
- lunch: a cup of coffee, 1 chicken or 2 quail eggs, a small tomato;
- dinner: an egg, a salad of cucumbers or cabbage, 0.5 grapefruit.
Day 2:
- lunch: a cup of coffee, 1 chicken or 2 quail eggs, grapefruit;
- dinner: 200 g of boiled, stewed or baked beef, medium-sized cucumber, a cup of coffee. Day 3:
- lunch: a cup of coffee, egg, tomato, stewed spinach;
- dinner: 200 grams of beef, cucumber, a cup of coffee.
Day 4:
- lunch: cucumber salad and cabbage, 1 grapefruit, a cup of coffee;
- dinner: egg, 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, stewed spinach, coffee.
Day 5:
- lunch: egg, stewed spinach, a cup of coffee;
- dinner: 200 grams of lean fish, green salad, a cup of coffee.
Day 6:
- lunch: fruit salad from grapefruits, apples and oranges;
- dinner: 200 g low-fat beef, cucumber, a cup of coffee.
Day 7:
- lunch: 200 g of boiled chicken meat, green salad, grapefruit, a cup of coffee;
- dinner: fruit salad.
Coffee can be periodically replaced with green tea, or alternate their use.
For those who want to achieve great results, the menu of the Hollywood diet is offered for 14 days. In the first 7 days, it does not differ from the menu of the weekly diet, and from 8 to 14 days it is repeated in the same chronology again. We draw attention to the fact that it is again highly discouraged to prolong the diet. Repeat it is allowed no more than once every three months after a period of a balanced balanced diet.
A unique variant of this food system is the Hollywood diet of 48 hours. As its name suggests, it is designed only for two days of fasting and is a scientifically based program for rapid weight loss. This diet was based on a special mixture, developed by nutritionists in the laboratory. The mixture consists of a combination of many necessary for the body fruits, antioxidants, essential oils and vitamin and mineral complex.
See also the vegetable diet for weight loss.Reviews and results of losing weight on the diet of Hollywood stars ^
Reviews of the Hollywood food system show that sticking to it is difficult only in the early days. During this time, the body is restructured to a new metabolism and the process of losing weight, both physically and psychologically, is becoming more comfortable.
The effectiveness of this diet is very individual, but the average weight loss for the entire duration of the diet program is from 7 to 14 kg.
Hollywood power system was followed by many famous beauties - Angelina Jolie, Madeleine Gesta, Sophia Loren, Cindy Crawford. Nicole Kidman practically in all cases of losing weight uses this particular diet. Renee Zellweger, after being forced to recover for filming 12 kg, also put herself in order on this diet. After giving birth to this dietary program, Catherine Zeta-Jones also took advantage. Kim Bassinger feeds on this scheme from time to time. In general, you can enumerate to infinity.
An invariable popularity among the stars is the version of the famous Hollywood diet Elizabeth Taylor. Her approximate menu looks somewhat different:
- breakfast - 1 orange, a handful of non-starchy fruits;
- lunch - 150 g of chicken meat, salad of tomatoes and cucumbers;
- dinner - lean meat, a slice of whole grain bread.
According to the star, for a week on this diet, she was able to safely lose from 3 to 6 kg of excess weight.
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