Winter diet
Winter diet for weight loss helps to lose up to 4 kg of weight per week
The winter diet is aimed at a full-fledged tasty food, which allows you to lose extra pounds and keep the shape of the figure during the entire frosty season.
Weight loss features on the winter diet ^
Quite often during the winter, weight gain occurs as a result of exposure to the following factors:
- The body's reaction to a decrease in temperature;
- Deceleration of metabolic processes;
- Inactive rhythm of life;
- The lack of trace elements and vitamins in the diet.
The basis of the winter diet is a light and healthy food containing proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber and other useful substances that best affect the body during the cold.
The food list of winter foods permitted by the diet includes:
- Protein food - seafood, fish, dairy products, mushrooms, rice, buckwheat, chicken fillet, turkey, eggs, soybeans, beans, peas, asparagus etc.;
- Fats - nuts, seeds, flaxseed, vegetable, olive and other oils;
- Carbohydrates and fiber - greens, vegetables, oatmeal, dried fruits, baked goods and pasta from coarse or wheat flour;
- Vitamins - fruits, fruit, citrus and vegetable freshly squeezed drinks, herbal teas, berry fruit drinks, compotes.
Thanks to a balanced diet, the winter diet has many undoubted advantages:
- Weight loss in compliance with the winter diet reaches from 2 to 4 kg per week;
- The acceleration of metabolic processes and the improvement of the digestive system make it possible to better digest food and burn fatty deposits;
- Reducing the depressive state and strengthening immunity helps protect the body from pathogens and other unfavorable external factors;
- Saturation of the body with minerals, vitamins, micro and macro elements prevents the development of hypovitaminosis.
During the winter diet, it is strictly forbidden to introduce fatty meat, muffins, sweet pastries, cakes, buns, sweets, white bread, canned, carbonated, alcoholic and coffee drinks into the diet.
Winter diet requires adhering to some simple rules:
- Observe copious drinking regimen;
- To eat daily at least five times in small portions;
- Steam, boiled or baked dishes to use warmly or hotly;
- Evening meal with a winter diet should end no later than 19.00.
Due to the fact that the winter diet provides a balanced diet, it will not allow the body to exhaust the body with hunger and is suitable for almost any person. However, in the presence of chronic diseases of the intestine or stomach during the exacerbation of the winter diet is contraindicated.
Winter diet for weight loss: menu for the week ^
Popular recipes for the winter diet
Winter diet for weight loss
If in the period of severe winter cold resorts to severe and severe detox diet, then sudden and rapid weight loss can lead to a decrease in immunity and other adverse effects.
Therefore, the dietary winter nutrition program is designed for a gradual weight loss, which will allow not only to permanently get rid of excess fatty cargo, but also to fully strengthen the body. The duration of the winter diet is about three weeks, during each weight will decrease by 1 - 1.5 kilograms.
Approximate winter diet menu for 7 days:
1 day
- Breakfast: egg, herbal tea with honey, oatmeal with dried apricots;
- Lunch: a slice of cheese, bread;
- Lunch: potato - chicken soup, vinaigrette, carrot juice;
- Snack: medium persimmon;
- Dinner: warm potato - chicken salad, dressed with sour cream, a slice of bread, compote.
Day 2
- Breakfast: omelette with buckwheat, boiled bread, milk;
- Lunch: yoghurt apple-carrot salad;
- Lunch: bean stew with beef, cabbage - potato salad, tea with lemon slice;
- Snack: 150 gr.pomelo;
- Dinner: boiled rice with mushrooms, yogurt drinking.
Day 3
- Breakfast: oatmeal, kefir with raisins, cheese;
- Lunch: a pair of apples baked with honey;
- Lunch: ear with shrimps, potato - carrot puree, pomegranate drink;
- Snack: milk with ground pumpkin seeds;
- Dinner: pumpkin puree, chicken fillet, apricot juice.
Day 4
- Breakfast: a mango with dried apricots and butter, pear;
- Lunch: three fresh plums or one peach or nectarine;
- Lunch: soup - noodles( milk, chicken), pineapple salad( canned) with pieces of cheese under yogurt;
- Snack: cabbage sea;
- Dinner: carrot casserole, egg, ginger - honey tea.
Day 5
- Breakfast: orange juice, oatmeal, cottage cheese with pear;
- Lunch: any milk drink;
- Lunch: mushroom soup, bread with cheese and ham, vegetable smoothies;
- Snack: banana - berry cocktail;
- Dinner: chicken salad, champignons, eggs and potatoes with 10% sour cream, pumpkin pudding, orange juice.
Day 6
- Breakfast: apple drink, pasta with grated cheese;
- Lunch: pomegranate;
- Lunch: baked potatoes with fish and herbs, warm milk, bread;
- Snack: cabbage - apple salad;
- Dinner: boiled shrimp, egg, kefir.
Day 7
- Breakfast: tomato omelet, piece of cheese, warm tea with lemon;
- Lunch: curd and berry( fruit) assorted;
- Lunch: pumpkin soup, mashed potatoes and mushrooms, milk;
- Snack: yogurt;
- Dinner: vegetable stew, salad of cucumber, pepper and tomatoes, fruit juice.
Low-calorie winter diet recipes ^
There are many popular and useful low-calorie winter recipes that will help you lose weight with health benefits:
Salad with pineapple, shrimp and cheese
- 150 gr.boiled shrimp, a couple of eggs, 200 gr.cheese and three mug of pineapple finely chop,
- stir and season with 10% sour cream.
- On top decorate with greens and whole remaining shrimp.
Tomato cream - soup
- Five ripe tomatoes to peel, cut into one onion and a celery leaf, mix and stew in their own juice for up to 10 minutes.
- Next, the prepared mixture is wiped through a sieve, add a liter of water and cook for five minutes.
- Then in a completely prepared soup add a little milk with greens.
Fruit cake
- Ground 150 gr.almonds or cashews, 200 gr.steamed oatmeal, beaten banana, grated carrots, lemon juice and a spoonful of honey mixed, add a little milk.
- Mix the mixture into molds, decorate with berries and place in the freezer.
Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about the winter method of weight loss ^
The results of weight loss on a winter diet - smooth reduction in excess weight to 4 kg and strengthening of the body's protective barriers. Since the winter balanced method does not provide for strict limitations, it is very easy to transfer.
In order to maintain weight consistently after leaving the winter diet, it is advisable to adhere to a proper and healthy diet and active lifestyle. The winter food system does not cause harm to health, therefore it can be used in a month and a half.
Reviews of the winter diet among the numerous weight loss show that it really justifies its positive side - it reduces weight, improves well-being and strengthens immunity. Specialists in the field of dietology consider the winter diet to be a well-thought-out and full-fledged diet regime, ideal for weight loss in terms of safe weight loss for the body.
In addition, nutritionists recommend the following useful tips for winter weight loss without diets:
- More to eat fresh and quality products;
- Avoid semi-finished products, canned food, "harmful" food, carbonated and alcoholic beverages and fatty foods;
- Take ready meals in hot or warm form;
- Eliminate overeating and late dinners;
- Include physical activity in a lifestyle.
We also recommend you to watch a video with useful advice of nutrition experts on the three best days of release that help to lose weight fast and effectively: