Diet Favorite
Diet Favorite helps a week to lose up to 10 kg of weight and lose 2-4 cm of volume
Diet Favorite refers to the most popular nowadays "high-speed" methodsslimming, allowing you to quickly bring yourself into an excellent shape.
According to numerous reports of losing weight, thanks to her, without much effort and hunger, a week can save up to 10 kilograms of excess weight and lose from 2 to 4 centimeters in volume.
The essence of the diet Favorite ^
The duration of the diet Favorite exactly 7 days, each of which is dedicated to a single product( liquids, vegetables, fruits or proteins that can not be mixed).The prescribed diet requires strict adherence.
So, a full seven-day cycle, which can be repeated no more than once in 2 to 3 months, contains one vegetable, one fruit, one protein day, three drinking days( when solid food is completely forbidden), and the last combined day, which is also considered an exit day.
Due to the fact that types of products change every day, this method of weight loss is not only effective, but it does not get boring, as with other express diets, for example, apple, oat, rice or buckwheat. In addition, a unique combination of one-day minidiets is thought out in such a way that along with weight loss and fat removal, a powerful cleansing of the body from accumulated slags, poisons and toxins occurs.
Contraindications to the diet Favorite ^
Diet Favorite, like any other, has its contraindications, as it is rather stiff and fits only healthy people. In addition, it is only suitable for infrequent use. The resulting stress for an unhealthy or unprepared after previous diets of the body can result in problems with metabolism or malfunctions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
Therefore, repeat it no earlier than after 2 - 3 months of full nutrition. Absolute contraindications to the beloved diet are:
- gastritis,
- colitis,
- kidney disease,
- liver,
- cardiovascular problems,
- predisposition to emotional overeating,
- pregnancy,
- eating disorders.
With any problems with health, it is recommended to choose some more sparing options for weight loss, for example, a diet for the blood group or Kim Protasov.
So, the diet for the blood group takes into account the individual characteristics of the body for the assimilation of various products, laid down at the genetic level. Studies by the author of the methodology prove that not all fit the same diet programs - something that brings an excellent result for some, it turns out to be useless and even harmful for others.
And the diet of Kim Protasov is the most gentle and not prohibited for use by hypertensives and patients with cardiovascular and renal diseases. But even healthy people before losing weight would not hurt to get a consultation from the attending physician, in order to pursue a thin waist, not seriously undermine your health.
The diet menu Favorite for 7 days ^
To achieve good results, prepare your body for weight loss in advance. In no case do not act on the principle of "today we are feeding to the dump, and tomorrow I will start losing weight".In the preparatory days, your food should as much as possible meet the principles of healthy nutrition - as little as possible sweet, floury, fatty and as much as possible vegetables, fruits, herbs, fermented milk products and cereals.
The first, third and sixth days - drinking
On this day it is allowed to use exclusively liquids - any and in any quantity. But the most effective are low-fat sour-milk drinks, unsweetened vegetable juices( carrot or pumpkin), meat broth( not from sachets), herbal teas without sugar and simple still water.
Since ordinary pure water is the best natural solvent, drink it as much as possible( at least 2 liters per day), and excess kilograms of toxins and toxins will quickly leave your body.
Freshly squeezed juices can also be drunk, but very carefully, since they are quite caloric - for example, one glass of fresh contains at least 100 - 120 kcal. Therefore, it is better to dilute them in half with water, in order to lower the caloric content and concentration of sugar. Naturally, you do not need to drink cola, sweet soda, shop juices and alcohol. Salt on a drinking day is recommended to limit, in order to avoid possible edema and reduce the burden on the kidneys.
Usually for a day of a drinking day leaves from 1 to 2 kilograms of extra intercellular fluid and the peristalsis of the intestine is markedly improved. Since on a drinking day the body is deprived of protein food, lightheadedness, a feeling of weakness, nausea and loss of strength are possible. Therefore, in order to avoid poor health, avoid heavy physical exertion and, if possible, try to rest more.
The second day - Vegetable
The vegetable day menu, as the name implies, is a classic vegetarian. Vegetables are allowed to eat any, preferably in raw, boiled or baked form. In order not to feel a strong feeling of hunger, the daily amount of meals should be at least 4-5. In that case, you will have enough for eating to eat a portion of salad not more than 300 grams, and the total daily caloric content of the diet will not exceed 800 - 1000 Kcal.
Prepare salads or vinaigrettes from any vegetables to your taste - carrots, sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, greens, any kinds of cabbage. Dieticians advise you to use white cabbage, which is an excellent natural fat burner.
To improve the taste, if desired, lettuce is allowed to add vegetable oil( no more than 2 tablespoons per day), soy sauce, low-fat yogurt or a few drops of lemon juice. Mayonnaise, sour cream or fatty sauces can not be used for food.
Fourth day - fruit
Any fruits( apples, kiwi, pineapples, grapefruits and any others) that you like and for which you do not have allergies are allowed to eat. Exception is only too high-calorie fruit, for example bananas and grapes.
Many nutritionists advise especially to press on the fourth day on grapefruits, which are traditionally considered natural natural fat burners. For a day you can eat 1 - 3 kg of any fruit.
In order to successfully transfer the fruit mono-diet and not to break because of the painful feeling of hunger, try to eat 1 to 2 fetuses every 2 to 3 hours and drink more ordinary water between meals.
Fifth day - protein
Protein diet will finally satiate the starved by the body with proteins, but in no case do not attack the food and observe the measure. Five small portions of food distributed evenly for the whole day, according to the opinions of many who have lost weight, are quite enough to maintain strength.
Of the approved protein products, boiled chicken breast, shrimp, boiled fish and chicken eggs are excellent( better to eat only protein).You can also use cottage cheese or yogurt, although this is less effective.
The fact is that the lactose content of dairy products in many people contributes to fluid retention and causes an undesirable "gain" in body weight. Despite the intake of protein in the body, strength training and considerable physical exertion are still undesirable, since they can cause bouts of severe hunger and reduce all your efforts to naught.
The seventh day is the output of
. The seventh day is a transition period from a diet to a customary full-fledged ration. Therefore, the best option for making the menu of the seventh day is to combine the vegetables and fruits consumed during the Favorite diet with the usual dishes from your constant predicet menu, for example, baked meat, vegetable soup or stewed vegetables.
Prepare dishes slightly under-salted and only from fresh non-preserved foods, so that excess fluid does not stay in the body. For example, the daily ration on the output may look like this:
- Breakfast - 2 eggs.
- The second breakfast is a fruit. Dinner - soup or baked meat with vegetables.
- Snack is a fruit.
- Dinner - vegetable salad.
- At night - a glass of yogurt.
Return to normal diet carefully and gradually:
- Enter each day no more than one new product.
- To ensure that the lost weight does not return immediately, continue at least a few weeks after the end of dietary nutrition carefully monitor your diet and clearly calculate its caloric value.
- During the following month you should consume no more than 1 - 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
- After returning to the normal diet, keep moderation in food - this will help to keep the result achieved for a long time.
- In order not to sit on diets forever, periodically arrange unloading days. If any of the six days of your favorite diet you liked the most, you can take them as a basis and use them once a week as unloaders.
We recommend you to watch the educational video of experts - nutritionists about the most effective and useful unloading days: